What's the funniest thing someone has... - Lung Conditions C...

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What's the funniest thing someone has done to you?

11 Replies

On visiting my mum she went into the kitchen to make me a coffee. When I tasted it I spat it straight out, she had made it with gravy granuals, luckily I don't take sugar but she had milked it for me, yuk!

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11 Replies

This reminds me of a memory which was before I got married in 1958. My mother made my then fiance a cup of chocolate but previously she had used the spoon for TCP. My mother had a history of chest problems ---- in the genes!

cofdrop-UK profile image

Made us titter at the time. Quite a few years ago I was in hosp next to a lovely young woman who had cf. We were both on our tipped beds and doing our physio, mainly playing 'name that tune' as we tapped our chests. This sweet old lady patient came up and bless her she said "you 2 girls have got really bad colds. You need Cabdrivers Linctus. My father used to swear by it. In fact when he died we put a bottle in his coffin". When she left we looked at one another and said "that good eh! what are these doctors pissing about at". Bless.


Lynne1955 profile image

I'm afraid this is a bit the other way about. My ex mother in law was a lovely, lovely woman but very superstitious. I used to invent 'superstitions' and she would fall for it every time.

Did you know that if you don't clap your hands 3 times when you walk into a shop, it's bad luck for a week? She believed me. I will never go to heaven xx.

Lynne xx

FatBoyNotSoSlim profile image

Like Lynne, this is the other way round. When my wife and I go to the supermarket she gets so frustrated because trying to navigate ever narrowing aisles filled with "special offer" baskets in her wheelchair is sometimes impossible. So to ease her frustration we play "Pop In The Product" whereby we have to pop a product into someones trolley or basket and the funnier the products the better. I once popped a cucumber and a packet of condoms into a very old lady's trolley ........... the cashiers face was a picture!! :-)

in reply to FatBoyNotSoSlim

Love it!!!

I was in my local pub in London and a few of us were yakking as you do. I said to someone that I would like a baby one day. She immediately went off and told the whole pub. I got a succession of old men coming up to me taking the mick and offering to be the dad....All of us were in hysterics and a friend said to me - you should know better than to say that in here! :)

Bev x

caroleoctober profile image

Before my husband retired my daughter-in-law (lovely girl but a bit like Alice in Vicar of Dibley) used to come and vacuum for me then we would have a coffee which I used to make. One morning I was doing something on the computer so she made it. I have a row of little pots of coffee, tea, whitener etc. near the kettle. When she bought the coffee in it looked as if it had curdled so she got a spoon and stirred it, no good, I tasted it, it was vile. She showed me which pot she had got it from. Dried yeast!! Boiling water killed the yeast or we would have had frothy coffee, even she said she had a Alice moment and we still laugh about it today.

Hecter profile image

My funny experience.I never drink tea only coffee.My dad was visiting and asked for tea..I got the teapot from the back of the cupboard and swished boiling water around in it.On pouring the tea i saw what I thought was a large tea leaf so I gave the cup of tea an extra stir.On finishing the tea I spotted a dead earwig in the cup.It must have been in the spout.Earwig tea anyone?

BugsBunny profile image
BugsBunny in reply to Hecter

When I was first married (many years ago) I decided to make a beef stew. Instead of putting plum tomatoes in the stew I put in plums by mistake. I would not believe there was anything wrong with the stew until my husband and guests showed me the stones from the plums. Whoops!

Mandy xx

tyran57 profile image

hi everyone cant believe im actually back on line - its been so long!! Anyway funniest things - i was `tangoed` in sainsburys once! I was on my way to work ( 6 till 8 shift in a pub) and popped in to sainsburys to get a few bits. I was standing in the queue minding my own business all dressed up full face of make up on when all of a sudden a hand went all over my face and a voice shouted `you`ve been tangoed` i couldnt stop laughing my make up was everywhere and everyone around me was staring open mouthed it did serve me right though the week before id been in woolies and spotted the same person having a quiet cup of tea and reading the paper inthe cafe the place was full my youngest son was about 3 and i walked up to them and at the top of my voice shouted `stop denying hes your son i`ll see you in court` and i flounced off but not before the person stared at me open mouthed!! He was a regular customer in the pub and vowed to get me back which he did in spectacular style!! I have to say i miss those days we used to have lots of laughs !!!


maxer profile image

When my dad was in hospital with COPD and angina the nurse doing the drug round put all of his tablets on his table. He always took them with food so waited for lunch to be served. He took all his meds and the the nurse came back to check on him. She started to look on his table and underneath so he said "what you looking for Nurse". She replied " that suppository I put on your table" Dad replied "do you mean that big chewy tablet, my that took some getting down"

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