Hiya, does anyone know the name of an American cardio dr who has published a diet book? I saw it mentioned on here but forgot to write down the nam. It was a Dr O something?
Diet book: Hiya, does anyone know the... - British Heart Fou...
Diet book

With an 'O' it is probably Dr Dean Ormish who has made somewhat of a career of publishing diet books. There is a whole host of books in a similar vein many of which, IMHO, have skewed theories and thinking. Personally I am on a restricted carbohydrates (Type I diabetic) Mediterranean diet.
I have adopted the WFPB diet that Dr. Ornish advocates to halt and even cause regression in some forms of heart disease. There have been many studies that imo prove what he advocates can actually become a reality for some that adhere to what Dr. Ornish believes. I have been following the diet and lifestyle Dr. Ornish prescribes for 15 plus years, and both my cardiologist and I agree that this diet and lifestyle has accomplished for me precisely what Dr. Ornish has said it can. Of course one needs to consult with doctor about diet, but what Dr. Ornish advocates may be worth discussing with your physicialn.
Hi chigagogirl, do you have your potassium checked regularly, do you know what your readings are?
Curious. Why do you ask?
My husband has high potassium, it's something that interests me as a lot of vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts etc are high in potassium.
By chance does your husband take lisinopril for blood pressure? One of potential side fx is elevated potassium. I get blood work twice a year and potassium has been fine despite of taking low dose Lisinopril and boat load of veggies. When I getting blood work done I feel as though I'm playing Russian roulette since I'm starting to get up there in years, but so far so good.
No he doesn't take lisinopril he changed from that bout 3/4 years ago. He was on that for bout 15 years & only once did his level go too high out of range, which caused his Dr to have a bit of a panic. None of his meds cause its, just one of those things some people do have naturally high potassium. He's readings usually sit bout the 4.9 range but has been known creep up even further. Do you know where your reading sits? He has to avoid foods high in potassium, he hasn't eaten a banana in years!! 😂
I'll pull a copy of my last report and post tomorrow, I have it stored away in a file cabinet with a mess of other papers. . Funny how I'm so neat and organized at the office but at home it's like everything gets thrown into the same file and it's always a search and find mission even when looking for something I know I have saved. The only thing I've struggled with is borderline low iron and to the point of sometimes actually being slightly anemic at times. Doctor does not seem concerned though as I am asymptomatic and exercise capacity is still very high. Plenty of iron fortified food in my diet but non heme iron on vegan diet is difficult for body to absorb.
My most recent blood work from May had potassium at 4.3, with normal range being 3.5 - 5.1, so right in the middle. Surely genetics play a role, although we are all much the same in many ways yet so different in others.
Thank you that’s good to hear.