I have bronchiectasis and some pulmonary fibrosis my sats are always ok when checked but I wonder what they are like with exertion as I get very out of breath. Does anyone use a SATS reader at home and are they approved of by the medical profession. xx Maxer
SATS: I have bronchiectasis and some... - Lung Conditions C...

I think quite a few of us have our own pulse oxymeter. They are simple enough to use and we become familiar with how to use them through having them used on us so often. Some GPs frown on their use whilst others happily show patients how to use them properly. I bought my own and took it along to a hospital clinic, using it on one hand whilst they checked the other, so that I could be sure it was accurate. My nurse and consultant are happy that I use and read it properly and believe it is a useful tool to keep a check on my sats (as they can fluctuate quite wildly at times).
Though you have to remember that being out of breath does not necessarily mean your oxygen saturation has dropped.
Thanks for that antymary
Good advice from auntymary do not confuse short of breath with low oxygen readings can show as good when breathing is not so good, taking readings when short of breath can reduce anxiety that damage is being done to the body because of low oxygen which may not be the case, always puts the mind at rest seeing it measured though and being sure.
Hi Maxer, my sats are always good, despite barely being able to move from one room to another on occasion! (no, I don't live in a mansion!!) You can buy them from specialist disability shops if you have one nearby, or via them online, so I would imagine they are approved. You can also buy them on Ebay quite cheaply, though would not be sure of their quality. Libbyx
Having your own oxymeter can be helpful, I agree with auntymary in checking the accuracy against the one used by you specialist. The paradox is that being sob doesn't relate directly to o2 sats. Take care, Richard