Positive vibes needed pls - ( updated... - Asthma Community ...

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Positive vibes needed pls - ( updated Wed 4th)

37 Replies

Hi all

I know there are a lot of new ppl now and for that reason and for other reasons in the past I will not explain what is going on in detail, but for those that were here last yr and know my wife Snowy (Andrea) and what went on before, can I ask that any spare positive vibes/prayers be directed her way tonight if at all possible?.

She is a bad way, same as last summer altho not quite the same, and its touch and go as to if she will pull through, been on vent since sun eve and with no improvement at all so far, and the old heart issues are threatening, things are not good big time.

I hate to ask, but im at my wits end and have completly run out of energy to do this on my own. But it worked so well last time when she defied all the odds so im hoping it can work again!

Many thanks


PS: wanted to say a massive thankyou to all her friends from here that have been a huge source of support on fb xxx

37 Replies

always in my thoughts Andrea. love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

All the positive vibes anywhere directed at Snowy. I'm so sorry it's come back to this again after such a positive Christmas.

Thinking of you all and willing Snowy to keep at it and come back to you soon. xxxx

Clarefraser profile image

Oh Alex I am so sorry to hear this, I am thinking of you and your son and praying that Snowy comes through this.

In my thoughts and prayers.

Clare Xx

Thoughts and positve vibes on their way. We are thinking of you. Get well Snowy Andrea. I saw on FB, thinking of you all xxx

yaf_user681_2584 profile image

My thoughts and positive vibes to you and snowy!

I really hope she improves soon

B x

KateMoss profile image

Sending my love, prayers and get well vibes to you all XXXXx

sending love and best wishes

Good wishes

I did not post last time but watched and read everyday for news. Thinking of you, Louis and Andrea.

Much love Lisa x

yaf_user681_15459 profile image

Oh Alex, I'm so sorry to hear this. :-( sending all the love in the world and prayers to you, Lewis and Andrea. Thinking of you all lots. X

with you all the way Alex ,Andrea and Lewis.

All my prayers and love and hugs are with you on here and fb and phone .

Make sure you also look after your self and eat and rest when you can.

All the love in the world to you all and lets hope the next 24/48 hours show some improvement

for you .

take care lots of love xxxxx

angievere profile image

Oh dear. I was just thinking about you all the other day and wondering how Andrea was. Best wishes and love to you all.

Thinking of snowy , Alex and their son ..... Positive thoughts

Asthma-girl profile image

I was thinking about you all just the other day and wondering how you all are.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time and I light a virtual candle and hope it will send positive vibes to you and your family

Straining every fibre of being sending positive thoughts, love and prayers to all 3 of you.

Fee xxx

Please join me in a prayer for Andrea.

Lord, I don't always understand your ways. I don't know why my friend Andrea has to suffer. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward Andrea. Nourish her spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort her with your presence. I have faith in you, Lord, heal my friend.

Fingertips pressed as tightly together as last time. Coming up the road, daughter driving, I just kept staring at this one cloud. Looked like an angel. Pressed hands so tightly together for that whole week in silent supplication. Doing it again. xxx

Emmajayne75 profile image

Im new on here but my thoughts and prayers are with ur wife, u and ur family x

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family xx keep strong god bless xx

Keep strong Andrea. Prayers are not my thing, but I'm keeping you and your family in my heart Alex xxx

Stay strong and positive thoughts being sent your way xxxxx

Sending very positive vibes to you, alex and lewis and keeping andrea in my prayers that she will make a recovery soon. God bless you. xxx

Massive virtual hugs for you all...thoughts are with you through every step!!


Oh Alex, my thoughts are with you. We often think of snowy and wonder how she is and I am sending you lots of positive vibes.

I will keep you in my prayers Alex and your family espically your son. Keep up the postive thoughts when you visit, sending you hugs and prayers. xx

Thank you

Just wanted to say thanks for all the amazing support yet again ...

Glad to be able to Report a little good news in that there was a slight improvement overnight, still on the critical list and a long way to go but for the first time since Sun it was a step in the right direction for once !

For those that asked and said they had wondered how she had been since the last time, apart from a couple of blips on the whole she had been very good, in Dec she organised a great long weekend away for my b'bay and we had a fab tine, and she even said that she felt the old her again!, we then had a great Xmas & a great party on new years eve, then this hit on new years day!

Hopefully next time I post it will be even better news, keep the good vibes going as they seem to be working

Alex xx

yaf_user681_32991 profile image

always in my thoughts sweetie.

you have my number when you need light releif

Geina xx

Thank you for the update . Praying for an even bigger improvement today keep strong x

*Huge hugs* Thinking of you all at the minute and sending positive vibes and prayers your way xxxx

Sending prayers your way, that the doctors do what they need to do and God does the rest. You remember to eat alex and stay strong. Love to ur son and in laws.


yaf_user681_30355 profile image

Thinking of you Alex, Snowy and Lewis. Hoping the small improvements continue. Come on Snowy!


Jac xxx

i m new on here , but would like to send hugs and support to you and your family x

Positive wishes and energies to you. I've lit more candles today too. xxx

Wishing you all the strength to get through this tough time, will say a prayer for Snowy tonight x x

yaf_user681_8101 profile image

Hi Alex,

I'm sending loads of positive thoughts to all three of you. I hope its been a positive day for you all.

Are you looking after yourself?

Glad to hear about the improvement and still have u all in prayers. Take care now. Also glad u had a good Xmas, birthday too. I think the New year brought in a cold front.


so sorry to hear that Snowy is struggling again. will keep her and all her family in my prayers. glad to hear there is some improvement, and looking forward to hearing more good news. (((((HUGS))))) to you all. wishing Snowy a complete and speedy recovery. And strength and peace to you Alex, you must be such a strong person also.

Rose xxx

Hi Alex

Sending positive thoughts for you and your wife and son.

I hope things improve quickly.



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