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Hannah3101 17 Apr 12 3:05pm


I’ve recently been diagnosed with asthma and my asthma is not controlled on an inhaled corticosteroid. I’ve also struggled to use the device properly. Has anyone had experience of fixed dose combinations (Seretide and Symbicort I believe they are called) and can anyone recommend devices that are really easy to use?

Hope you can help!


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Hannah3101 19 Apr 12 9:34am

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for responding to my post, I really appreciate it! This is still all a bit daunting to me, so I'm so glad to be talking with people who understand exactly what I'm going through! Sounds like I need to get myself a spacer!! I'm sorry to those of you who were a little alarmed by my post subject!!

Just some questions... I've been doing a bit of research into this since being diagnosed, and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience using MDI's? If so, how did you find those?

A lot of feedback from my post has included Symbicort and Seretide? That's interesting because I read an article yesterday about a new drug coming out that has both of those combined... Has anyone heard anything about that?

Thanks again to those who responded!! :)

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charlie_warlie 17 Apr 12 9:32pm

Hey Hannah and welcome to the world of madness *cough* i mean lushness!!

(agree with philomela~your title had me a little worried for a second there)

But anywho!!

Definatly pay a visit to your asthma nurse if not already done so, they would be able to show you nicly how the inhaler should be used, and if not a spacer would be the next best option, there are many different types of spacers out there also so if you dont get on with the first one you try or it doesnt fit your inhaler, there are others out there!! (i personally get on really well with the swanky new vortex spacer, although it took 3 months to get a pharacy that had the code for it and then they had to deliever specially for me as no one had ordered before-oops

Thankfully the one thing i have noticed with asthma is, there is always other options/routes/ devices to explore so never give up hope!!

Hope your enjoy being apart of the group!! Youll make some great friends~thats a promise!!


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Annista 17 Apr 12 7:32pm

Hi Hanna

As I recall, it's all very difficult to get to grips with when you're first diagnosed so you've found your way to the right place. I learnt more about my asthma from reading old posts on this site than I ever did from talking to my GP. I'm using Symbicort which is pretty easy to get to grips with, but if you're having problems perhaps a visit to your asthma nurse might help? She's more likely to have time to help you get the hang of using your inhalers than the GP.

Good luck.


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Philomela 17 Apr 12 4:36pm

HI Hannah and welcome!

Just as an aside - you might want to change title of post slightly and add 'not urgent' as it's a bit worrying atm! I know you're clearly not asking for urgent help in your actual post but the title made me wonder for a minute...maybe just me.

Re not being able to use it properly: have you asked for a spacer to be prescribed? I would definitely do this as it makes things much easier and gets more into your lungs. It sounds like you're going back to the drs to say you're not controlled and ask about the next step (if you're not you should be!), which as you say would involve adding a LABA and it might be in a combination inhaler. If so I would ask about the devices when you're there. Obviously there's going to be an element of which drug combination they think is best for you, but they should also take how easy it is to use into consideration!

What are you on at the moment with the inhaled steroid, as they may just add a LABA separately (eg I used to be on Clenil and they added Serevent which you can get as an inhaler or a diskhaler - diskhaler probably easier to use). I'm on Symbicort at the moment which is pretty easy to use IMO as there's no finesse - you just breathe in very hard, no coordination required, and sometimes you can use it as a reliever as well so eliminating any problems with taking Ventolin - but again, you'd need to discuss it with GP or asthma nurse.

It might be an idea to call the AUK adviceline before you go back to the dr/nurse - the nurses on here are very good and can take a bit longer explaining the options to you so you have a better idea of the pros and cons of various things before discussing it with the dr.

oops long post...sorry! Hope this is helpful though.

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