Dr Cath's Marathon Wheeze: Dear all... - Asthma Community ...

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Dr Cath's Marathon Wheeze

20 Replies

Dear all,

Yes, another begging letter - apologies.

It's that time of year again - but this year, my sights are set considerably higher.

In a moment of complete insanity, back in the later months of last year, I accepted a Golden Bond place with Asthma UK - to run the London Marathon 2009, on the 26th April.

Without any further commentary on my continued sanity or otherwise (!!), I need your help to raise as much money as possible for AUK.

You guys know I have been knocking around these boards for a good number of years now - initially I arrived here needing help and support for my own asthma, and I received that, so now I hope to give you lot something back - now that I have my asthma under firm control - by helping AUK raise much-needed funds.

Please sponsor me!


Thank you all, lovely people.


20 Replies

Oh my word CathBear the London Marathon!!! Gosh that's amazing, scary but amazing. Is Peaksteve your coach or just chief bottle holder? Does this mean that while we are all snuggled on sofas you are out pounding the streets. Brrr, CathBear you are a star i stand in awe of your courage at running a marathon, wow. Will definately sponsor you, take good care CathBear you are the best, love Lois

Hi Lois! Thanks very much for your support.

PeakSteve is my No. 1 supporter and morale-booster, and a great job of it he does too!

It was certainly quite chilly today, especially over the top of the Clent Hills...

*mumbles about utter madness*

Good luck!

hiya cathbear

Think its utter madness however wish you all the very best and think your a fab role model!

Would love to sponser you but im rubbish at sorting things out over the internet and also a tad reluctant to hand over card details as had details stolen on net last month-anyway can i organise some other way with you?? Is that possible!??

Anyway keep up the hard work, dunno how you do it but your doing great so keep it up and good luck!

Lv kat Xx

Hi Kit-Kat - Yes, absolutely, I have PM'd you.

Anyone else who isn't keen on the whole internet-card-details thingummy, or whatever, please PM me & I will give you alternative details.

Thanks everyone!


I remember that PeakSteve was chief spacer, inhaler and water bottle carrier at Dornay Lake. I'm glad that he is your number one encourager, he could cycle alongside of you while you train. I think he would look quite fetching in luminous green! How is your training going Cathbear? Love Lois

I've been luminous green on numerous occasions, and some of those have even involved wearing an Asthma UK t-shirt!

Shameless bump...!

I've now managed to reach the giddy heights of £1,300 with my fundraising but I still need to raise £700 more. Thank you to all the wonderfully generous people who have sponsored me or contacted me for details. Your support is very much appreciated!

Fundraising total is now almost at that elusive £1,500!

Getting very excited now....last long training run is on Sunday (20 miles), then it's all tapering and nutrition from there on.

Wow CathBear that's amazing, that's a brilliant total! Come on everbody dig deep let's get behind CathBear and boost her total and confidence. We're proud of you CathBear Moderator Extrodinaire, encourager, slightly mad as toast, cornerstone of AUK. We salute you! Delve in your sofa's, empty those money boxes, lets get that total boosted.

Incidently CathBear what on earth is tapering? And good luck for the 20 (HOW MANY??) mile practice run, we are rooting for you, love Lois x

wow cathbear thats fab! Im so proud of you think your doing great!! How many miles will you have done by the time you complete the marathon? Lots and lots!! :-) still think your mad lol! But think its great and you really are an inspiration to us all!!

Will be watching the marathon no the tv as i have been banned from travelling anywhere by my doctors for a while! :-( hopefully we will be able to see you no the tv! :-) keep up the excellent work cathbear! Hows the chest infection you recently had? You recovered properly now then?? Hope the training 20miler goes well! Keep it up we're all behind you!!

Lotsa lv and best wishes kat aka cupcake :-) Xx

Pleased to say today we've passed £1,600! Really picking up pace now. Hope my running will do the same ;)

Lois, tapering is reducing down the intensity and volume of your training in the days/weeks leading up to a race. Because it's a marathon it's a long taper. A shorter distance may only require a taper of a week, or less!

Had a really good ""speed"" session (AKA interval training) last night. Fingers crossed for the long run, that'll be on Sunday morning.

Kit Kat, I'm not sure how many miles. Far too many!! I'm sort of mainly recovered from my viral grot, but there's still a fraction lurking - thankfully it is no longer affecting my ability to train effectively.

I am certainly hoping to be visible on the TV - I will be in one of those terribly attractive lime-green running vests, and apparently some of my friends are doing something that will make them very noticeable. I'm not sure what, they won't tell me. Which worries me slightly....

Hello CathBear, how is the tapering going? Cracking total too! Well done CathBear, we are all rooting for you, from the comfort of our sofas, but we're all right behind you. (Wearing our sunglasses because of the lime green brightness!) Boom, boom! Love Lois

yaf_user681_30003 profile image

The thought of you in a lime green vest makes my knees go weak. I hope yours don't do the same on the day

Good luck, Cath.



*wicked grin*

Thank you very much, Alan!

Fame at last:


Good luck cathbear!!

Will be watching the marathon on the tv on sunday and hopefully will catch a glimpse of the auk crowd :-)

Hope the carb depleting isnt too awful and enjoy the carb loading bit!! Good luck on sunday! We're all behind you!

Lv kat Xx

KateMoss profile image

It is next sunday isn't it??

Thought it was tomorrow! LOL

Bear with fuzzy brain!

Yep, tis Sunday 26th!

Just over a week to go - eeek!

Kit-Kat thanks your letter arrived this morning.

glad it got there ok cathbear but wow that was quick only posted it yesterday afternoon lol!! :-) xx

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