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attack seemed different

12 Replies

I had an attack while working today and it seemed reallydifferent than others. my chest was really uncomfy i could not sit comfortably, i was coughing so much i was almost being sick, and i got really hot and sweaty which isn't normal. i came home after it ad all i want to do is sleep. is any of this normal?

12 Replies

thats happened to me i can get really hot and sleepy .. i thinks its due to all the coughin we/i do.

i had an attack today aswell and after it i felt really tired but i usually find this is normal for me especially if its been going on for a long amount of time

best thing to do is to go home and sleep or rest

i'm glad i'm not the only one. the other thing i noticed was i got really confused and was struggling to think straight which i found quite hard.

What upset me more than anything was one of my collegues thought it was funny - seriously she was staring at me laughing! My other collegues were really supportive and helped me through it and my manager helped me move somewhere more quiet but this girl walked round the shop laughing and telling people and its putting me off going back as i don't like people like that. I don't think its funny as an attack can be really serious and i need to know if i ask for help i will get help rather than people staring an laughing. STRESS!!

Not good!

Whilst I definately don't condone this or suggest that people should do it, I say to people, tie a plastic bag over your head and then run up the stairs....

(Obviously you should never actually do this but they kinda get the idea)

But I also say to people, ""don't laugh (take the p**s) at issue you don't understand.

Not helping your particular situation I guess..

Lauren, your manager seems okay with things do you not feel like you could have a chat with her and maybe explain how you felt when this girl laughed? so many she could ask her to be a bit more sensitive in future?

Dont worry people like her will get there bad karma sometime in life.

Andrea xx

Usually people only think its funny when they have no idea what asthma is and how serious it can be. They quickly stop laughing when they realise its life-threatening. It surprises me that so many people just don't seem to realise that!

The straw trial is also good - give them a straw to breathe through, something to clip off their nose, then tell them to walk up and down the stairs a few times.

They soon get the idea that it's not funny.

But maybe the girl was laughing nervously, because she felt uncomfortable and didn't know what to do/how to help? People react in funny ways at times, not always appropriately. Just a thought.

Cathbear- think you may definitely be right on that one. When people are witnessing something that is frightening to them, they may adopt odd behaviours to reassure themselves. I've had this happen, but never through laughter!

In any case, laurenjayne, I wish you all the best! Talk to that girl, and use the straw trick if you have to! Hopefully things are going smoothly at work and you are feeling better!


Thanks for all your replies - its a difficult situation, the girl is in a lot of trouble anyway ovr her attitude so i don't want to make it worse. i did get a bit upset today though as she walked into my office and tried to do an impression. my other collegues who had never witnessed attacks before yesterday stood up for me as they told me i gave them quite a fright. Most people are aware that it could happen but never see it happen and in a normal situation i get myself somewhere fairly quiet where as i was around a lot of people yesterday, my collegue said he thought i was just coughing and then realised it was serious because of the look of me..

i can understand some people do not understand it at all and in a way it is ignorance but what worries me is in an emergency i can be dependent on other people. I always have inhalors on me, i never wear an outfit that doesn't have at least one pocket, its my rule but i can not always have my spacer on me so i sometimes need people to get it for me, or people to get me help whether it a first-aider for support or calling for help and if people are laughing i am scared they won't do this. its a situation that probably will never happen but its something i worry about.

Took another attack today as well but was dealt with a lot better. its so stressful at times though

Laurenjayne i know its hard but try not to worry about other peoples feelings and concentrate on yourself.

Is this person is already in trouble then shes obviously bad news, she doesnt consider your feelings so dont you hers just report her.

Andrea xx

thats the norm for me after ive been coughing heavily, then i dont eat for days, just go with it, but instead of getting hot and sweaty, i go cold and shivvery, but thats been linked to an iron deficiency

I normally go cold and shivery but i always relate that to being scared and panicing so i feel when i go hot and sweaty i have no control over it and feel woRSE but also because i look worse as well as being ill - i know that sounds bizzare.

I've also found i try to clutch my chest when its painful and the people with me tell me to try and relax more as i look really tense (I can't breathe and no if i don't sort it quick i'll be visiting the hospital so i am going to be quite tense and won't look relaxed!) but i seem to think holding my chest helps me somehow is that unusual?

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