Hi Everyone,
Well I did promise that I would keep you all updated.
I had a triple bypass operation last Monday afternoon (6th Nov) at James Cook in Middlesbrough. I was discharged on Thursday afternoon. Whilst its not been easy I feel tremendously pleased on how its gone.
The grafts were taken from my leg and chest wall. My leg is probably the sorest I'd say but I'm able to control this through taking regular paracetamol. I was in hospital for a total of 4 days. If anyone is interested in escaping hospital as soon as possible here are my tips:
- Practice some deep breathing exercises (after the op, you will be doing loads of these to re-inflate your lungs). They are deflated during the op so that the surgeons can gain better access to your heart.
- Practice shuffling off a bed using your bum and tummy muscles (kind of wiggling off) and not by pushing your hands on the bed as you normally would do (got to protect that sore breast bone)
- Bring some light snacks into Hospital (I took Go Ahead slices and they were perfect for snacking on as they never made me feel sick)
- In the Intensive Care Unit (just before being transferred to the High Dependency Ward) I had a cup of Tea and then immediately felt sick, so try to avoid this early on so soon after the op (just drink water), I know its hard as we are British. Sometimes a cup of tea doesn't solve everything. The nurse gave me anti-sickness drugs which sorted it.
- Morphine is great but try not to have too much or get too dependant on it. Doing this gives you a quicker recovery. I was given this tip by one of the head nurses and it worked a treat. On the second night I reduced my Morphine intake and the next day went on codeine and Paracetamol.
- Try sitting up in a chair as soon as you feel you are able to (I really had to push myself here as I was high on morphine and was feeling nauseous). Doing this was a turning point for me.
- Listen to the Physio's, they are your key to getting out of hospital as soon as possible.
- Try walking around the ward as soon as you feel able to (if only for a little way).
I want to say good luck to anyone who is going to have a bypass. For me, when all is said and done, it was my only real option and at no point have I regretted having it done. The NHS is a marvellous organisation
Take care