Claimants Are Pulling Fast One .... B... - Lung Conditions C...

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Claimants Are Pulling Fast One .... But Tax Avoidance And Evasion Is Estimated To Run To £120bn.

45 Replies

But Less Than 1% Of The Welfare Budget Is Lost To Fraud Or Error .... .10 lies We Are Told About Welfare ....

1. Benefits are too generous ... Might Be If Your Lord Or The Queen

2. Benefits are going up ... They're not

3. Jobs are out there, if people look .... Where? If You Had Not Noticed Unchecked Immigration As Created A UK Nationals Job's Crisis

Like I Have Lung Function To Carry On .... But I Know Its This Country That Has Made Me Sick :O

But Issue Is Millions Being Made Poorer While We're Fobbed Off With Porkies Yet When It Come To Lords Reforms ..... Not A Peep

Follow Link And Show Your Discontent With Daft Government Policy By Liking Page :P

45 Replies

Interesting reading Daz, thanks. God knows where it will end.

in reply to

I Know Where As Would Like To End ... But BLF Are Very Good At Moderating :O

Welfare reform, my arse vote Jim Royle in

in reply to

Agreed :)

dall05 profile image

How can anybody vote for these evil people ever again, without taking a very long hard look at themselves. If you think your job is secure and your never going to fall ill then by all means take a chance to line your own pocket at the expence of those who have not been so lucky.

Then keep everything crossed that your health dos'nt fail and your job stays secure because believe me I know from experience that things can go pair shaped extremely Quickly and you'll wonder why the saftey net that was once there has gone and will probably never come back. 'THINK PEOPLE!' MOST OF US ARE GENUINE CASE'S. NOT THE CHEATS THE GOVERMENT WANT THE MAJORITY TO THINK OF US.


in reply to dall05

Very True

azaard profile image
azaard in reply to dall05

Worked all my life from the age of 15, and believe me this is not the first nor will it be the last time the powers that be have stuffed it to, most maybe to young to remember super annuated tax,, love to know where my money went. I didn't. A penny unlke thebig boys in westminster

in reply to azaard

Super Annuated Tax .. Sounds Bad But Yes Don't Think Anyone Has Had It Easy .... Is Hard Watching W#### In Westminster Knackering Everything Up

Makes You Think What Did My Grand Parents Fight Suffer For .... As In 1945 A Don't Propose I Shall Be Letting My Grand Parents Down Or Letting There Suffering Be Disrespect ... By That Load Of S### In Westminster :O

But Westminster Know This Already Thats Why We Have Unchecked Immigration To Water Our Rights And Voice

Government Want A Country Full Of People They Can Tax And Give Nothing In Return DICTATORSHIP Come's To Mined

My Point Being Is There Any Harm In Asking Our Guest Who Have To Home Lands For A Bit Of Solidarity And To Respect What My Grand Parents Thought To Buld For Us All

We Had I Great Country And I Would Like It To Still Be Great :)

All The Best

azaard profile image
azaard in reply to

There's one thing that really bugs is i know of numerous polish, Ukrainian and other ex- soviet block imigrants who own properties in there own countries yet come here under the visage of being refugees,,or as students but have no capital to fund their time here, and we end up paying for them even while those that are caught and deported are kept in deportation camps. How about we charge the European monitary fund for that instead of bailing out other countries when the money is needed here at home.

in reply to azaard

I Agree :)

And Think The Problem In UK Is Unlike Most EU Countries Give Up Empire Building Mainly Due To Cost But UK As Not Grasped Concept As Of Yet

If Queen Wants A Empire She Needs To Fund It Out Of Her Own Money ..... By Taxing These Bake And Flake Colonies And Lets See How This Empire Dreams Last ... Government Of Talked A Lot About Our Debt ... But Don't Have Problem Giving Stuff Away To There Favoured Friends

All The Invasion Under Guise Of Liberating Countries Wheres All Promised Work .... And Cheap Oil Because We In Uk Have Not Seen Any

Think We Need To See Receipts :O

When I was 16 I had a baby, a full time job and at 17 a home with a mortgage, a husband working two jobs too but in those days no-one got child benefit for the 1st child!

Sadly my marriage failed due to the pressure of us both working all hours, paying for child care costs, mortgage etc.

At the age of 19 I returned home with my precious baby daughter and continued to work full time until I had a horse riding accident which temporarily damaged my kidneys (badly bruised and swollen) which trapped nerves in my lumbar area...I couldn't walk for three months and applied for welfare assistance - I'd been paying into it constantly from the age of 15. OK, that's not like forever but I couldn't have paid any longer.

Could I get any help? No, I was told that as I was living with my parents then they could keep me until I was able to return to work.

Since then I have always worked, either for someone else or self employed so have always contributed to the system. Even when I had a complete mental breakdown and ongoing clinical depression it took me 4 years before I dared to try and claim anything.

If that's what they call being a scrounger then fine but I think I've given all I could to this miserable country and its so called welfare state - now I live in fear of my measly benefit being reduced by inflation, ATOS, walking one step too many, changes from one benefit to another or a million and one other reasons. Maybe they'll take it off me altogether if I fill a form in wrongly. Am I anxious, of course I am...who wouldn't be?

Angry and disillusioned - yes, that too.

DAZ for PM! lol


:) still smiling though

Think You Have Summed Up How Country Is Feeling ..... Except You Missed Bit About Part Time Workers And How They Got No Help Too

Well Encapsulated Lorraine :)

But As Far As Me Being PM .... What Can A Say YES And A Won't Even Say Please :)

All The Best :)

All is so true,I have worked all my life untill 7 months ago when we had to sell our shop because of illness.i thought be so easy to find some part time work,few days a week and something I could do with this illness.i never knew, or realised how difficult it is out there to work.i must have applied for a100 part time jobs and have had 2replies back ( both dear johns ). I know now I will never be able to work again,I feel so so sorry for all these people with young families.

Jeremy clarkson for London mayor and one of us for pm !

in reply to

Is Very Sad How People Give There All ... And Are Treated When Seriously ill

Its Bad Reflection On A Country And Its People

James48 profile image

A good post- thanks! :)

in reply to James48

Cheers :)

azaard profile image

They bang on about welfare reforms, national debt, and immigration. I say "shut the gates, let the lords and mp's work for the minimum wage and then see how the manage on pensions or benefits when they are to old or to ill yo carry on"

wishful thinking i know but it would certainly put a few bob back on the coffers.nationaldebt

in reply to azaard

National Debt Am Not Paying For That Load Of Crap USA Sold Us .... Should Ask For Refund Russian Tanks Was Much Better Buy :)

Ecellent post,,,,wonder if any of us will live long enough to see any change......

in reply to

If we do it will only be for the worse as usual! ;)

in reply to

Am Not Planing On Going Anywhere .... Have Quite A Lot To Say On Few Issues :O

Cheers Alll The Best :)

azaard profile image

Not planing popping off my self just yet, i'm gonna hang on for grim death, if only to be a pain in the hierarchy's side, as for reforms like i said wishful thinking,doubt if i' see much of them in my life time, but hey i still got my sense off humour, they can't tax that can they ??????

in reply to azaard

Agreed That Sounds Like A Great Plan :)

Not Sure About Taxing Humour Nothing Would Surprise Me :P

Great Comment All The Best

warwickstag profile image

Brilliant post Daz. This government will see off the NHS. They'd love us to do them a favour and pop our clogs so let's all stay strong and give em hell. Only 2 years to the next general election.

in reply to warwickstag

Cheers ... A Don't Think Government Will Last Term Storm Clouds Are Gathering :P

Totally Agree With Staying Strong .... Its Only A Fool Wh Would Tazer Sumone With A Oxygen Bottle :)

Sociable profile image
Sociable in reply to warwickstag

Problem is whomever we vote for those dam pesky polititans keep getting in and as 70% of them are millionaires (across all parties) it's small wonder they simply don't get what life is like for us poor mortals.

in reply to Sociable

Agreed Most Do Line Up There Interests And Families Careers .... Crown Needs To Respect The Magna Carta And Her Contractual Obligations When It Come's To Keeping Her Proxy Government In Check

Last Thing She Needs In Times Of Austerity Is Someone Trying To Do Her For Breach Of Contract .... What Can I Say Am Just The Guy To Do It :)

Sociable profile image
Sociable in reply to

We should be partners in crime methinks just a shame Guido can't join us this time round.

Seriously though I have been considering petitioning the Queen under the provisions of the "Bill of Rights" (1689) which enshrines that right which stems from Magna Carta and forms part of her Coronation Oath almost 60 years ago when I was but a babe in arms having been born a few months earlier.

in reply to Sociable

A Think Thats A Great Idea ... Just Need To Make Sure Our Dates Facts Are Correct

But Hay As Un Washed Or Surfs Its Our Right To Be Ignorant :O

But Seriously Is Great Idea .... Try And Get Gordon57 On Side :)

Sociable profile image
Sociable in reply to

in reply to Sociable

Thats The Businesses .... So Under Bill Of Rights 1688 Standing Army Law

Why As Tony Blair Not Been Strung Up :( Might Be One For Mp :P

It's Just Like Being A Kid In A Sweet Shop Again :O

in reply to

I will march my buggy and carry a banner to Buck Palace,

(If one can MARCH an electric scooter got a bit carried away) I'm game. I've got room for someone's oxygen bottle and a bag for the sarnies. Rock on Rebels..

in reply to

Agreed ... We Could All Go With Our Oxygen With Combined Power Of Nagasaki :P

But Think Am Getting Carried Away With Combined Power Of Nagasaki Talk :))

azaard profile image

You right ofcourse no matter who we vote for things never change in favour of the less well off. As for the nhs, i'm a regular in patient at chorley general and in the space if three years i've seen the the change in care the nursing staff are able to give due to cut backs and it gets beyond thinking about when ward porters are having to arrange bed tranfers because the ward managers are in executive meetings and the ward sister and staff nurses are tied up changing beds. It certainly gives you pause to think.

Agree with all these posts,this government,and all before just push and push people into poverty constantly.mark my word we will be classed as a 3rd world country within 5 years if we carry on this way.

Great post Daz,some brill comments

in reply to

Totally Agree If Not There Already

Cheers :)

phillips1 profile image

Sorry to be a killjoy but there is an awful lot of benefit cheating going on. Close to me there lives an allegedly disabled couple. Both have Motability cars and are carers for each other. When I remarried I had a small reception on the first floor of a local pub. Who was running up and down the stairs with trays of food? Yep, this same disabled couple! It happens my friends.

in reply to phillips1

Thats Not Kiljoy You Have Found Allegedly The Less Than 1%

Cheers All The Best :)

phillips1 profile image
phillips1 in reply to

Thanks Daz. I still find 1% hard to believe. Perhaps it is just the area I live in. Bob

mogli712 profile image
mogli712 in reply to phillips1

Live in the Daily Mail there are always telling stories about benefit cheats and ignore tax fiddles because they are doing what the government want in Lah Lah Land.

azaard profile image
azaard in reply to phillips1

Not just your area, i,m surrounded by them, i live in sheltered accomodation for over 55's some in here are well over 70 still work and enjoy a fully active lifestyle, but still claim dla

Sociable profile image
Sociable in reply to azaard

I take it you do realise DLA is an "in work" benefit and is used by many precisely to enable them to be able to work whereas without that specific support they would not only not be working but almost certainly needing far more finacial support rather than being net tax payers. :)

The key thing though is that the DWP's own detailed sampling from the claimant database provides thousands of cases which are forensically examined by experts and provide the detailed statistic that are then misrepresented by the media.

They are what establishes that year on year the rate of fraud in DLA is actually less than half of one percent i.e. 1 in 200 claims and is the most "honest" of all benefits within the system.

Many times higher are the losses due to official error bet here we fins another anomali not highlighted in the press and that is the fact one is far more likely to be underpaid rather than overpaid and that the estimated underclaiming of DLA exceeds all these amounts by a very large margin.

Yes DLA accuracy needs/needed to be increased but if it had been the net result would have been the realisation that more should have been in receipt of it not less.

sillywitch profile image

where I live the claimants of job seekers & DLA sit in the pub bragging about the fact that they,ve never worked & have no intention of working, they are often joined by the labor MP & local AM these are the people who make life hard not just for us but for the workers who,s wages pay for their benefits, the pub is the Labor club, the MP,s socalise as these are the people who put them in power, I have no idea how to solve this problem & admit the changes made to claim DLA are cruel & often disallow genuine claimants, I,m sure I,ll be disallowed when my claim goes in on 12th ,but the Labor Party is the cause not the answer surely?

Sociable profile image

This really isn't about party politics at all sillywitch as ALL parties con dem and labour are all of the same mind and that is they are on the side of the haves because they are haves too.

A new divide whereby the few look after themselves and their own and sod the rest of us other than election time when if you remember correctly at the last election ALL parties gave a solid commitment to not remove DLA or make it means tested but ALL parties have now signed up to ending DLA and making its replacement effectively means tested as only those on means tested benfits tend to be the ones expected/forced to pay toward the cost of "social" care whilst those most able to pay tend to get such services completely free of charge (talking domicilliary care not residential care).

sillywitch profile image
sillywitch in reply to Sociable

Ah i see! thanks for setting me straight, i got hold of the wrong end of the stick oops! i,ll read the posts more carefully in future :)

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