Hi Everyone im a 36 year old lady and recently really been suffering with extreme tiredness dizziness, right side chest pain, right neck and jaw pain. Even when I'm lay down it's still the same pain. I have been a smoker since I was 14 years old and have decided today that is it my health needs to come first. However I'm scared it could be an impending heart attack I've had an ECG which was normal and recently had a chest x-ray but awaiting results. Has anyone had a similar experience I know it's on right side and heart normal effects left but can't help but think I have so many symptoms?? I would appreciate any info. Many thanks
Concerned: Hi Everyone im a 36 year old... - British Heart Fou...

Hello and welcome to the forum. Was the ECG a resting or stress one. Personally I have now concluded that unless there is something very seriously wrong the resting one is of limited value. If it was you should go back and ask for a stress one. Have your BP and cholesterol levels been checked?
An exercise ECG may be recommended if your symptoms are triggered by physical activity. An exercise ECG may be more suitable if symptoms are unpredictable and occur in random, short episodes. I don’t think there is anything “seriously wrong” with a resting test, it’s just a question of appropriate tests?
My opinion is based on the experiences of friends and (former) colleagues. It would take a very good medical professional to convince me otherwise now.
Thanks yes it was a resting one. Tbh though the pain is there constantly in chest then radiates to arm neck and jaw when I breathe deeply tonight I can feel it going across my chest. My bp is normal occasionally it does drop lower but on average 110/68 presume they have checked chloesterol as i had all my bloods done a few weeks ago.
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Might be completely irrelevant, but pain with deep breathing is often more attributable to respiratory conditions rather than cardiac problems, and in things like pleurisy can often radiate as you describe. Another culprit on the right in some instances can be gallbladder. It can also be down to a muscular and/or neural problem - I speak from experience when I say you might be surprised at how far the pain from a solitary tweaked muscle with accompanying nerve involvement can travel and how long it can take to resolve.
If it’s any reassurance, I’ve had a relatively minor cardiac problem relating to my heart rate (SVT) since the age of 26, and get a helluva lot of chest and neck palpitations regardless of my hr, as well as a fair degree of regular, left-sided chest and arm pain. Resting ECGs have all been normal, stress ECG a few years back was clear, 7 day halter before Xmas picked up nothing of significant note (beyond my very variable heart rate) and if I get a clear echo on the 8th, cardiology feel there’s nothing to be concerned about in my case even with extensive family history. I turn 35 this year and smoked extremely heavily from 17 to 31. Stopping was one of the best things I did for several reasons, not least my long-term heart health.
Good luck, and I hope you get the answers you need.
I think a Treadmill test is more conclusive than an ECG I had pains etc the ECG kept coming back as normal had about 3 or 4 Hospital visits each time being told that there was nothing wrong though I knew in myself that something wasnt right . I then had a Heart Attack im definitely one for if you think somethings up push for them to get further tests .
Agree totally! I had an ECG five days ago and it was boringly normal (in fact it was more boring than Sunday's Monaco GP) despite me waiting for a quadruple bypass. Like you a friend had an ECG, was told everything was fine and had a HA three days later! Another had a stress one which was stopped, admitted into hospital, transferred to Papworth and had a triple a few days later.
Hi Katielou
Have you asked the GP to check for Pericarditis ( inflammation of the sac around the heart). I had this in March and my symptoms were tiredness and neck and jaw pain on the right hand side. My heart also felt heavy when I lent forward and pain also went into shoulder blade. It’s worth checking. Medication and plenty of rest helped . Hope this helps. Take care xxx
Hi and welcome to the forum. Well done to recognising that your health is more important than smoking, good luck at stopping. Your GP can help by referring you to a smoking cessation service.
As for your chest pain there are many causes of chest pain so seek advise from your GP. This site may be of help. Dr Google is no substitute for your GP.
Regards Ron.
U don’t need fags and eat healthy and exercise but have whatever treatment needed. I’ve had similar issues but was born with a heart condition and always get it checked especially wen having issues. I trust my doctors wen they tell me it’s ok to wait but have been told it’s not ok before.
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well I am a little like yourself at the moment, sporadic pain/discomfort sometimes on the left sometimes right and sometimes centre, (when I told one of my doctors he said he wasn’t concerned about my chest pain, but then I had a cough which was going on for weeks and luckily another doc sent me for chest X-ray, it resulted in my heart showing as enlarged and I am awaiting an echo scan of my heart, be persistent you know your body so keep going back to your gp if you still have symptoms this is what I did and you will get sorted eventually. X
I agree that you should kep going back for more tests and pushing your GP. Have you seen a cardiologist or any other specialist or been referred to see anyone? As you are still having the symptoms keep going back.