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Does anyone know the side effects of Pred?

22 Replies

Hi. Yesterday when i had a serious asthma attack, before i was given nebs i was given 8 Pred tablets. After being in for 10 hours, and 12 nebs i went home, with a lot of hassle from the doctors ans nurses trying to keep me in, and take me to intensive care! I was sent home with Pred, i have to take 8 tablets every morning! for a week, thing is, they took the pateint instruction leaflet out, does anyone know what the side effects are?

Thanks, Holly- May x

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22 Replies

various but due nto poor memory and unwilling to get things wrong will not post. try googling pred and you might find instuction leafley you can download or ask in your local chemist. Many find increase in appitite tho so beware.

Hope you feeling better

It's actually illegal to remove the patient information leaflet from medication boxes, where supplied (and it is supplied with pred).

I would be having strong words if they did that.

Thanks, well i am quite worried about them not giving me the pateint leaflet, i thought they could have even just told me about it, rather than saying here are some steriods take them and youll be fine! I would go and ask my pharmacy, but i am feeling too ill to leave the house!

Thanks, Holly- May x

Whilst there are many potential side-effects of pred, I don't think I'd worry too uch about them if you're only on a short course. However, if you do want to check out the list (though side-effect lists can be scary) then look on the bnf website or google prednisolone.

Thanks Becky x

It's a serious issue - as CathBear has said - if you've been given meds without the patient information leaflet. Which hospital were you at? It should be reported right away.

hi peaksteve, i was at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. all i got was a box which only says what it is (sovereign, prednisolone tablets) and how many and when to be takeni have checked everywere, just to make sure it hasnt fallen out and its not anywere to be found!


Holly- May x

Can i suggest you phone the nurses who give medical advice on the board the hepline is Call the Asthma UK Adviceline on 08457 01 02 03, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.

they will give you the help you need!

Hi Holly

I'm on 30mg daily, have been for 2 weeks now. They've made me really hungry. And i have had cramp in my lower leg at night.

Julie X

Hi Julie, thanks! Thats weird, i have lost my apprtite, dont know about the cramps though! I will try and get to the doctors tommorrow, if i have any energy! See what they say, my doctor kept on saying that he wouldnt put me on Pred, but the hospital must have thought i needed it!


Holly- May x

The hospital gave me preds & my antibiotics. My doctor then gave me some more preds because my chest was still rattling!

Do you talk to your mum and dad at times like this? You need support. Although i have my partner, i'm 34 years old and still need to talk to my mum and dad. My brother in a diabetic consultant and my sister in-law is a GP. This can come in quite handy sometimes! Do they go to the doctors with you?

I've only had two courses of pred, the first one I had major munchies (although, to be fair I do tend to stuff myself when I'm feeling bad, so may not have all been the pred's fault!), the second one I lost my appetite completely for a day to start with, to the extent I had to force myself to take sips of water & even to brush my teeth (weird!) but that went pretty quickly back to normal, and then on to munchies again!

Hi Julie No they dont go to the doctors with me, but 2 of my aunties are nurses whivh are handy!


Holly- May x

Holly May, you should have a discharge letter for your GP if you have dropped it in call and ask for a home visit the letter will confirm how ill you have been and you should not have a problem. If you still have your letter call and ask for a home visit anyway, explain you have just been discharged after a big attack and you are not fit to leave the house (cold air is a well known asthma trigger so there should not be a problem) when you give the GP the letter explain you have not been told about the side effects of pred and ask for more info. How long is the course you have been prescribed?Bex

Holly May, you should have a discharge letter for your GP if you have dropped it in call and ask for a home visit the letter will confirm how ill you have been and you should not have a problem. If you still have your letter call and ask for a home visit anyway, explain you have just been discharged after a big attack and you are not fit to leave the house (cold air is a well known asthma trigger so there should not be a problem) when you give the GP the letter explain you have not been told about the side effects of pred and ask for more info. How long is the course you have been prescribed?Bex

Hi Bex. I have a discharge letter, its pink. I dont know if its for a gp, is it? Erm.. My pred course is for about 5 days i think, i have not counted them! But 8 a day is harsh! Thanks Bex!

Holly- May x

5 day pred course of 8 a day is pretty standard. Suggest you call GP 1st thing tomorrow and get him to come out to you. You might have to be persistent with the dragons I mean recptionists but bearing in mind that you have been unwell I am sure they will come out and get your aunt or dad or someone to be there at the same time if only cos 2 ears listening means less confussion over what is being said. If you have any questions and I am sure you do jot them down now before you forget them.


Thanks again Bex!

Luv ya all, hugs for all others who are unwell!

Holly- May x

I'm guessing the GPs are probably not going to be too keen to see you on your own though Holly-May.

As a GP myself, medicolegally we need a parent/guardian with you when you are under 16.

I would honestly expect (being realistic, and this is probably what you will be told) for a 13-year old to be brought to the surgery by a parent or responsibly adult - you may have very compliant GPs, but in most surgeries around here there is a strict policy of no visits for under 16s.

Hi CathBear, i have been visiting my GP surgery for many months on my own now, they know my circumstances, the receptionists know me when i walk in the door! Which cant be too good! Thanks again!

Holly- May x

holly i would not worry too much about the pred at the moment i can only now see my gp with out an adult if i went on my own i had to always go with someone (adult) and on the few occassions i needed to go one my own as no one would come some one would come in with me from ether reception or a nurse due to then being under 16 at the time, as children are not allowed by law unaccompanied to see a gp


Hi Spider Lungs, i have been going in on my own for about 1 year now, and i only have to have a nurse there too if i am having a proper examination! So they are fine with it all!

Luv ya, thanks

Holly- May x

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