What if I had a bottle of fruity wine a day, would that be one of my five a day???? So then what if I had 5 bottles of fruity wine a day ?????? Is that all I need, Hick!!!!!?????
What if ??????: What if I had a bottle... - Lung Conditions C...
What if ??????
Like your style,Gillyj !
I'll let you know if it works.
if it works let us all know, but hey after five we may not care ...lol
have a bottle or two for me................I may just have a glass of baileys now the little uns are in bed..................
nice one hahahahha
I can tell you are smiling
that's got to be a good thing
sounds perfect to me
can pear drops and pineapple cubes ( sweets from the past ) be part of our 5 a day also ?
Sounds good to me .
Ha ha x
I used to work with young people on a sexual health project and some of them asked if flavoured condoms could be part of their 5 a day. ;P

and ????
Well, its personal preference really, flavoured condom or a plate of cabbage.
So with a sherbet lemon, a pear drop, a flavoured condom, a bottle of fruity wine and some apple cider I have it covered?
Just about, glad you dropped the cabbage though.
oh I pay homage to you witty one, Love your sense of humour Gordon, I always think of things when it's to late.