I have a seven-year-old boy they consistently has bedwetting issues. We have to have him take him to the doctor several times and they can come up with nothing that is immediately wrong with him so we have been doing limiting drinks after certain time stuff like that my question is for you we have had this problem before and we end up using good nights or under jams and both of them end up leaking. We have tried other forms of pull ups with the end of the same result leaking the bed.
I want him to use pampers baby dry size 8 tab style I think those will hold up to the track and it will do a lot better plus he will be more comfortable waking up and going to bed obviously I will train him on how to use them. Can you tell me for the parents out there do you guys use this product and if so what is the weight of your child in the age if you're willing to share.
thank you