I due to go to the cardio rehabilitation tomorrow, can anyone let me know what to expect and what they do please.
Cardio rehabilitation : I due to go to... - British Heart Fou...
Cardio rehabilitation

Hello expect to be wearing a smile on your face for the rest of the day after your first session. I did.
Well done you are a step nearer to regaining your life back. I can only give you a rundown of my experience as it may differ slightly from area to area.
You will be met by a wonderful group of people who are all there to help you. You will have your bp and oxygen levels tested. A brief discussion with the nurse carrying out your rehab, she will discuss again the results of your exercise test you would have taken previously and your exercise will be planned based on these results. . And then onto the first steps of your exercising. A quick stretch and warm-up then, treadmill, exercise bike and rowing machine. A few exercises, half jumping jacks, marching and using a step box. Then back on treadmill. You will have someone with you every step of the way. So no need to worry. Enjoy it. They wont push you and whatever you do just take it steady. Slow and steady will get you to there. Be patient with yourself, this is a rehab course, you can practise for the london marathon in due course 😁😁... good luck and remember stay positive and wear that smile, it looks good....
Mines for the first six weeks involves Aerobics and stretching as a warm up then you do ten stations for a minute each then repeat the ten stations and a wee warm down. They test your heart rate to make sure it does up and then goes back down again at rest. After six weeks you move up class and this is when we move on to the machines. With the rehab I am also doing a four week mindfulness session that concentrates on breathing and relaxation. Enjoy whatever your health board provides as they all seem to be different
I have just completed my 8 week course. It’s great & very informative. It helped me learn my ICD boundary’s & set realistic fitness goals (as I’m prone to pushing myself to the max!).
Upon arrival your greeted by a cardiac nurse who checks your blood pressure & heart rate, along with a general chat about your meds & wellbeing.
Your then taken through a controlled gym session, whereby your SATs are checked periodically, followed by a cool down & a chat on weekly topics.
Enjoy, as sadly not everybody is offered this course, as it depends on your postcode catchment area.
My husband did his rehab over 20 years ago and it was the best .. as he was stubborn (the nurses words not mine) I was invited along as well .. we did lots of short exercises and long walks round the local park, swimming in the local swimming pool and it was great. It was a week long residential course and everyone at the start of the course looked like they had just had the biggest operation ever and left the course looking confident and happy .. we also had talks and film shows .. every step of the way everyone was monitored my the rehab nurses and it was the best think my husband could have done.. hope you enjoy yours
I found they pushed you to your limit, but not over and you really feel good afterwards. I continued onto phase 4 which in our area, has to be paid for (minimal amount). It is run by fully trained staff and I've been going 2-3 times a week for the last 18 months. You make good friends and I really don't like missing a class! There may be one problem, if you work and they only do daytime classes you will need to try to amend your hours to do it. The one I go to is bsthg,org.uk This website will give you an idea of what to expect.
Link did not work for me. This does:-
Mine has been different again showing the massive variations between areas - a real postcode lottery!
I’m getting towards the end of rehab, I only have 5 sessions to go that’s out of 24 sessions (twice a week). Every area seems to be different. After the initial assessment & stress test on a treadmill I went straight into the gym. We all have individual programmes & after about 5 sessions the program is reviewed & changed to increase the time & levels on treadmill or bike ect. This is a very gradual process. When I look back at the beginning of the programme I am amazed at how I have improved over the last 10 weeks.
I hope you enjoy it & improve.
My rehab had two parts; gentle exercise and a separate ‘theory’ session. I was hugely sceptical but ended up enjoying it. Do stick with it to the end. The evidence is that this who do go to cardio rehab have a better prognosis than those that don’t (I found that out in one of the sessions!)
Don't be bothered about being out of step with the warm up (dance steps) routines. You will get the hang of it and it gives everyone a reason to smile and relax. Enjoy
Re-hab, is very good. Three months of exercise, very gentle at the beginning , never overtaxing. Interesting meeting different people, many with a worse conditions than ones self.
My experience ... peterjemmett.blogspot.com/2...
Hi Lynn1966 , here's some more information on what to expect: bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo... Hope this helps!
After all that it turns out to be an cardio assessment 😬😬 I arrived wearing tracksuit and trainers 😂😂 but on the positive side allwent very well . Thank you for all your lovely comments xx
I had to laugh because I’d never be seen wearing a tracksuit outside the house apart from going to a gym.. The nurse was pleased at my enthusiasm to have a work out 😂😂 I was pleased as I lost 10lbs 😃xx