Asthma flare up: Hi, new to this - but... - Asthma Community ...

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Asthma flare up

GPapp profile image
14 Replies

Hi, new to this - but help appreciated.

I’ve had asthma since I was 7 (now 32), it’s always been well controlled and I’d never had an attack. Last week I started to become wheezy, saw asthma nurse, told had slight bronchitis and told to up preventer (Sirdupla) and given spacer. Within 2 days ended up in A&E as couldn’t control breathing- very scary. Luckily by time I got to A&E the 12th lot of ventolin had subsided symptoms, SATS etc all normal. Was prescribed amoxicillin (chest X-ray clear, prescribed as precaution), prednisolone and intensive course of ventolin. I’m going into day 4, now finished prednisolone, but I’m still really struggling. Coughing constantly and bringing up clear mucus, exhausted after any small task (showering etc.). Just wondering what the next course of action is? Should I be getting better, when do I return to docs if needed? Really don’t want to get as ill as I was a few days ago as it happened so fast. But also don’t want to go to docs unnecessarily. Any help advice appreciated, sorry for long post, just thought would help if knew info 😊

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GPapp profile image
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14 Replies
xxggtt profile image

It sounds like you might need a longer course of prednisolone. I'd be going back to the doctors - much better to get seen now and take another short course of steroids than to end up back in A&E!

Have you been seen by your doctor/asthma nurse since A&E? They're meant to review you within 48 hours of an A&E visit to make sure you're not at risk of another attack, but a lot of GPs aren't proactive about this. If you haven't been seen yet then please please make an appointment - it's so so important that you get fully better so you don't end up needing emergency care again.

Really hope you start to feel better soon! xxx

GPapp profile image
GPapp in reply to xxggtt

Thank you for your reply. I’ve never experienced such bad or prolonged symptoms. It doesn’t feel like an infection to me (had some nasty ones in past) as I feel fine in myself (no temp or aches etc.) just struggling with breathing, cannot stop coughing and am exhausted. No follow up from the docs. Will call tomorrow and try and get an appointment. Just hate feeling like I’m bothering them, which is kind of the vibe I got on Friday, but then ended up very sick on Sunday 😬 X

GPapp profile image
GPapp in reply to xxggtt

Hi, so I’ve just rang my doctors and they’re ringing me back between 2&7pm tomorrow. I’m not happy at all, but docs don’t seem to be concerned. Not sure what to do, do I just wait it out or look for help elsewhere? Has anyone used the helpline on here for info? X

xxggtt profile image
xxggtt in reply to GPapp

I'd definitely give the Asthma UK nurses a ring. I've spoken to them many times before and they're really great - they know their stuff! They'll be able to give you more specific advice about medication, and they'll also give you some advice on what to say to your docs when they do eventually ring you back.

When your docs do ring back, make sure you make it clear that the reason you ended up in A&E was because they didn't do enough for you when you saw them in the first place. Also make them aware that they're supposed to follow up on asthma within 48 hours of emergency care - so you're doing them a favour by getting in touch!

You're clearly not well still, so you have every right to see a doctor and you shouldn't feel bad about it. Asthma can be so dangerous when it's not controlled. Obviously, if you're really struggling to breathe again and your inhaler/neb isn't helping then get yourself back to A&E!

Really hope the Asthma UK nurses can help, and hope your docs are helpful when they do ring! xxx

GPapp profile image
GPapp in reply to xxggtt

Thank you, I rang Asthma UK nurse who was really helpful and confirmed that I must be seen today! They said if dr wouldn’t accept then I’d need to go walk in or hospital. Luckily my dr has accepted and I’m on my way to an appointment now after explaining what the asthma nurse has said. Apparently I was given under the standard rescue dose of steroids so it’s unlikely they will have had chance to take effect. Thanks for your reply, Asthma can be very scary when you’re not sure what to do and very lonely when drs assume you’re ok (I always have good SATS) when actually you’re fighting to breathe! X

GPapp profile image
GPapp in reply to xxggtt

So on to second lot of steroids, the first lot were not only for too short a time, but were a child’s dose! 🤦‍♀️ Guess that’s because I should have then been seen by docs within 48 hours. I’ve been lucky enough to not have suffered too badly before, however I’m getting the feeling it’s quite hard to get drs to take you seriously. Have booked an Asthma review in a weeks time so hopefully can get it all worked out by then. Thanks again for all your help and advice x

xxggtt profile image
xxggtt in reply to GPapp

That's great to hear you got in with your docs and got your dose sorted! Hope you've started to feel a bit better now and hope your review goes well!

Do you know if pollen affects you at all? Usually my pollen season starts in March and ends in November but this year it slapped me in the face mid-February lmao

Clear mucus is a neutral sign: chances are you don’t have an infection, although it doesn’t rule it out. Definitely go back to your doc! It can take time for you to get back to normal after an attack and the tiredness is exactly what I would expect but I would definitely go back and see what the GP thinks because you should be feeling better and if you aren’t, you may need a bit longer on the prednisolone, or a change to your other meds :)

Tugun profile image


It's horrible not knowing what to do but it's always better to err on the side of caution. I would see the doctor again and tell them in detail what happened to you and how quickly it happened. The fact that you are exhausted after any small task is a little bit of a red flag and needs further investigation. If you get the "vibe" again that nothing is really happening, then ask for a referral to a specialist. Waiting for an appointment to the specialist may take too long so also maybe think about seeing a different GP. Otherwise if you are still struggling with breathing and exhausted go again to the hospital. They can do a lot of tests there and will hopefully look further.

I once thought I had a chest infection when it was actually asthma from mowing the lawn with a fumey mower. Have you been exposed to anything lately? However see the doctor.

GPapp profile image

Thank you both, I do have allergies, but have not been exposed to anything new that I can think of or done anything out of the ordinary. Had another rough night, so going to call docs when they open. The doc I saw in hospital was amazing, she advised that GPs can sometimes be a bit scared of asthma and to just come back to hospital if I was struggling getting anything out of them. Thank you x

robert1957 profile image

hello GPapp

please research magnesium deficiency and symptoms of magnesium deficiency also research benefits of vitamin d3 k2 Mk 7 goodluck

GPapp profile image
GPapp in reply to robert1957

Thanks Robert, that’s really interesting as I used to always test deficient for magnesium. I’ll look into this, thank you 😊

Tree20862 profile image

Touch base with the doctor. Keep up with the ventolin.

SilverBB profile image

I react badly to steroids so use other remedies for bronchitis as I am asthmatic. Antibiotics also tend to wipe me out and aren't good long term. Iodine was used as a treatment for bronchitis and asthma between about 1850 and 1920 see: I take iodine daily in small amounts to keep my respiratory health under control. However, if I get a cold or flu and it goes to the chest, I use aromatherapy oils mixed with honey and it works better than antibiotics - turmeric, ginger, lemon eucalyptus and oregano. The oregano oil is vile so if you can't handle the taste, just use the other oils.

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