Daughter coughing non stop - asthma? - Asthma Community ...

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Daughter coughing non stop - asthma?

lizvic profile image
27 Replies


My now 10 year old daughter had a virus during the summer, lost her voice cooughing lots. When her voice came back it was very deep and croaky, then back to normal.

She has been constantly coughing since!

One GP said it was post nasal drip as she felt "stuff" dripping down the back of her throat.

Another said it may be asthma or allergies.

When she wakes up, her voice is very croaky.

She does not cough at all while asleep.

GP gave us a peak flow meter to use. As her results were pretty consistent, 230 - 250 he said she does not have asthma.

He gave her a nasal spray, Beclometasasone. This has made her cough worse.

Chest xray was normal.

Im at my wits end - I hate hearing her cough all the time.

ANy ideas please?

Thank you x

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lizvic profile image
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27 Replies
Frin9e profile image

my son is 15 years old, he been coughing since November, they're saying cough variant asthma, no medication is working, please look at my other posts. Hope your find out whats wrong with your daughter soon, my son is seeing a consultant on the 28th been a long wait.x

lizvic profile image
lizvic in reply to Frin9e


im sorry to hear about your son's coughing.

I'll look at your previous posts.

Thank you xx

Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to lizvic

please let me know if your daughter as had same medication, or symptoms as my son. Thanks Nicola. Xx

lizvic profile image
lizvic in reply to Frin9e


Im just reading your posts - how frustrating for you both!

My GP said no to asthma as no wheezing!

Ive been reading about cough variant asthma. Interesting!

My daughter says her throat constantly tickles, sometimes she has post nasal drip. Cold weather makes her cough more, exercise too, running up the stairs makes her breathless. No tightness in her chest though.

We are back to the GP tomorrow and he said if the nasal spray does not work, he will refer us to the hospital. Now that will be a long wait! Just to see a general paed!

Im going to ask if she can try some sort of inhaler.


Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to lizvic

she sounds like my son, inhalers do nothing but from what I've read, you need to have steroids tablets to get it under control first, then preventer inhaler to keep it under control, I hope gp gives you a steroid inhaler to try, please let me know how she is. Have you tried allergy tablets? Xx

lizvic profile image
lizvic in reply to Frin9e


My GP did give some antiallergy tablets but didn't use them.

How is your son now?


Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to lizvic

still coughing, with pain in his chest come the evening and breathlessness, he's had a trial of rainitidine for reflux they did nothing,

is your daughters cough, a dry hacking one that's constant ?

does it keep her awake ?

does she have chest pain ?

the antiallergy tablets, will work really quick if its an allergy, my older son take them, they keep his asthma under control.

worth a try 😀 xx

lizvic profile image


Poor boy xx

What is the next step for him?

She does not cough at all at night during her sleep - I find this etremely weird.

It is a pathetic dry small cough. Tickly throat making her cough. It's all day.

There is no chest pain.

I dont want to give the antiallergy tablets as we have Brugada Syndrome in the family and there is a long list of medications that should not be taken. Its a heart electrical problem.

I, myself, have awful anxiety and am so worried.

What is your son's peak flow like?


Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to lizvic

aww right, my son has that tickle in the back of his throat too, hope gp does something today. Xx

-Butterfly- profile image

My dd had a persistent cough a few years back and was given montelukast for a month which seemed to resolve it. Her cough was worse on a night though.

lizvic profile image

Hello Butterfly

What is Montelukast?

Did you ever find out why your daughter was coughing so much?

-Butterfly- profile image
-Butterfly- in reply to lizvic

It's a tablet given to asthmatics as a step up medication, although my daughter doesn't have asthma.

Her cough followed on from cold if I remember rightly, just the cough never went away until a month of this tablet

lizvic profile image

Hello Butterfly

Wow! That's what my daughter has - an annoying cough after a virus.


Suspect1 profile image

Hello lizvic sorry to hear this, does she cough anything up? I ask this as My sister was the same,, now don’t take this the wrong way, but we found that it was s nervous cough and it was a nightmare as she constantly coughed and then sniffed. Also if she has been coughing a lot with her virus is she just clearing her throat and got used to doing it

If they don’t find anything medical it could be worth checking that. I don’t know your daughter so there could be certain triggers. Hope she gets better.

lizvic profile image

Hello Suspect1

Thank you for replying.

She doesn't cough anything up - I did wonder if it's a habit now, especially as she doesnt cough during her sleep.

I must say since trying the nasal spray, her coughing is worse.

We've got the GP later this afternoon.

Did your sister have any tests?


lizvic profile image


The GP has given her an inhaler and we have an appointment at the local hospital in May x

Frin9e profile image

Hi, what inhaler did gp give ? Hope it works for her 🤞 did he check her chest ?

My sons is always clear, pf is always good when they do it, yet he his symptomatic! Xx

lizvic profile image
lizvic in reply to Frin9e


Her chest is always clear.

She has the brown inhaler with a spacer.

How is your son?

Does the cold damp weather make things worse for him?


Frin9e profile image

change in weather and smells make it worst.

glad he gave her an inhaler to try hope it work. Xx

lizvic profile image


I'll let you know how she gets on.

I can't wait for better weather - it's been pouring here.


Frin9e profile image

yeah me too.

A cold snap seem to be on the way again!

That will really help! 😠

we're in wales mostly raining here lol.

All the changes in season, seem to affect him. Xx

Frin9e profile image

hi lizvic, how's your daughter doing? X

lizvic profile image


Sorry I didnt see this notification.

Well she is still coughing - but I wonder how long it takes for her steroid nasal spray to leave her body as this made the cough much worse. Also, her brother has had a cold and cough and maye she has picked this up? She will have been on the brown inhaler for 2 weeks on Monday.

People on Facebook say it takes 2 weeks to start working and others say 6 weeks. I don't know what to believe.

How is your son?

Thank you for asking - that's really sweet of you.

Liz x

Carriejen profile image
Carriejen in reply to lizvic

I’m hope the inhaler helps ease it at least. Stupid question but has she tried swallowing a spoonful of honey a day? It might help a dry cough. Doctors shouldn’t say she doesn’t have asthma based on a wheeze or lack of, but her peak flow seems good which suggests no asthma. Hope she gets some relief x

lizvic profile image

Hello Carriejen

Thank you. I shall try honey.

Yes its just so frustrating.


lizvic profile image


How are you?

My daughter had her appointment at the hospital yessterday.

The doctor said she has a vocal tic!

She has finally stopped coughing for one week now.


kmarnob2 profile image

Hello, there are many reasons for suffering from asthma and if you have any pet at your home, try to have an air purifier. Many people have been benefited by having an air purifier at home and it really works well.

You can check the first one from here and I think it will work like others -


Thank you

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