Does anyone here take ranexa? If so what if any side effects do you get? I read he leaflet and it's scared me to death. The cardiologist refused to see me about severe breathlessness and is guessing at angina although I get no pain at all, it doesn't happen if for example I dig the garden but if I bend slightly to deadhead plants, it starts. My GP thinks it's my bad spine causing it and really doesn't want my tablets messing about as I've had so many adverse effects. it's taken 7 months to get my tablets stable. The warnings for inter drug reactions worry me as it says care needed with simvastatin and allergy medications. I take both. When I took Elantan after my heart attack, it dropped my BP so dangerously low I had to stop it. They seem to assume tat if you had a heart attack, you musthave angina but I've had this breathlessness since around 1990.
Ranexa: Does anyone here take ranexa... - British Heart Fou...

OMG I'm tired enough without adding more. I haven't been able to leave the house at all since last August. Is it really too much to ask to feel normal? I really don't see any point in going on feeling like I do now. I have no life between constant chronic severe pain and he way these heart tablets make me feel. I refuse to add any more. I've asked to see my gp to see if there are tests that can be done before I even consider these.
I have every sympathy with you Qualipop.
I take a silly number of medications. I rattle if you shake me.
Never pain free for long.
I did take Ranexa many years ago.....I stopped fairly promptly as it made me feel awful with palpitations.
Apparently it only works for 50% of people.
When I was in hospital last week the on call Cardiologist wanted to changed my drugs ....I said thanks for the suggestion but please give my specialist a call......nobody messes with my Admission plan or drug regime.
That's what my GP said. He really didn't want them to mess about with my meds. It's taken so long to get some that don't make life unbearable.
I'm on Ranexa, it has been the one drug that has made me feel better ish and able to get up in the morning, this makes me feel guilty as I am one of the ones it works for. Early days though been on it 2 months. I do carry the card with me and yes what's all that about.
Been on Ranexa since February and yes the leaflet scared me silly, but touch wood, I haven’t noticed any side effects but had a bad cough last week of so and when I cough really hard it feels like I have a wasps nest in my head awful buzzing and ringing for a few seconds....
I've already had a terrible cough for 8 weeks now; having to sleep propped up in bed which is killing my back. Something I'm taking is drying out my nasal passages completely so they are producing masses of mucous. ENT can only find dryness but no cure for it. I've arranged to speak to my GP before even starting these to discuss having either a stress test or scan to see if it is likely to be angina or not - when they can fit in a phone call !!!!
I don't think it is. I've done loads of gardening today with no problems at all but then my upper back isn't screaming today and that seems to be what causes the breathlessness. I just want to be sure before taking anything else that makes me feel like hell.
Well its' because the drug interactions are dangerous or can be but it is very scary. The only time I've had a card like that was when I was on blood thinners for a suspected DVT.