Heart failure - new to this site! - British Heart Fou...

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Heart failure - new to this site!

Turnstone profile image
6 Replies

In my seventies, as a result of trip to A&E a few weeks ago, have just been diagnosed with left bundle branch block (LBBB). Had CT Scan -my arteries were 'normal', however my Echocardiogram (carried out about 9 days ago) highlighted that my LBBB was nearly blocked hence the heart failure. Still awaiting report from my hospital doctor re 'Echo' - didn't see a cardiologist (not offered). Rang hospital Friday & all they could tell me is that my medication to be changed -on beta blockers & 75mg aspirin at present and that a doctor would ring on Monday - he didn't! Have chest pains now and then, abit breathless ditto and left calf/ankle swells up at end of day. Feel I am in 'no man's land' at moment - concerning and anxious as to what the 'future' holds. Anyone out there in a similar position - advice & guidance please ?

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Turnstone profile image
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6 Replies
stevejb1810 profile image

Don’t let the doctors off the hook, if they don’t call you, you call them. Make a nuisance of yourself (in a positive sense). It does work! Other than that, try to relax take the

Meds, stay warm and hydrated. Try and get out for a gentle walk 3 or 4 times a week. If you feel that your condition is appreciably worsening get yourself to A&E

Turnstone profile image
Turnstone in reply to stevejb1810

Hi Steve, Thank you very much for your kind advice - I am still chasing the hospital - again today - so hopefully I will get my questions answered soon. All the very best

Pinnochio profile image

Hallo Turnstone If you feel unusually poorly don’t hesitate to call an ambulance I am slmilar age and have heart probs too next time I have an episode it will be an ambulance waiting weeks to see consultants is not acceptable.Good Luck

Turnstone profile image
Turnstone in reply to Pinnochio

Hi Pinnochio, Many thanks for your kind advice. I had my first trip in an ambulance last August - very bumpy! Hoping to hear from the Cardiology Dept. by end of week - otherwise I will pester on the 'phone until I get answers. All the very best to you with your heart probs.

Pommel profile image

Dear Turnstone

I hope you've heard something now from the hospital but, if not, I agree you should follow it up and get down to your GP who may be able to help get some answers for you and some good advice. My understanding of swelling in the ankle in relation to heart failure is that it would be on both legs (but I'm not a medic, but I've got heart failure!). If you have HF then sometimes you need to monitor your fluids so you need guidance about that in relation to your specific case. If you have problems breathing or swelling seek help, from cardio department, or a & e. It sounds like you have quite a different type of HF to me though so you need the appropriate advice. Fair enough to chase them all up! Hoping you feel better soon.

Turnstone profile image
Turnstone in reply to Pommel

Many thanks for your reply and advice. Still no news from hospital doctor after 10 days so time for action! New to HF came out of the blue so it takes time to adjust on all levels. Every good wish to your with your HR - keep well

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