asthma uk weekend in febuary - Asthma Community ...

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asthma uk weekend in febuary

16 Replies

I am going to a asthma uk weekend on 4th febuary and really looking forward to it, it is in manchester and got workshops for managing asthma and things like telling employers etc and a trip to old trafford. Any 18-25 on here that are going?

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16 Replies

I'm going :)

hi im new to this site

The asthma uk event sounds good would love to come along could anyone pouint me in the right direction for the info pleaswe ??

I'm going

Thanks Bizkid xx

Yes i am hoping it is going to be really good with a lot of useful info and advice

Is there anything organised for the over 50s who haver only recently been diagnosed? I know I would live to go on a weekend like this. I t think it would be great.

How do you find out any more info or put it forward for a weekend for mature asthmatics?

Does anyone know?


angievere profile image

Angel - not heard of anything like this for the over 50s. Personally I dont feel the need for it (I am a lifelong asthmatic) but I can certainly see it could be of benefit to newly diagnosed asthmatics.

You could suggest it to AUK.

Edit. Teenage son went on the Kick Asthma hol and thoroughly enjoyed it.

this sounds a great event, shame that i.m too old (i.m 29) would've been very useful as i was only diagnosed earlier this year.

Hi angievere,

Thanks for your reply.

Can you tell me how do i put it to AUK about having a weekend for mature asthmatics?

I wouldnt know where to start.

Many thanks

angelacqui xxx

it would be good if something was available for us older asthmatics to go to. As I am much to old to attend.

Aww, I turn 26 on the 1st February. Also I live in Scotland, but I would love to see something like that up here, as I haven't seen much :(.

I'm thinking of going! I'm 24. It would have been very useful for me when I was diagnosed at 18, but it would still be nice to meet some more young people facing similar challenges to me and I have lots of experiences to share - work, university, applying for HC2 for prescriptions etc.


angievere profile image

Angel jacqui

Sorry I havent replied to your query sooner. I would write to Neil Churchill, Chief Exec of AUK (address will be on contact page) and ask if AUK would consider a weekend for newly diagnosed 'older' asthmatics along the lines of the forthcoming Manchester weekend. You could say that other newly diagnosed asthmatics on the Forum have expressed interest in something similar.

PM me if you want any further help or suggestions - you would have to let me PM you back (you havent provided that facility).

I've got a place :-)

It's nearly here!

Yay! Looking forward to it!!

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