Rant ahoy!: This morning i rung my GP... - Asthma Community ...

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Rant ahoy!

7 Replies

This morning i rung my GP to have a chat to him about headaches that are getting more frequent to say the least i got absolutely no where talking to him! I was not impressed! He said it would be painkiller over use as i was on tramodol and parceptmol four times a day. This was the first i had heard of this - i am not on either four times a day. As to the fact they are on my repeat i would like to know since when?! I know i had them both when i was in hospital but i have not taken tramadol since i was discharged and i rarely use any other painkillers unless i really have to! So pain killer induced headaches hardly likely?! I was really not pleased with him at all. He has sent me some codeine 15mg that is seperate from parceptomol to try. I was fuming so much i rang my resp nurse to see if she had any brighter ideas poor women not her area of expertee at all! She said to keep a diary of when i get the headaches, for how long and if i find a way of getting rid of them. When she next comes she will take it and show a doctor and also do my blood pressure as she wonders if it is low but not to worry until i next see her, just to ring her if anything gets worse. I found her so much more understanding and helpful.

Hospital discharge team are really annoying me too they keep asking me when the next team will take over - isnt the answer obvious when they are told they no longer need to come?! I dont know if i did know i would have told them. Social services are busy people it isnt my fault they are not getting back to me, my social worker is on holiday so i dont expect anything to happen till he comes back and even then i shall be asking him if he had a good holiday to start with but that is me! As soon as they have sorted something i am sure they will tell me!

To top it all i am really not feeling great today, i feel really spaced out and that is before i have even tried the new tablets doctor has sent me. i rang doctor with headache concern and feeling spaced out and get no where so i am left at home not feeling great, infact i feel very stressed and emotional so all in all a wonderful day NOT!

I am trying to plan my life so that i get back on my feet soon but not too quickly but it is really hard when people keep saying shouldnt you be doing this already or the opposite they say slow down! Grr i am doing what i can when i can and i would be doing it sooner if i could and no i not going to slow down because if i do i will grind to a halt!

(if you read this far thanx - dont say i didnt warn you it was a rant!)

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7 Replies

Sorry you arnt feeling to good and having meds changed and got headaches.

Ive been taking tramadol 10 years now 150 mg m/n.

hope you soon get sorted with your headaches on new meds and hope no

nasty side effects.

love Glynis.

ps-hope you have settled in your new home xxx

Hi Glynis

I am a bit dubuous to try it to be honest. I am trying the old fashioned sofa rest and plenty of fluids.

The new house is great if there wasnt builders outside digging up the main road not helpful when you have a headache and want to sleep!


yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Take care Plumie, I keep getting spaced out, doc said it's lack of oxygen,he didn't seem that concerned about it, I am!Shame no-one knows what the other is doing, doesn't help you at all!

Like you I'm so fed up with my life being on hold. It's driving me mad. This morning I packed up a picnic, rug, flask and neb. Had to have little breaks as my lungs are having none of it! But hubbie drove me and boys to Dorset Coast for some sea air. Sat on the beach watching boys kick a ball about and listening to the sea brush over the the stones, bliss. Asthma kicked off a bit, but went for small stroll round cliffs, using every bench available, feel about 90!Had funny turn whilst in queue for tea, but ok after stuffing face with scones and butter. I'm finding it difficult that my asthma has taken over my life but like you I shall be fighting it all the way.It's finding a balance.

I've used codeine for severe headaches in the past, they are good. I can't use my migraine stuff any more because of new inhaler!

Take care and hope you feel loads better soon.

Kate x

Mine still had me down as taking Colpermin,

Now that I have regular repeat prescriptions for my asthma inhalers, odd items crop up on it. Like the Colpermin, only taken for 6 months way back in the 90s. Pushed for a good scroll through the list with GP, last time I was there, edited the list to show current items only.

Rant justified plumie, if only to nudge us into checking what on our records.

My social worker has just contacted me. He is still stuck on stage 2 but he is going to refer me to stage 3 so there is some progress at least. i can sit around waiting for the care navigator to contact me.

I am feeling down today but i have told the social worker why and he is going to try and stop it happening, basically everytime the carers come they say they are not meant to be doing that role and why havent i got the other people in? I cannot physically do anything about it so it is really getting to me. Also my mother is visiting tomorrow and i am apparently ruining her hols because she has to come and visit me?! She does not have to come and visit if she doesnt want. It was her who wanted to come and visit so i gave her a day i was free. I have a very strange mother - apparently i am a rubbish daughter - i would like to know how to be a good daughter - apart from may be not being disabled?! I cannot help being ill. :(

yaf_user681_23350 profile image

Hi Plumie, I had that when I had carers, told we don't do house work, but that's what I had down for help for. I had someone to help with everything else!

Hope it goes ok with your Mum tomorrow, she's probably feeling guilty because she can't do more, and coming to visit means she has to face this fact.

My Mum is in hospital with blood poisoning and lives 80 miles away, I'm feeling so very guilty that I'm too ill to visit her in hospital at the mo, going to try and see her Monday, we have to take my Son to his consultant down that way Tuesday so do both together.

Take care of yourself and hope problem with Mum blows over, feel free to pm me

Kate x

Hi plumie. Hope the headache goes soon. GP's are so horrid sometimes and they just don't seem to know hat they are talking about from one minute to the next. My mother has careers who come in to her 3 times a day. They have to help her get dressed, bath, cook/make her meals, make sure she has taken her meds and do light housework. My BIL does all the heavy housework as well as my sister and my self when I can get over to her. My sister and BIL are always complaining that I don't do enough for my mother they just don't seem to understand that I also helath issues and have 3 children to take care of that all have health issues and I refuse to expect my hubbie to deal with them on his own as it is to much work for one person to do alone even if it is only for a few hours.

Your rant was way worth it I am going to make sure that only my present meds are on my medication list as I was on tramadol a few years back for Cyatica post birth o fmy son. I hated taking those tablets as they made me so drowsy I ended up coping with paracetamol, codeine and diclofenace and when needed a long hot soak the bath and a hot water bottle on my back and belly.

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