Been confirmed today by my GP from Cardiologist that there is practically nothing more that can be done neither more stenting, bypass has been ruled out due to amount of disease and where it is, and no chance of a transplant due to other medical conditions, which leaves me feeling terminally I'll and essentially dying. I cant cope and really cant come to terms with the news.
Coping: Been confirmed today by my GP... - British Heart Fou...

Tough times my friend, I hope you find help through support groups close to you.
I'm so sorry to hear this RenownedPolaris. Did the GP recommend any emotional support such as counselling or support groups? I do hope they didn't leave you high and dry with this news. I hope you get all the support you need.

Hi RenownedPolaris
I am sorry that you are faced with what appears to such a hopeless situation.
I acknowledge you may not feel you are able to cope at the moment.
I have lived with a type of Refractory angina for 7 years.
I remember leaving the appointment with my Cardiologist a world leading expert in my condition with my diagnosis and the message there were very little treatment options and basically I had to find a way of living with my angina pain.
I did feel totally abandoned at first. I did and continue to get support from a Cardiac psychologist and the Pain Management team. Most of all my family.
When you have got over the shock perhaps talk to your Cardiologist and GP about what support is available to you.
So sorry to hear your devastating news. It must be hard to take in, You certainly need support. Perhaps BHF Can help and advise, and help through this difficult time. My thoughts are with you. Hope you get help Quickly. We are always here. If you need to talk. BRIAN
Hi RenownedPolaris , I was told that “there’s nowhere to go from here”, because I couldn’t have a pacemaker due to endocarditis, and I am on maximum medication. I felt so shocked and felt that there was no hope.
That was two years ago, and since then I’ve been put on Entresto which has given me a much better quality of life.
I know it’s a trite remark, but you could get knocked down by a bus tomorrow. I may not have a great prognosis, but I’m making every day count, and I’m eating and living healthier than I ever did before.
It takes a while to come to terms with such a bleak report, and I still have my moments, but overall I’m glad to have this time to contemplate life and death. Lots of people don’t.
Tell friends and loved ones how you feel. That lightens the load.
Best of luck and may your God go with you.
If you are strong enough, are you able to ask to to be referred to another cardiologist? Life is worth fighting for.
RP, I am in a similar situation as you. When I had my angiogram I was told the same day, that they couldn't do any more surgery, quote As it's a mess in there unquote. That was in 2016. But the medication Available can help and extend life, I've just found my new normal, I rest when I need to and when I have energy I go with it. My condition hasn't deteriorated in those 3 years. Although I appreciate we all have different conditions. I am a bit of a chicken and I don't delve too deeply into my conditions, I had heart scan and monitor done a few months ago and had to see Mr Sharmer last week and I asked him about the scans also saying to him...I don't want to know if my numbers up 'laughing' just if things are getting any worse, and he confirmed there was no deterioration.
For me, ignorance is bliss, and I can live my life still feeling invincible.. I do hope eventually that you can come to terms with your news, but I'm 69 almost and it's easier for me, if your a lot younger it can be very scary. I think you need to talk to the heart nurses, I'm sure they will put your mind at rest. Good luck.
When your GP relayed this awful information, were you offered any sort of counselling to help you cope? If not I urge you to insist you be referred to emotional support on an urgent basis - no-one should be told 'Nothing more we can do, sorry.' and then sent off with nothing more.
So sad to hear your news. Please get all the support you need and talk to family and friends.
There are so many people on this Forum to talk to as well. We are all rooting for you.

So sorry to hear such sad news! There are various support pathways available in these circumstances. Your GP should refer you if you ask. Outside of direct NHS options some hospices offer support and respite (if necessary). It is always worth getting a second opinion as well. I did this with PAD after the first vascular surgeon said there was nothing that could be done. The second performed balloon angioplasty.
Don’t give up hope. Two years ago my husband and I were told the same thing about his condition. He told us my husband had less than a year. It was shocking and as I sat there in the doctors exam room I could not believe what the doctor had just said. As we left I turned to the cardiologist as we left and I said “we have hope” .
Today my husband is alive and well. His medication regime was changed and a new pacemaker was developed during this time that he was able to have and it put him back on his feet.
Yes, matters of the heart are frightening to all of us. You are not alone.
Perhaps a visit to your cardiologist for a one on one discussion would help. Delivering the message through your GP seems cruel to me. Leaving a person without an opportunity to ask questions of the diagnosis physician. Hopefully you are able to take someone with you to your appointments as a support person and as an extra pair of ears. When you are hit with this kind of news your mind stops and you become numb. The rest of the conversation is lost.
Don’t give up hope. Many of us on this forum know how you feel.
Yours From Across The Pond
Hi RenownedPolaris, I hope the support and advice you've received here have helped you. I understand how you feel, my husband has heart failure & just a week ago we were told that there isn't any where we can go with meds, transplant is also not an option for him either, all they can do is keep an eye on him, we felt like our future had been stolen from us. But today is another day, he's keeping very well and who knows what is around the corner, never give up hope. Please ask if you can be referred counselling & support
Hi RenownedPolaris , please do get in touch with us at the BHF if you ever need anything. Our helpline team are here:
Never give up hope, live as healthily as you can and get as much enjoyment as you can from your life. You never know what the future holds and as we are all different, you never know how accurate a medical prognosis will be in your case. Best of luck and enjoy life!