Dont you just hate it!: Dont you just... - Asthma Community ...

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Dont you just hate it!

11 Replies

Dont you just hate it when you are going out for the night,like me tonight going a Wedding party.Had new top etc and been looking forward to it and Asthma gets really bad and Nelly Elephant comes and knocks the shine off your night out and makes you really tired.!!!

11 Replies
angievere profile image

Happens to us all the time - we have missed many outings/trips/family events because one or another of us is ill (usually asthma but not always). Are you still going Glynis?

Had shower ,washed hair,put trousers and boots on so half ready.Having a rest for a hour then do hair ,make up and top on by 8. Having lots of reliever,so tired puffed and shakey!!! Still going and hope just find a quiet corner and lot of reliever. No dancing grr!

so glad your still going out...hope ur trees dont cause you that many problems hilst out though...try break dancing, your tress may be complaning b'coz there the wrong way up...trees dont tend to like hanging from their root! hahahaha


Yup. It gets me really down sumtimes. I feel like i cant make any plans any more cuz i can never guarantee that ill be able to be there. And people just dont understandd. I get so alone because of this...

Yup. It gets me really down sumtimes. I feel like i cant make any plans any more cuz i can never guarantee that ill be able to be there. And people just dont understandd. I get so alone because of this...

It's okay - if you've had lots of Ventolin you can do the shaky chicken dance :D Have to say I totally understand what you mean and I do think that generally asthmatics are quite stubbon people. I hate not being able to do things I've planned / want to do. I got quite a ticking off by a nurse this week because of my holiday plans and I'm so fed up of being told to limit this that and the other. I hope you can enjoy yourself tonight - have fun. :)

100% agree with lonliness, esp as i live on my own!!! and if i do manage to go out, the cold and excitment sends me back to hospital...I got told off by ITU doc on my last night out becuase 1) i was out enjoying myslef 2) it was cold and i should have known better and 3) why didnt I have my neb kit with me...i then reminded him it was an electril neb kit and i couldnt carry a genereator around with me also...dont think he liked my sarcastic comment lol

hope anyone out there who is about to go out is having a nice time!!


I hate not being able to be sure i will get out. Hate sudden sickness and hospitalisations. It is so unfair.


Well went the wedding and all dressed up,but was really hard and taking neb amounts or


Sat quietly and tried last the night out.

Came away at twelve as hubby could see i needed get home and take it from there.

Felt a bit of a Party popper as couldnt chat a lot etc.

Was nice get out though. Bloody lungs xxx

the good thing was that you made it and it could support the newly weds!!!


It is hard, isn't it? I had a very busy weekend planned - early dinner (a date!) with Richard on Friday, so we were home and in bed before 10 pm, then another meal out last night with a big group of friends for a 30th birthday. I survived the meal, but had to bow out early from the bar, after sitting in a corner with my neb (and camera!). I had a pretty rubbish night, and have been needing lots of nebs today, getting breathless without really doing much, and we had to cancel today's plans.

I know it's not always possible, but I find that going along as 'official photographer' makes me feel less conspicuous about sitting out and not dancing. My friends are great about me using the neb around them - they're all so used to it that it's not a big deal any more, though I know they keep a closer eye on me if I use it.

I agree with Charlie-Warlie that it can be lonely sometimes, but I find that I do have the choice about changing my attitude so that it doesn't get me down too much.

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