Having sleepless nights . On oxygen 2... - Lung Conditions C...
Having sleepless nights . On oxygen 24/7. Using Tamazepam which doesn't always work.Any solutions PLEASE!
Tamazepam not the best for sleep, ask doc if you can have Zopiclone (specifically for sleep).
Lucky is right, zopiclone is much much better than temazepam. I am prone to severe insomnia too and there is nothing more demoralising or likely to lower your immune system so you need help.
Although I don't take zopiclone all the time, sometimes I just cannot sleep at all without help (and I'm not on oxygen). I think my problem is my erratic adrenal glands. If I am panicking about the insomnia my gp occasionally gives me diazepam to take about an hour before I go to bed, which calms me enough for the zopiclone to work. Another remedy you can buy over the counter, for short term problems, is phenergan, which is an antihistamine but also works for temporary insomnia. There have been times when I've taken zopiclone+diazepam+phenergan! (all with the approval of my gp). But of course you must be very careful with anything you buy over the counter and check with the pharmacist that it doesn't interfere with whatever else you're taking. Also, only take them short-term, or if you're having a bad spell then try taking the pills for 2 nights, and resign yourself to a restless night on the 3rd. 2 nights sleep out of 3 is tolerable and will stop you becoming psychologically dependent on them.
The other thing you can try is a relaxation cd, use it in the daytime to start with, then once you've learnt the techniques you can try and put them into practice when sleep won't come. Personally though, I find some soothing music, which I listen to whilst reading, takes my mind off the insomnia and then I can often settle. One thing you mustn't do is lie for hour after wakeful hour, getting more and more stressed. If I'm not asleep within half an hour I put the light on low and read, then try again after an hour or so.
ff x
Hi FF,
Our chemist has taken Phenergan off the shelf due to its abuse/interactions. That's why I didn't suggest it too BUT found an online supplier at: expresschemist.co.uk/Phener...
So if anyone struggles over the counter here is a good place to buy.
I too will sometimes use the same triple arsenal but all COPD sufferers please be aware that ALL these drugs DO depress breathing rate.
I'm willing to take my chances to get some sleep but one has to do it knowingly and as FF says NOT 'every' night or it would become ineffective.
Good luck with a nights sleep.
Will the correct medical advice also be supplied with self medication which depresses the breathing rate, eternal sleep would appear a distinct possibility for a patient using oxygen twenty four hours a day. I am not qualified to make such judgements on suitability of medication leaving such matters in more capable hands with clinical judgement against experimenting.
I'm sorry Braithwaite but having read this several times I am at a loss as to what you are actually saying? Can you clarify please?
It's OK Aunty Mary, you're not alone here. I can never understand this person who seems to have swallowed a medical dictionary! lol
I have to agree with Braithwaite our doctor. said that he could not prescribe sleeping tablets to my husband who is on oxygen 24/7 as it would probably 'finish him off'.
At least I think that I agree with him!!
try two chloraphenamin antihystemin it works for me, as i find 3 days of zopiclone has an effect on my breathing, and makes me feel bad during the dayand 7 days worth they stop working
sleep well
Yes, antihistamines will work forever but Zopiclone isn't meant to be taken for more than 3 consecutive nights without a break or they will cease to be effective.
My warmest thanks for all your answers to my plea for help! You have given me much food for thought.
i'm caring for mr bunny who has parkinsons and empasemia on 16/24 oxygen,and only 6 days into home oxygen, after 3 wks nightmare hospital stay for mr bunny and me as carer have been prescribed diasipan,taking it an hour b4 bedtime is a good idea, but it is seriously addictive if you take it too long,a neighbour on it for 2yrs is having a dreadful time coming off it,i also take zopiclone,7mg nightly but only a couple of nights at a time, as its effect quickly wears off if you take it every night...
mr bunny's parkinsons makes nights are the worst and most demanding time of day for me as a carer
and mornings so far i'm cream crackered and good for nothing..
luckily enablement team carer pops in to shower and dress and breakfast mr bunny in the morning
early days yet but can sympathise with hard nights..
temporarily anyway these drugs have kept me sane even being woken up repeatedly!
afternoons and early eveningfs are fine!
wishing all blf chums a quiet peaceful night and sweet dreams!
(me too,lol!)
love and hugs
bunny x