Valve op... post op news : Well it... - British Heart Fou...

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Valve op... post op news

kentishbunny1 profile image
16 Replies

Well it turns out that I’m not as great at post op posting as I thought I would be. In my surgeon’s words, I ended up getting two for the price of one. Great news is they were able to slice off the tumour on my aortic valve and so didn’t need replacement but they did find a leaky tricuspid valve which they repaired with a collar! Sadly though, this means that I have now joined the zipper club as I have a longer wound. I have been home a week now, visited A&E for one night after feeling unwell but turns out that all was ok. Phew! Have had real issues with nausea and not being able to eat and my energy levels have consequently been low so I’ve not been able to do much walking outside, however I feel I have turned a corner today. My GP surgery nurse told me to give myself a break. I would also like to give a big shout out to the inventor of the suppository. As has already been said, it’s a hard recovery and you can find it emotional but you do see small improvements most days which is good. Top tip - don’t try and hang clothes back in wardrobes, take washing out of the machine, try and get stuff out of the freezer etc. You may feel you can do it but just because you feel you can doesn’t mean you should because you’ll regret it after! Generally speaking, my muscles ache in my back and my bottom is being fed up of being sat on. My GP has given me anti-sickness tablets which have really, really helped. Back to when in hospital, it is true that the moment you arrive you feel 100% cared for and looked after by a very professional team. Doctors and nurses had plenty of time for questions and reassurance and the nurses on the HDU at Kings are like angels. I was extremely frightened of ICU prior to my op and it’s true what many people have said, I didn’t remember it so please take that as a comfort if you are worried. V-shaped pillow is a game changer and I am pleased to say that my partner has become an expert flower arranger. I will keep posting and I will keep reading as this forum has been like having another friend and it’s been so reassuring for me.

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kentishbunny1 profile image
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16 Replies
Urssy profile image

Oh glad it went ok and you're on the mend.

Just take everything really slowly and I'm sure you will feel able to do washing soon lol if you really want too ;)

I'm glad the hospital were so lovely and looked after you all you have to do is rest and feel better x

Fredders profile image

Hi, great to hear from you again. Glad it’s all over now and you’re on the road to recovery. Your comment about the zipper club made me laugh, I have my scar from my first AVR from my neck to the bottom of my breastbone, I then had a splenectomy to take the scar from the bottom of my breastbone to about two inches below my bellybutton. Thankfully the scar from my second AVR is already fading well.

I take it you found out the hard way about the result of overdoing things?! I did the same a couple of times after the first op so didn’t make the same mistake the second time!

I hope you’re recovery continues to go well, it can seem frustratingly slow at times but you just have to remind yourself what your body has been through and you realise you are actually doing really well.


MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Glad things went well even if a bit different than expected. A few tips. Do keep up the breathing exercises as it does help recovery. Don't lift more than about a kilo with either arm till at least week 7 take care to avoid wound infection (separate towel, pat dry, etc) and take pain killers if needed. Good luck!

Billiewizz profile image

Well done you! Hope all continues to go well . I know how difficult it can be to hold back but this is the time not to run before you can walk. 😊

Zena166 profile image

Glad to read your post. Washing and hanging up clothes can wait! It’s your time to just rest and recover gently. Take care. Big hugs. Zena xx

Markyboy1903 profile image

Glad to hear you're doing well and you should be proud of being now in the zipper club...I know I am as it's a reminder of the journey and coming through the other side. 🙂

You really shouldn't be lifting anything heavier than half a kettle of water just now never mind heavy washing out the machine and stretching is a no no for quite a few week. It does become really frustrating and you feel helpless bit its all for the greater good in the long run. I'm nearly 2 months and desperate to get torn into the gardening but having to wait it out till the 3 months 🙄 Great to hear your worries eased off when you were admitted and hopefully your anxiety has lessened

Take care and you'll soon find your feet and as it does get easier 💙

Deanosbeano profile image

Welcome to the zipper club

It takes 12 weeks to reach slightly sore but it fly's by , remember to allow some worry but don't panic when you get the pains and aches :)

francesw47 profile image

Hi Kentishbunny1

Great news that you're feeling up to posting again and recovering slowly. Well done, it must be a huge relief for you.

Hope your partner's cleaning/washing/dusting/cooking skills are equally improved as you will need to continue to take it easy for a few more weeks. As you have already discovered, everyday tasks are out of the question for a wee while longer, but I remember things did get easier quite rapidly after about week 4 - but we are all different and we recover in totally different ways. Just don't overdo it.

The Kings team are great aren't they. I'm about to find out again as I now have my date (after a very long wait, I'm afraid) for repeat AVR.

So pleased that all went reasonably well and you will be on the up again soon. You live by the sea don't you - hope you can get to the coast and enjoy sitting watching the waves - weather permitting!

Keep posting and let us all know how the next few weeks go.

Calliope153 profile image

Take your time but get well soon. Best wishes.

Healthyheart1 profile image

Hi Kentishbunny1, hope your feeling better soon. I don't want to join your club though, it must be so worrying. Speedy recovery.

Russ65 profile image

Sounds like you've had a bit of a run, but I wish you well and a continued recovery kentishbunny.

Alison1960 profile image

What a great post - it brought so many memories come flooding back - especially the big abouth washing machine and flower arranging!!! I’m so glad you’re on the mend - but be patient! (I made one silly move lifting heavy plates out of a cupboard and suffered for a few days - this in week 8! ) I too was amazed at how caring HDU nurses are - amazing people. Enjoy the summer in your garden - it’ll be here before you know it!

Flissy100 profile image

all the best to you - sounds like you are being sensible regards your recovery - summer is on the way making it even better

jimmyq profile image

Welcome to the zipper club!

Nic25 profile image

Hey kentishbunny1. So glad you're through it, home and on the mend! Yes don't beat yourself up - healing is not a competition - and it does take time and patience. So listen to your body and just go with your flow; allow yourself to be looked after! I for eg was in a fog of tiredness for the first six weeks or so, even when doing nothing at all, but you just had to accept for what it was and it did gradually lift. And completely with you on the wedge cushion! Good luck with everything and hope each day is an improvement or even if it's up and down (as it can be) that the overall direction of travel is positive. Take care of yourself and well done for coming out the other side so positively. Nic x

2stents profile image

So pleased everything went ok for you and your on the mend

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