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Looking to chat to people who understand.

1 Reply

Hi all,

I have had asthma since a young child, had a few admissions over the years but things were stable until the summer of this year, I developed a chest infection and was admitted into hospital, after a few days of not responding to treatment I was admitted to ITU, since the admission its all gone down hill and my life as changed dramitcally. Every 6 weeks from there I have been admitted, spending time in ITU on all occassions and at least 3 weeks in hospital. My consultant is amazing along with my respiritory nurse who I see both weekly. I have been told I'm steriod resistant although I continue to remain on 50mg of pred, along with uniphylinne (amnophylline infusion when admitted), methortraxtrate (trial drug), nebiliser, 4 different inhalers, singular and now another drug to try to reduce inflamation. Im constantly short of breath and exhusted and extreme pain in my lungs.

6 months ago I was living an active life now I can't do anything, I cant even manage the stairs as I become to weak due to the lack of oxygen, I have a 9 yr old son and I just cant feel Im fulfilling my role as mum, this weekend as been a tough weekend after an apoointment with my consultant which she then told me I will always be poorly and she will try her hardest to keep me home for Christmas but Im starting to dip so be prepared. I have amazing family and friends but I would love to speak to people who are living with this awful illness. Days I sit down and think how my life used to be and how it is now, my dignity and independance seemed to have left me in the summer, I struggle even to wash myself, I have had to have a bed downstairs, Im only 27 is this what my life is going to be. Sorry for the moan guess it just nice to get it off my chest without adding more burden to my family.

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1 Reply

Sorry you're feeling so bad. It's not good feeling you are getting worse & helpless to stop it. Most people on here are lovely & understand that sometimes it's better to get things off your chest (no pun intended!)

You sound like you have good medical support, but are you under one of the specialist centres? My asthma was difficult to treat & I made no progress till I was transferred to Manchester. It still took them over 2 years but I'm now at the stage where my asthma is the best it's been since 2005. They were able to identify a fungal issue as being my main trigger.

Hang in there & hopefully you'll be able to make some progress. Hope you feel better for letting off steam to this site. Sorry I can't be more helpful but will be thinking of you.

Take care


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