Think I've left myself down๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜… - British Heart Fou...

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Think I've left myself down๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜…

Rob6868 profile image
โ€ข45 Replies

After yesterday I think I've blown my strict diet and There's me trying not to have sugar and today I pick a bounty bar and scoff the lot mmmm! Then rush home and too busy to start cooking so end up having a double egg sarnie on white bread...Ahhh not white bread I hear you say!! and all that cholesterol in the egg!

And now I've just eaten a noodle curry...

I have to say I'm feeling rather ashamed of myself๐Ÿ˜„

So back on the clean stuff tomorrow.

surely I can't be the only one....?

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Rob6868 profile image
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45 Replies
kizza67 profile image

Off course your not the only one don't be to hard on yourself๐Ÿ˜„

Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply tokizza67


Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply toRob6868

Trouble is I can't help thinking about eating another bounty bar๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚God I've missed a bit of milk chocolate

Shoshov profile image

Ha ha love it. That was me last week. I can never have a piece of chocolates. I have to totally abstain. Tomorrowโ€™s another day rob. โค๏ธ

Rob6868 profile image

lol...I know how you feel

I go shopping for bloody lentils chickpeas,and other boring foods to help the heart! But I end up walking past the sweet isle and looking and salivating over the ยฃ1 bags of Revels and big chocolate buttons etc...I end up buying for everyone else in the house then end up a grumpy fart as they sit eating them in front of me...But then I have an awakening lol and I hear insulin resistance screaming at me so I go to the fridge and grab a lettuce leaf ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚

โ€ข in reply toRob6868

Lentils boring? Make yourself a nice spicy lentil dahl and top it off with a baked or steamed salmon or trout fillet, delicious!

Rob6868 profile image

I liked your post about the gym and your arteries.

I've been told the same.

I've gone back to the gym but obviously not in the last week thanks to the chest pain.

But if it gives us some hope then we need to try! I love it because it's not about the weights! It clears the head too..

Ticktock61 profile image

Hi Rob

Even after all weโ€™ve all been through life is for living and if you want a bar of chocolate every now and again then do it just donโ€™t do it everyday. Iโ€™m not a saint by any means and I donโ€™t think anyone can be donโ€™t be too hard on yourself pal your just human like the rest of us

Take care

Pete x

Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply toTicktock61

Cheers mate๐Ÿ–’๐Ÿ–’

Rob6868 profile image

jaw and face?Not chest??

Rob6868 profile image

See I get chest pain..not jaw..neck pain but I think that's coming from two discs that are out in my neck..

I didnt think MVA caused jaw and face pain

Clerkenweller profile image
Clerkenwellerโ€ข in reply toRob6868

It certainly does. Worth getting and reading the excellent and free BHF booklet Living With Angina.

Lezzers profile image

Don't beat yourself up bout it, it's not easy. Tomorrow's another day

Speakeazi profile image

So not the only one!

Quovadisuk profile image

May the fork be with you Luke....... !!!

benjijen profile image

If you try to tell yourself you can't have something then you'll probably want it more! A treat now and again doesn't hurt.

TheBigHonree profile image

My cardiac rehab team have pointed out some items I used to eat that really are no nos and i steer well clear of them but most things i can still eat using that word "Moderation".

This morning I'm having baked beans on wholemeal toast, for the rest of the day I'll eat clean, I haven't had a piece if chocolate for about 3 weeks but will probably have a piece this week and I haven't had any crisps for about 2-3 weeks but will probably have a bag next week but spread it over the whole week.

A bit of what you like does no harm.

elliebath profile image
elliebathโ€ข in reply toTheBigHonree

I weaned myself away from milk chocolate , I now have a couple of squares a night of 85% high cocoa chocolate . I initially did this when trying ( and succeeding ) in weightloss. Now I also know that cocoa has health benefits too. Yes it is more bitter but a couple of squares really satisfies and I now cannot stand the synthetic milk stuff.

TheBigHonree profile image
TheBigHonreeโ€ข in reply toelliebath

I do actually like the high cocoa dark chocolate myself but even that I probably have it once a month, like I said a bit of what you like in moderation is good for you mentally.

Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply toelliebath

Thank you elliebeth

I do it 85% dark chocolate now and actually enjoy it.

I get mine from Aldi.

But I have to admit that when I tasted that bounty bar I was in heaven...thanks sugar NOT!!!

isobelhannah18 profile image

It took me years to wean myself off sugary stuff so it sounds like you're doing well. I moved from the sugariest chocolate slowly through the percentages and now I have 90% so stick with it.

rockie1952 profile image

you are certainly not alone. the odd day off strict diets does you good mentally so long as you don't do it too often. You should never feel that you can never eat stuff you like or you will crave for it.

I used to be a bugger for double deckers, but at the end of the day, they really are rubbish. I console myself with the fact that I do not believe chocolate generally is anywhere near as good as it used to be, due to the bulking out with palm oil and other stuff. It's just wasted calories. I treat myself every once in a while to some really good quality stuff, maybe once a month and then just a couple of squares, or another treat like a really nice (small portion of) cheese, something else on the banned list. At the end of the day, I don't want a repeat session of Angina followed by stents, I might not be so lucky next time. You have had a second chance so do yourself a massive favour (and the NHS) and make that the last bounty! You can always look at your reducing waistline for a bit of encouragement? Don't know about you but giving up stuff like meat, pastry, cakes, biscuits and the like has been easy peasy given the massive kick up the a*** I had last year!

Handel profile image

Don't beat yourself up!! Just savour the bits of coconut left in your teeth in the days to come! All the very best with a bit better eating xxx

Nathan53 profile image
Nathan53โ€ข in reply toHandel

It's sometimes the shortest of posts that give you the biggest laugh - coconut between your teeth made me laugh out loud.

Healthyheart1 profile image

One day will not matter, you seem wise enough to know what you've done and how to fix things. I bet they tasted really yummy.

Adaboo profile image

At least coconut is good for you ๐Ÿ˜, donโ€™t be tough on yourself, there is quality and quantity of life to be measured. No point lying in a bed at the ripe old age of 100 dying of nothing ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply toAdaboo

Spot on...but then I have a feeling I won't make 100 anyway ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜„

MyJinksy profile image

what's wrong with a egg?

elliebath profile image
elliebathโ€ข in reply toMyJinksy

Nothing wrong at all, I agree. Im not a medic but an egg is good protein and I read that the cholestrol in an egg is not absorbed by the body. "Go to work on an egg " is ok after all ! ( Edwina please note ).

caplan profile image

I would say don't beat yourself up about it, you have been honest about it, see at as a little blip and get back on track. We are all human and sometimes just have bad days. Be determined to put it behind you and pat yourself on the back and think of a none food reward for yourself Good Luck

Lezzers profile image

Do you think sometimes your diet can be too restrictive & therefore becomes counter productive. If you deny yourself everything that's a bit naughty you're gonna crave more!! Can't beat a well balanced diet with everything in moderation. Can't see anything wrong with a chocolate bar if it's an occasional treat & not your staple diet

jimmyq profile image

There's no need to feel ashamed. It doesn't help. Just get back on the wagon and you will be fine. It's not like you have been living off chocolate and junk food, is it?

walktheboston profile image

You and the rest of the population, tomorrow is another day !!

Rob6868 profile image

Thank you everybody.

Your a great bunch you lot.

Many wise words.

I think I'm just going through a real bad patch at the moment and probably feeling a little alone and sorry for myself.

I was a strapping 17stone guy.Since I changed my diet (not to bounty bars may I add lol) I've lost so much weight and muscle and most days I feel so weak! It doesn't help that I sleep poorly (always have done..can't switch off! I wake early and then my job is very physical. So I'm then burning more calories than I'm able to put back in..Trying to watch my sugar..trying to watch my carbs..trying to eat veg and fruit and watch my cholesterol and the whole thing is just wearing me down both mentally and physically..I have a fantastic partner but she's no help when it comes to what to eat because she is now competing in weight training and her life revolves around protein and carbs .

So I feel lost! I look at all the good food and look at recipes and I think to myself where am I supposed to get the bloody time to cook or prepare all this for the sake of my heart health? Hence why I grabbed the bounty lol...

My partner said to me something that stuck in my head...she said Rob you were big and strong but you obviously have a high therefore it was all the sugar and processed crap I ate that kept me at that weight and made me feel full of energy because I was obviously taking in huge amounts of calories...Now fast forward to now and post stent and I'm struggling to have that strength because I'm not eating the calories...I now eat more salad and veg than ever before including things like nuts ,Avacados and salmon and yet I'm sitting at 14.5stone for a 6ft 1 guy and feel exhausted every day!

I go home and it's rush rush rush with 4 girls to think about before I even think of my next dinner..It wouldn't be so bad but I never drank or smoked and now I have constant chest pain and probably micro vascular Angina or coronary artery spasms that keep me awake at night and interfere in my everyday working and home life.

So yeah at this moment I feel life is so cruel and at times I just want to give up even though I'm a stubborn no nonsense guy most of the time..

I hate the way this has drastically changed everything.

I won't even go on a plane at the moment such is the worry that something will happen at 35,000 feet with Angina pains..I was a confident truck driver who travelled Europe and loved my own space..Now I don't want to be alone in a traffic jam or on a train for fear of an Angina attack like a couple of days ago..

I'm a shadow of myself and all I get from people is oh Rob you look so good so fit? little do they know I'm screaming inside and at times crying alone.

And yet I try to explain all this and my Angina to my consultant and it's hardwork. My GP is just living in cloud cukkoo land so I'm left wandering around not knowing what to do next? I want to get a referral to another consultant but know this will take forever and the whole thing of starting again explaining my ongoing chest pain to someone new will just exhaust me.

so I'm sorry to all you fantastic people out there,but at the moment I've just had enough ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

Fortepiano profile image
Fortepianoโ€ข in reply toRob6868

I wouldn't beat yourself up over a bounty bar - it's hard to see other people eating chocolates, but I would also point out you are not doing your children any favours either by buying them packs of Revels other than as an occasional and limited treat. Healthy eating starts in childhood, and if you avoided the supermarket sweets you would be both removing temptation for yourself and doing them a good turn, though they may not agree!

At 17stone and 6ft 1" you would have been classified as obese - your present weight is still actually overweight. It's possible it was all muscle, but it's more likely that the people who think you look much better at your present weight have a point! I think a lot of this is about our image of ourselves, and people do delude themselves they are at a healthy weight when they are not. The BMI chart is a useful reality check, whether it's the original or the one posted by Michael.

So congratulations on your weight loss - it's something to feel positive about.

Has the diltiazem your consultant suggested been any help?

All the best

Rob6868 profile image

Think you maybe right mate.

I wish you were my drinking buddy because we have alot in common.

Trouble is I don't drink apart from very very occasional red wine ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

Rob6868 profile image

Same...Because if it helps me sleep then I'm up for it๐Ÿ˜†

Lezzers profile image

Hi, you & Gunsmoke123 seem to be in a dark place at the moment. So I thought I'd tell you my husbands story to show that it does get better. At the age of 42, he had a massive heart attack which resulted in cardiac arrest. To cut a long story short, I was told he wasn't gonna make it & they slowly turned his life support off. He did survive but was told his heart was very badly damaged & he had a 100% blocked main artery, a bypass wasn't an option so they could only treat him with medication. He then spent the next 6 months in & out of hospital. My previous fun loving husband was so depressed I heard him telling a friend that he was just waiting to die. Fortunately, a heart nurse saw this & got him into cardiac re-hab & that was the start of the turning point for him. He changed his life around with his diet & exercise but did not obsess about it. He never had any further problems until 7 years ago when he was diagnosed with heart failure, which was expected due to the damage & natural aging, however he's still the fun loving man I married & continues to have a very active life, within his limitations. His heart attack was 21 year's ago, he will be 63 in May. It will get better for you, hang in there & definitely don't beat yourself up because you've had a blip. Life is still to be lived & enjoyed xx

Rob6868 profile image
Rob6868โ€ข in reply toLezzers

Yes thank you lezzers.

very pleasing to know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you so much

And to your courageous husband

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

When I was in the supermarket yesterday they had samples of cheese (really small cubes) to try. The Tickler cheddar was gorgeous so I went to the counter and brought a small 50g piece. I shall enjoy it with a glass of red wine (anti-oxidants)and a few crackers either tonight or tomorrow. I might feel very slightly guilty after! :)

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Starโ€ข in reply toMichaelJH

I have now brought the wine - a 2016 Adelaide Hills Shiraz. The fact my distant cousin, MH, lives just outside Adelaide did influence my choice! :)

dawnz profile image

you are definitely not the only one, so now shrug, tell yourself how enjoyable that 'naughty' food was and move on. have a great week

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Imagine a sweet shop? :)

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Interesting... I actually started on 180gm CHO (1800 calories) when I was diagnosed diabetic and rose to 250gm in my teens. Around 50 I realised that I was gaining weight and needing ever higher doses of insulin (insulin resistance) so reduced it off my own back (the DSN did not believe me). I now consume between 120 - 140gm per day.

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