Pericarditis frustration : Anyone else... - British Heart Fou...

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Pericarditis frustration

Jodieleigh profile image
14 Replies

Anyone else have chronic pericarditis,it’s really making me depressed , ongoing for 5 mths now ?

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Jodieleigh profile image
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14 Replies
djducker profile image

Hi Jodieleigh, I've been 3 months with this so far and I totally agree it's very frustrating (and concerning) to say the least. I've been on Cochocine for the last 4 weeks for this but having to come off it because I need Statins too - which apparantley conflict with the Cochicine. I keep getting told it will recover with time and of course rest, but that's easier said than done isn't it! Hope it helps to know you're not alone - and sending you positive thoughts. David

Jodieleigh profile image
Jodieleigh in reply to djducker

Thank you so much for your reply , it’s a comfort to know it’s not just me , as it’s such a frustrating illness I wish you well for a full recovery

djducker profile image
djducker in reply to Jodieleigh

You too Joieleigh..

Mariners profile image

Hi Jodieleigh this is my first time of responding even though I’ve been following all of the posts. I had a pericardial effusion following a complication of my emergency angioplasty to have a stent fitted after a heart attack. This all happened whilst I was in Italy. I was in hospital for 13 days and the pain was much worse with the pericardial effusion than the heart attack. My recovery has also been much slower and more painful than the others on my Cardiac Rehabilitation. The Cardiologist says I have pericarditis and I must admit I feel really down about my condition and slowness of getting back to normal. No one else in my group has this condition so good to know that here is someone else who understands the frustration and pain this condition causes. Hope you feel better soon and I am going to keep trying to get back to normal as soon as possible. Good luck!

Jodieleigh profile image
Jodieleigh in reply to Mariners

Hi thank you very much for your reply , and yes it’s such a frustrating illness , I feel so Ill every day and don’t seem to be improving at all , sending positive thoughts and best wishes for your recovery Jodie

Kiernan81 profile image


I too have pericarditis, I now also have a pericardial effusion. I am a fit and otherwise healthy 37 year old female, with no history of any cardiac problems.

This condition has plagued me since last Oct, I tried 4 weeks of colchicine but that didn’t work for me. I now take 500mg of naproxen, again I’ve not saw much improvement. I’ve had several visits to a&e as on occasion I have been convinced I’m having a heart attack, I get pain in my jaw, neck and arm.

I saw my cardiologist last month and despite explaining how this condition is effecting my life he has said it’s a waiting game.

I do hope you all feel better soon


Jodieleigh profile image
Jodieleigh in reply to Kiernan81

Thank you for replying , I’m not in my own , as I sometimes feel I am , frustrating and depressing to say the least back at the doctors Monday , the naproxen I’m taking are making me feel sick constantly and now migraines , best wishes for your recovery ! Jodie

Frank27 profile image

Hi Jodieleigh et al, I'm new to this website and community and it is really useful to see your post and the various replies. I was diagnosed with myopericarditis about 5 weeks ago and was told it could take up to 2 to 3 months to get better. I'm 42 year old male usually fit and healthy with no health complaints and so this condition has set me back quite a bit. Although they said 2 to 3 months I thought i'll be ok sooner but not the case. Most days I lack any energy to do anything and have a constant pain across my chest (mainly left side but also across to the right too). I'm currently taking colchicine twice daily to reduce the inflammation as well as ibuprofen and paracetamol where required when the pain is there. I've been quite struck by how mentally draining the condition is particularly as there is no specific treatment to sort the problem out or defined timeline to recover. I came on to the BHF website to hear from other people as to their experience and symptoms of the condition as well as the advice they are receiving such that I can take some confidence that my situation/experience is not unique and that my treatment plan is comparable. It is amazing how anxious you can get about a pain here or there thinking it might be something else (e.g., a clout in your artery etc.) when in reality it is just the body's way of dealing with the condition. The earlier post about going to a & e worried about the condition resinates with myself as I've often got to the point and pain that I've felt I might be having a heart attack. Controlling the panic and palpitations associated with those times has been difficult but i'm beginning to learn how to control my response to those uncertain, painful experiences. Yesterday during the day I had my best day in terms of pain and energy so far and felt I had turned a corner only to then have a terrible evening and night with pain across the left side of my chest and onto the lower part of my neck. Today has been much the same pain, discomfort, lethargy and general depression regarding the condition. Is everyone else's experience the same? Do you all have similar physical symptoms? Are you all being treated the same? I think I'm also a little more susceptible to other illnesses too as my immune system is being stretched and thus have had a head cold that continues to linger. does anyone have any good advice on boosting immune system? I'm really grateful for the support I have received from my wife and close family and just willing for the condition to subside and for there to be no long term damage. Any other correspondence or communications about anyone's experiences would be gratefully received to help cope with the condition. Best wishes to all!

Jodieleigh profile image
Jodieleigh in reply to Frank27

Hi Frank , Thankyou for your reply , I too had a lingering head cold about 2 mths into having pericarditis , I have stabbing pains in my chest , back and neck ache and migraines , starting to wonder if I’ll ever feel normal again , was initially on ibuprofen that didn’t work now on 1200 naproxen , which I’m experiencing side effects , I’ve asked my cardiologist, and doctor to be put in colchicine, but he says the side effects are bad , so won’t . Can I ask if you’ve had these ? Or benefits with colchicine. 5 mths in still dizzy , chest pain , neck and back pain ,I use deep heat a lot , and Epsom salt baths seem to relax me , best regards Jodie x

Frank27 profile image

Hi Jodie,

I've been on colchicine since the condition was diagnosed and haven't experienced any significant side effects. I'm not sure as to how much it has benefited me but I guess if I hadn't taken it my pain might have been worse. The symptoms you describe are fairly similar to mine albeit I haven't as yet experienced any back pain. Whilst the pain is there it isn't as severe as it was at the start of the condition. The lack of energy and ability to do anything physical is the thing that is the most draining and frustrating thing for me.

I do hope you get better soon and back to good health.

Best wishes,


Jodieleigh profile image

Hi Frank thank you for your most recent reply , I’ve been back to docs today , she said she can’t prescribe colchicine, it has to be from my cardiologist, I’m going private as things are taking to lower my and going to ask for this and give it a try , best wishes Jodie x

Frank27 profile image

Hi Jodie,

Just wondering how you're getting on and whether you went private or not following our last conversation? Anything you've learnt that might help others in a similar situation. My condition is as was with little improvement unfortunately albeit it's only been 2 & 1/2 months for me - a lot less than you.

Best wishes,


Jodieleigh profile image
Jodieleigh in reply to Frank27

Hi Frank , yes I did go private I saw a cardiologist within a few days , I’m now on colchicine and co codamol , came if naproxen that was giving me bad migraines and generally felt unwell , anyway since the colchicine , my chest pain definitely hasn’t been as bad , although effecting my stomach, and have little appetite , but definitely an improvement also walking a bit more than I could , I’ve been referred to lupus clinic beginning of Oct to test for it , as still don’t know the cause , also going to have cbt that my doctor as referred me for to help with depression / anxiety , any way hope yours improves and doesn’t last as long ! Best Regard Jodie

Frank27 profile image

Hi Jodie,

I'm glad that the colchicine is having a positive effect and it looks like you have some good plans in place to help identify the issue and also manage the mental impact of the condition too. I have felt that it has had a significant impact on me mentally and was considering CBT so please do let me know how you get on with that treatment. I also hope the Lupus clinic works out for you too. I wasn't aware of that condition and so I'll mention it to my doctor next time I meet with them. Do let me know how you progress.

Best wishes


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