Confused: I saw my practice nurse... - Asthma Community ...

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I saw my practice nurse yesterday morning who has told me to stay on my increased dose of steroid and she will review me again in June.

I then saw my Consultant (one who I see for other serious illnesses) and we talked about my weight gain and he started telling me what doses of inhalers I should be taking and has arranged a chest xray for me and is referring me to a Chest Consultant as I keep getting throat, lung and chest infections.

Point is: Who do I listen to as I have huge respect and love for both?

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5 Replies

i too am having this problem of Gp and consultant getting involved

Hi Bronnies

It's a difficult one - but who is the most speciliast when it comes to your asthma? I think that is the person you should go with - unless the consultant is seeking advice from a respiratory colleague.

I have had conflicting information from the asthma nurse at my practice and the senior GP. Thank goodness the GP disagreed with the nurse's decision, otherwise I would have become inhaler-less over the next few weeks.

Good luck.


Thank you for the reply Katy.

i think I'll go with what my consultant said - which was use 250seretide in the morning and 500seretide in the evening.

to be honest here, i think when it comes to your asthma, you should listen to the professional who is looking after you.

As the consultant isnt for your asthma, they shouldnt really try and dictate your asthma meds

Thanks for all your replies.

I have needed to go back onto my nurses dose anyway as I've been having attacks. Most of the time my pf is 300, but once again I've got another chest infection but don't need to go to the doctors as I@ve still got antibiotics left (suspension) from my last one. My pf today is 280.

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