Happen where you are ? well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012...
Overtreatment: Happen where you are... - Lung Conditions C...

I can only speak from personal experience, but I don't think that's happening in West Yorkshire. I never had a scan before more diagnosis of COPD, nor since and procedures always seem to be kept to a minimum.
Like in everything else, the Americans seem to be 'over the top' with medicine, but I think that's because there's a lot of money to be made from it
that should have read "before MY diagnosis"
Money is the bottom line in the USA - these doctors make money from seeing patients, if they can set up a steady income stream through requiring patients to come in frequently then their mortgage is taken care of.
Here, under the NHS, it's less likely we would get excessive scans, blood tests or anything - every doctor is working to a budget, through their own practise or the hospital they work in.
I do not think overtreatment is likely to happen on the NHS. It may happen in private clinics in UK.
I agree with elien the Americans are more likely to as they have a chargeable system so lots of money to be made!
Never happened to me always the complete opposite have to fight for medical care. I think this problem is more associated with America because health care has to be paid for. Medical care of there is big business, and lets face it if a doctor in America doesn't prescribe much treatment he isn't going to make a living.
Whilst I am guilty of criticising NHS care from time to time due to personal experience, I also know we are very lucky to have free care at the point of access. Lets face it many of us due to illness are not in a great financial position, god can you imagine trying to get medical insurance if our health care system went the way of America. I think it is quite safe to say, that I would be far worse than I am now because I wouldn't be able to afford health care. Sadly there are so many people in America who are in such a position
So true, here in America the doctors prescribe way too much medication.
If we get more of a private health service then it can happen here the same as in America because money can be made from getting more treatment but only for those that have the money the rest will get worse treatment or none at all
Only in the USA ,bless them ,My sister had two Brain cancers and was under THE JOHN HOPPKINS hospital in Baltemore .She came to the Uk in the sept and endded up in hospital here for 4 days and they couldn't believe that she was told she could travel or that she seemed unawhere how ill she was .I went back to USA to nurse her ,two weeks on her DR at john hoppkins was still pushing her to do excersie in order to have more cheo .however we had called in Delaware Hospice who where free and a total god sent amazing .And john Hoppkins went totally mad at us telling us we were killing her how could we . I lost it and told them she was not a ginipig ,or a cash cow and go to hell . She died at home 3 weeks later .A friend cancer DR in south africa was sent her notes from her last Cat scan not the scan and with just her notes he said the same as UK hospital she has about 4 weeks . We in the UK should love our beloved NHS it's the best in the world .Private care over here tends to be the same as USA as is Vet care for our animales I thing it's because there take is insurance will pick up the bill.
Being a questioning consumer and getting educated on what is the best treatment for our health condition is the message for me. Money will always be part of health-care because it has to be paid for one way or another getting best value is how we need to keep our NHS.
Hi Morso - I love the NHS. God bless them x