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Asthma and underweight issues

Junglechicken profile image
9 Replies

I recently heard this theory and wanted everyone’s thoughts about it. It is believed that in some cases asthma can cause sufferers to be underweight due to the fact that a full stomach can push against the diaphragm making breathing difficult. I’ve suffer from asthma since I was a child and have always had a rocky relationship with food.

As a child my asthma was severe and my parents were frequent called into my school as they were concerned about my low weight. My mum really struggled to get me to eat enough. As I aged my asthma became less severe, I began to eat more although I was never a big eater (weight was healthy but at the lower end of the scale).

Two years ago my asthma began to show signs of deterioration and since then my weight has gradually decreased. At the moment my BMI is 19.5 (healthy but just) after years of being around 22. I find that I can not eat a full meal and have to break up my meals (so 6 small meals per day instead of 3 larger meals). When I’m very poorly with my asthma l almost stop eating completely. It causes some discord when I stay with my mum as she wants to give me 3 large meals which I can’t finish.

Does anyone else find that they loose weight during a flare or struggle to keep their weight up?

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Junglechicken profile image
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9 Replies
Beefull8 profile image

This makes a lot of sense! I’ve actually talked to a pulmonologist and asked if there was a reason why I felt like I couldn’t breathe when my stomach was full or I had stomach flu. He just said people get uncomfortable and sometimes that’s a symptom. But when I first struggled to breathe I actually lost seven pounds cause I couldn’t eat anything. Anyway I don’t have anything helpful to add except to say that it’s happened to me.

Hi Junglechicken, I find eating a big meal can sometimes make it harder to breath. I get bloated a lot which doesn't help. I've never had an issue with weight although the last time I saw a physio she thought I was underweight, she didn't think to ask that I was trying to lose weight for health reasons.

My mum was under weight and malnourished for years even though she went to the doctors many times. Eventually they found out she was asthmatic.

I agree with you on eating smaller meals more often and also make sure there's enough calories when eating. I know this might sound obvious but a salad is healthy but might be not enough calories. Some olive oil in the salad will bring the calories up. If you need an up more suggestions let me know. All the best.

Junglechicken profile image
Junglechicken in reply to

Thanks for that GSP. At the moment I’m trying to eat foods that are calorific but not sugar rich. I’ve recently developed a distaste for sweet foods, even fruit so I’m relying on veg and pulses for those vitamins. I am starting to get worried about my health as being underweight can be as dangerous as being overweight. I find cooking is so tiring but I developed a few tricks eg. sitting at the kitchen table to chop veg rather than standing at the counter top, freezing home cooked meals when I’m too fatigued to cook from scratch.

in reply to Junglechicken

Are you vegitarian? Just because you mentioned veg and pulses. Meat has vitamins and iron. Chopped frozen veg is good when your really tired. Also make sure your having a vitamin D supplement, especially for covid. I take the 4000iu.

Junglechicken profile image
Junglechicken in reply to

Thank for that advice. No I’m not vegetarian🙂

Maltesemama profile image
Maltesemama in reply to

Hi! I am an asthmatic also cancer survivor. To keep weight up, here in the US, I drink at least 2 “Boost” a moreday. They have nutrients and 360 calories! ( the chocolate ones are really good). Good luck! I agree with more meals and smaller.

ChrissieMons profile image

You describe my childhood exactly! Eventually, I was allowed to eat whatever I liked, which wasn't much, but jam featured heavily. My asthma is well controlled now, but I still can't eat what most people call a full meal. I struggle towards the end and then give up. I'd like to lose a bit of weight now, but the call of sugar is very strong, especially dripping about the house in lockdown. I should love to develop a distaste for it! My Mum used to give me soup when I was ill, as it takes very little effort to eat and homemade soups are nutritious. Get your mum to cook stuff for you that you can freeze - she is probably anxious to help. And don't get hung up on food - when you are poorly you have enough stress without adding to it.

Mogget profile image

Same! My whole life I’ve bordered on being underweight and struggle to put it on even when making an effort. I struggle with appetite especially when I’m feeling unwell and fatigued which is a lot of the time..! Additionally if I have a large meal I bloat and agree it does make breathing a bit harder. I also have metabolic problems which I think affects my weight.

I’d sometimes get picked on for it. I used to eat a lot of junk food to try and put weight on but obvs that’s not a good idea. It made me really unwell and I crashed (I think due to my autoimmune issues). I now eat as healthily as I can and have accepted my body is the way it is. But yes it’s difficult prepping and cooking healthy meals as it takes energy. Frozen veg bags are great (also frozen veg has higher nutrient content apparently as the vitamins are locked in!). And tinned pulses. Agree that sitting down to chop things helps 😊👍 I take vitamin tablets too.

Babbela profile image

I find when my asthma is bad I can't eat and breathe at the same time so end up choking so perhaps if I was bad all the time which I'm not I would loose weight just a theory.

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