How’s everyone coping?: How’s everyone... - Asthma Community ...

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How’s everyone coping?

RD23 profile image
21 Replies

How’s everyone doing with the Coronavirus threat?

I am always vigilant with hand washing and keeping surfaces clean but people at work keep telling me I’m more at risk, although they won’t let me work from home 🙄 and I do think the media are making people panic.

Now finding my anxiety is sky high which means my chest is tight and I’m more likely to have an attack or allergic reaction and end up in hospital which is the last place I want to be!

Any words of wisdom?

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RD23 profile image
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21 Replies
SofaJockey profile image

I think the threat is what it is. Yes, it adds a base level of anxiety, but panic isn't going to help. I am keeping a low profile and washing more. Until we have immunisations (in 2021) this anxiety is going to be here to stay, so I think we have no choice but to settle into it.

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to SofaJockey

Definitely agreed panicking doesn’t help, I’m cautious but I’m certainly not stock piling toilet rolls and hand gel, I washed my hands and used loo roll well before it became trendy 😂

SofaJockey profile image
SofaJockey in reply to RD23

As my immune system is somewhat suppressed (due to steroids), I'm trying to reduce risk. That means not going to optional events or gathering for the time being. Work or necessary activities are fine, I'll just be careful. And I'm tending to do supermarket shopping in the hour before they close (because it's so much quieter) and use the 'scan it yourself' apps because then I don't even have to talk to anyone (and hand sanitiser when I'm back in the car).

robert1957 profile image

It’s no worse than any other virus if you are well and your immune system is good research Improving your immune system and try not to get stressed most people with a good immune system will get over this

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to robert1957

I eat plenty of fruit and veg and have the yoghurt drinks everyday as they help to prevent me bloating. Like you say, I think this is the best thing to do generally

WB2020 profile image

The media are really spreading panic amongst those of us with underlying health issues with a varying array of doom laden statements. It would be good if we could get some real data on are actual risk. However in the meantime the best option is to try to stay calm as anxiety can induce asthma, try breathing exercises however if you feel anxiety is getting the best of you see your GP. Meantime keep healthy eat well, sleep well and exercise as much as your asthma allows. Also remember don't just believe everything the media say as most of the time they are selling hype to sell papers, remember the digital media such as the BBC are just as bad! Look at what the media are not saying. They don't really mention recovery rates, those in mild condition, the progress re antiviral drugs such as remdesivir.

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to WB2020

Thank you. That’s what I’m trying to do as best I can and when I come in from work, shopping etc, I wash my hands and clean anything I’ve touched and wipe over my keys.

The BBC are awful! It’s headline news 24 hours, they really aren’t helping the situation

in reply to WB2020

The people who are driving me crackers over this are the individuals I know who have no underlying medical conditions but who are reacting (badly) to the media reports. It’s actually really very relaxing and encouraging to come on a site such as this and find people who share that same underlying medical condition that I have (one which affects the lungs) but who are being sane and sensible about it;-).

RD23 profile image
RD23 in reply to

It surprises me how many people need reminding to wash their hands! What were they doing before now?

WB2020 profile image

Hand washing and general hygiene as well as an element of social distancing are your best defence. Keep your eye on the actual sources of information not the hype. This will all eventually blow over.

Junglechicken profile image

I’m concentrating on increasing good hygiene routines and making sure that I keep to my medication regime. I’m feeling more sad than worried or panicked. Just thinking about the thousands of families all around the world who are grieving the loss of loved ones.

Poobah profile image

I believe that there will be specific advice for vulnerable groups (us) once we hit the second stage of the government plans (delay stage. Currently in containment stage).

The only options at the moment is to be hygiene smart and curtail social activities, especially large gatherings. I've heard various doctors on media say that folk like us should have our conditions well controlled and plenty of our staple and emergency meds so we don't burden the NHS while it's tackling the Covid-19 fight.

I understand your anxiety as this is a bit of an unknown with frightening news stories coming out of China and Italy. But we know that even if we do get it, the vast majority of our group will recover.

Oldandgray profile image

My asthma is fairly stable but I’m in my 70’s. I have cough variant asthma so have a dry cough.

Have to keep telling people, when they look at me as if I have the plague the reason I’m coughing.

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply to Oldandgray

Yes, me too. I have never been diagnosed with cough variant, but I have always coughed. Even before the current threat I have at some moments found myself apologising and explaining.

RD23 profile image

Yes! I’ve always got a dry cough and have to keep telling people I’m not contagious

Banditqueen profile image

To be more honest. I am more worried about my husband. He had a big op yesterday and had cancer a few years ago. He is on a HD ward, but nobody is walking around in masks and stuff, just a lot of hand wash stuff. I will be anti virus his phone today and anything taken in and self but its a concern.

We should have stopped all international flights the moment this broke out, everywhere. I am not concerned about travel company going out of business, people who are ill and vulnerable are more important. Although today learned the oldest person to recover is aged 103 years old. Numbers in each city are still low here but who knows.

I have a constant sinus problems and that means my temperatures are constantly up so I don't know if I will be able to go anywhere in a lockdown. I am fine for what I need and I do have loo roll. I think the hospital has plenty. I am eating stuff to boost immune system. Not too worried.

hilary39 profile image

I'm working from home. I've got adrenal insufficiency in addition to severe asthma so I am taking twice the precautions. I bring hand sanitizer with me in public and use it whenever I touch door handles etc. I'm trying to eat lots of veg and get a good night's sleep every night.

I agree that staying calm is the absolute first priority.

Take good care.

Uppy profile image

I’m feeling very anxious about contracting the virus. I have ongoing lung issues following my second spontaneous pneumothorax 8 years ago and usually get a very bad chest with everything I am always picking up.

I have never met anyone with the symptoms and difficulties I have daily so I feel like I’m suffering alone. People around me assume I’m ok because I still like to get things done around the house, work and do everything else. I remember driving myself to A&E with my second pneumothorax and the nurse saying “you look remarkable well”

I feel grateful for getting over an awful virus I had early in November - it started with a very tight chest for two weeks then I had a episode where I was gasping for air so I called an ambulance. They took me to hospital because I was shivering due to feeling cold but sent home after all the checks were done. My whole body aches on and off for six weeks and I made several trips to the doctors as I felt like I was dying. My sons were worried too because it’s the longest period of a flare up I’ve ever had.

I’ve been prescribed symbiotic last week as I told the asthma nurse that I didn’t feel clenil worked.

I feel more anxious because I have two young sons and I really want to be around for them. However, I’m taking precautions by working from home, limiting social exposure and taking supplements.

Apologies for the long post.

PabloSmith profile image

Hey Woody,

i know its difficult but try to stay calm. If the thought of work is stressing you out and you can afford to be off then be off, any considerate GP will understand your worry and supply a note. i completely understand where you are coming from as i had swine flu a few years ago and was put in a coma on a ventilator for a week and have suffered mentally with worry since. its very easy for us asthmatics to fear everything but remember YOU are in control of your life so make decisions you are comfortable with screw what other people think....

sending lots of love from another one of the scared ones :)

golden-retriever profile image

I don’t agree that the media are making people panic. Analysis of the 1918 Spanish flu that killed anywhere from 17 to 50 million, found that people were not told exactly what was happening, which created a false sense of calm.

When people were eventually hit with reality that had been hidden from them, the ensuing mass panic led to a catastrophic loss of life.

If people are told the truth, they will have the time to mentally adjust to their new reality.

WB2020 profile image
WB2020 in reply to golden-retriever

I see your point but I think a balanced opinion from the media would be more beneficial rather than splashing made to fit stat snippets over the pages

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