Any tips to cope with anxiety? - Asthma Community ...

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Any tips to cope with anxiety?

12 Replies

Hi! Firstly, I just wanted to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!

I am really beginning to struggle with anxiety, and just wondered if anyone had any useful, practical tips?

I work in a nursery, and things have been beyond tough these past few months to say the least, and my asthma hasn't been impressed in the slightest! Rounded off by a close friend I work with being hospitalised nearly 2 months ago with Covid, she has been in a coma and fully ventilated, very nearly losing her life on more than one occasion, although she finally made it out of ITU yesterday which is just amazing!

My Dad (I live with my parents) came home yesterday to say that 2 of his colleagues have tested positive! They work in different departments so he isn't required to self isolate but they share a staff room/toilets etc, it just feels like I am waiting for the inevitable of him coming down with it and I am terrified! All I can picture is my friend in ITU and terrified it will be me or my parents next, and all I want to do is cry and bury my head under my duvet and not come out until this is all over! So was just wondering if anyone had any practical tips? I've tried doing some mindfulness but it doesn't seem to help too much! I am too terrified to even use our toilet (we only have one!) Let alone eat, sleep etc!

Thank you x

12 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

Firstly - well done to your friend! I hope she continues to make a steady recovery! Hope also that your dad stays ok.

It might be an idea to talk to your GP about your anxiety. A certain degree is normal probably at the moment but when you know it's having an impact on you generally then that's the time to get support. For some, it mimics asthma symptoms so then it appears asthma is worse but it's actually anxiety. For others, it can ac8 trigger their asthma. But, even if it's doing neither of those (ie asthma issues are entirely separate), anxiety can be crippling - and ultimately lead to your body not functioning properly because your mental state isn't (eg not eating well and so then being susceptible to things). The GP should be able to suggest medication that might help or other strategies.

Rationally, even if you or your parents get covid, it doesn't mean you'll be particularly unwell with it.....but with the experience of your friend it would be really hard to believe that! So yes some anxiety is normal but please don't just muddle along alone.

in reply to twinkly29

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply! Sorry it has taken so long to respond back.. and to top it all we found out this evening a further 5 people have tested positive! My Dad is absolutely fine though, zero symptoms what so ever, but has booked a test for tomorrow... not exactly the best Christmas present ever! I think I will have a chat with my GP next week, I think I just need to vent to someone and get all my feelings out instead of keeping them to myself.. and I totally agree with anxiety mimicking asthma I think that is totally the case with me,I just need to figure a way to deal with it! But oh yes, my friend making the recovery she has is just incredible, she is obviously has such a long way to go to even get to a point of being discharged, and has good days and bad days but to fight like she has is incredible! X

CDPO16 profile image

Hi, there are lots of things on you tube to help deal with anxiety such as relaxation techniques. It is well worth practicing relaxation but the trick to it being a success is to practice switching off your thoughts as well as relaxing your body. If you choose to try this method, persevere as it can take quite some time to develop the techniques and feel the benefit. Anxiety is very wearing both physically and mentally, as I know from personal experience. I hope that you find something that works for you.

in reply to CDPO16

Thank you so much for your reply! Oh yes, I totally agree, I get what to do with the breathing and relaxation techniques, it's just being able to totally switch off that I have such difficulty with! Oh, yes, I am physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, work, covid, life! I am just so grateful for the fact that for now we are all okay, and I really hope it stays that way, and I am just trying to keep as positive as I can and keep going! X

Griffon profile image

Hi Nicki , anxiety can be a very real problem and hard to conquer . First thing you must remember is that the fatality rate from Covid is very low and we are all much more likely to die of other causes . The biggest factors in determining a Covid outcome are age , genetics and obesity . No one can do anything about the first two , but the third is within all our powers if it is applicable - so losing weight if you need to is a positive step . Other than that it is really a case of mind over matter . I recently had an issue that was keeping me awake at night worrying . In the end I had to get a grip , there is a saying " shit happens , it is how you deal with it that counts " - I took it as a personal challenge to put the bad thoughts out of my headend and beat it .

There are certain medications that induce anxiety , which might be an idea to look at if you are on any . I personally have found prednisolone acts as a kind of stimulant and causes all sorts of problems .

in reply to Griffon

Thank you for your reply! Oh I totally understand that, and I know there are far more things likely, I just think what happened to my friend has affected me more than I let on, and I'm just struggling.. I am trying to eat as well as I can to keep myself as healthy as possible, but my biggest fear is seeing someone I love suffer... trying to keep positive though, we are all well and I hope it stays that way, and for that I am so grateful! Ah yes, I haven't had any courses of steroids since last year, I take Fostair and Dymista nasal spray, I'm not aware of there being any links to anxiety with those meds? X

ChrissieMons profile image

There are lots of methods to help you relax, but they don't get rid of your issues. Try writing down all the things that bother you in a list. It might not be as long as you think. Then write beside each one what you can do about it. If you can act, do. If not, take yourself away from the tension with whatever gives you pleasure - music, reading, films, chat on the phone, anything. If it doesn't set your asthma off, go for a walk, if only round the garden or the block as it can help to reset your thinking. Enjoy Christmas!

in reply to ChrissieMons

Thank you, that actually is such a good idea I need to try... can't believe I haven't done it already actually, I used to keep a diary as a teenager and I found it so therapeutic, will definitely need to give it a try again, and I will try the tip of writing down practical things I can do/change that may help me to cope! Yes, I find films, music and books a good distraction, and I always feel better after a good walk with my dog she is the best therapist! X

RD23 profile image

Hi Nicki, as others have suggested, writing down what’s worrying you can help. I always find music helps me, I’ve been in various choirs since I was little so a good sing always helps me and my virtual dance lessons have been a godsend.

When my anxiety is really bad I try and distract my brain, usually by getting whoever is with me to give me a maths puzzle. I get so busy focusing on trying to work out the answer that it distracts me from my anxiety. It might be worth a try.

A long bubble bath always helps me too.

Good luck with finding what works for you.

in reply to RD23

Thank you! Ha yes I agree with the music, one if my favourite stress busters apart from walking my dog is to go for a drive with my favourite music on! Although both my Mum and Dad have tested positive now so I can't do either! They are fine, just very mild cold symptoms (stuffy nose, tickly throat) I'm fine, I am booking a test tomorrow just to see! Thank you, trying to find things to distract is a good idea to help! Oh yes, I miss my bath so much since my parents got rid of it to make room for a walk in shower! Thank you so much for your reply and tips to try xx

RD23 profile image

Sorry to hear that about your parents, hope they are on the road to recovery soon and you stay safe and well.

I love going for a drive with my music on! Can’t beat it for stress busting.

I also have reflexology which really helps me to relax and has got my hormones under control which were triggering my asthma. I was once told it’s like having a toolkit and the more you’ve got in there to help you, the better.

in reply to RD23

Thank you! If they can get through with just a mild cold then that's amazing!Ooh good thinking re reflexology, I will have to check it out once I'm out of isolation! Oh yes I like that analogy, the more tools to help the better, thank you!

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