For those of you with a desktop computer or a laptop.
If you find reading the print on this blog or other sites difficult to read, most browsers have a feature whereby you can adjust the size of the print as you see it.
It is simple to do.
Find the 'Ctrl' button on your keyboard, hold it down while taping the '+' (for larger) or '-' (for smaller).
Or if you use a mouse with a wheel, hold the 'Ctrl' button down while you slowly rotate the wheel. This should give you larger, easier to read print.
Some websites have colour schemes that are not easy to read. To alter the colour scheme of these pages on your pc/laptop, at the top of the page, click 'Tools' then 'Options'. This opens a new page, look for a tab labelled 'Content' and click on that to open that tab. Look for a button labelled 'Colors...', click that and on the resulting page, you can adjust the colours of print and background for best effect to suit you. Once you have decided on a colour scheme you like, leave these pages by clicking on 'OK' or 'Apply' button.
Hope this helps someone
All of you, breathe easy.