lawn companies: I wondered if anyone... - Asthma Community ...

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lawn companies

5 Replies

I wondered if anyone else is suffering with their neighbours addiction for having a green lawn. It has become a trend in the road i live in. Yesterday i did not notice the spraying going on next door and across the road until i had symptoms. I rang the firm responsbile and they kindly gave me the dates for the year that they will be there. Their van is just filled with open sacks of reeking chemicals. I do not have a case of complaint it is people's right to destroy butterflies and bees if they want but i am surprised that with all the e u rulings these days that this is even allowable.

5 Replies
angievere profile image

Hi Anne,

I read your post last night but thought I'd better check a few things with my husband before I replied. He is a keen 'lawn man' and feeds the lawn twice a year, scarifies and rakes, and puts down a bit of weedkiller on weeds occasionally. Everything he uses is safe for wildlife. It doesnt take much time and in no way is he 'addicted to having a green lawn' as you say. In fact a healthy lawn is good for birds as they find plenty of insects and worms. Our garden is full of wildlife and we are both keen gardeners/recyclers/composters and passionate about the environment.

We dont use any sprays and I can only think the lawn companies are actually spraying weed/moss killer and feed (to save time??). I dont know what they use but would have thought it's all legal. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

angievere profile image

Hi Anne,

I read your post last night but thought I'd better check a few things with my husband before I replied. He is a keen 'lawn man' and feeds the lawn twice a year, scarifies and rakes, and puts down a bit of weedkiller on weeds occasionally. Everything he uses is safe for wildlife. It doesnt take much time and in no way is he 'addicted to having a green lawn' as you say. In fact a healthy lawn is good for birds as they find plenty of insects and worms. Our garden is full of wildlife and we are both keen gardeners/recyclers/composters and passionate about the environment.

We dont use any sprays and I can only think the lawn companies are actually spraying weed/moss killer and feed (to save time??). I dont know what they use but would have thought it's all legal. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Annista profile image

My experience has been that if I take the time to explain how ill I get other people are often quite helpful so it might be worth having a chat with your neighbours to explain that the chemicals these companies are using are causing you some health problems. If you tell them that you're not asking them to stop having their lawns treated but would appreciate a little advance warning so that you can keep your windows shut or go out for the day you might be surprised at how helpful they will be.

Good luck

angievere profile image

I read your post yesterday but thought I had better check out a few things with my husband before I replied. He is very knowledgeable about lawn care and our lawn is lovely and green and attracts a lot of birds because of the abundance of insects and worms. He doesnt use any sprays, but concentrates on mowing, scarifying and feeding. We are very keen on wild life so would never do anything to harm bees or butterflies.

Anyway, looking at a well known lawn care company on the internet, I see they spray weedkiller and feed, presumably because that's the quickest way to apply it (for them). However, I am sure all the chemicals they use are legal - it is just unfortunate that the wind takes the spray into other gardens and affects people like us with respiratory problems.

I think Annista's suggestion of talking to the neighbours is a good one. Hope you get on ok.

If you post is to do with the chemicals affecting your health and asthma then my response is:

Speak to your neighbours and kindly ask them to limit the amount of chemicals they are using. Mention your health problems and how it affects you. If they aren't aware then they will keep spraying.

Butterflys are a nuiscance... They lay eggs everywhere and the caterpillars eat all the plants. I can understand why people use chemicals but I wouldn't do it.

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