my lovley Jack Russell William who is now 11 , very special little guy
Just William: my lovley Jack Russell... - Lung Conditions C...
Just William

How gorgeous is he, welcome to the forum William, perhaps you can give us some of your beauty tips, dont be offended, boys can be beautiful too
Billy is no kid at the grand age of 11 but hes one lovely looking boy, dogs bring something extra special to our world dont they? W here would we be without them?
He's lovely, great companions! xxx
William looks a very intelligent little chap and just look at those eyes .................... they are so persuasive !
He looks a real little trooper!! xx
Wow thank you all for such lovley comments, Yes William is special even more so now since we lost our lovley Springer, Aimie, a year ago now at the grand age of 16. Didnt for a minuite think William would want to carry on without her, but he has surprised us all yes a real trooper x
My chihuahua had for babies dad was a jack russel there called jackhuahuas but they dont speak these days. The dad has run off the babies all been fostered and mums back on her own again.
What a gorgeous pet and friend
i have a westy named Bella who is 11 this year and dont know what i would have done with out her when i lost my husband 9 years ago..they are like another person in the house..dread to think what it was like looseing your other dog..william is a lovely looking chap..xx
hes so so cute. this is bubbles but sadly shes no longer here. apart from when she comes 2 visit but most people believe she don't but every1 2 their own.
all animals r special & thank u 4sharing him with us hes out of this world