Appeal.: Morning all, Im not a regular... - Lung Conditions C...

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18 Replies

Morning all, Im not a regular Blogger, but I read everyone else's, and contribute when I can. Today I must share some good news. Like thousands of others I was told way back in April I could work full time, do to the fact I could lift cardboard box's etc, Oh and not forgetting the "you can use a pencil". So like those yet again thousands I appealed. I wrote a 3 page letter to accompany my appeal,and yesterday a brown envelope squeezed through my letter box. I read the letter once, and then again, and just for safe measure a third time. I found a great piece of music " fanfare for a common man" and burst into controlled laughter, so as not to set off an attack of any kind. I had won my appeal WITHOUT having to appear ? The loss of payments had been returned to me, a few hundred squid. It must be a fluke, but also it has taken a big worry off my shoulders. Please dont let the Governments new formula put you off. I saw the people from the CAB and spoke to my Doctor. This is the best I have felt for a very long time. Breath Easy

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18 Replies
valm profile image

Ah great well done :) Val

elian profile image

Congratulations on a job well done splinky ! You must feel on top of the world after that news :)

Thanks !, at the time of writing my letter, I felt I was doing it on behalf of all of us, and that I needed to show a point towards this hidden enemy we all have. Not only do I have COPD, but for many years I have suffered with Mr Depression. I try not to let myself be taken down, and Im one of the people who do rely on Med's to help. My brilliant Partner has stood by me all the way, but she knows that while Im here behind the desk my confidence seems abundant . Outside in the real world it's a bit different, never mind. bless you both at the moment and Breath Easy ...Ian

robevanz profile image

Good for you, an encouragement to us to appeal their crazy decisions and win!

terri-rose profile image

That's great news!!. Like you Mr Depression visits me, a most unwelcome visitor!! - I am back on the anti deps now, after his recent visit to tell me I have COPD. It only takes one knock to get a set back!! Well done to you - it's not easy when you're fighting two demons. You persevered and won! I hope you 're planning on spending some of that money on something nice for yourself - a treat maybe? Have a brilliant weekend x

ingy profile image

Well done splinky, goes to show that it can be done. Sometimes its difficult to carry on appealing, and its rotten that we have to. But we cant allow ourselves to be fobbed off in this way. Good on you :0)

blackbird profile image

Well done splinky - so easy to feel knocked back trying to jump the hoops of the governments unfair new formula! Yay I am smiling so pleased for you

goes to show it can be done "All for one and one for all" Good on you.

Daxiemad profile image

Oh utterly brilliant, so pleased for you. I answered no to the cardboard box question because on a bad day, it isn't about just picking up the weight of a empty cardboard it is the movements involved alone to pick up that cardboard box that makes me breathless. Anyway glad that awful weight has been lifted from your shoulders, have a good weekend Splinky xxxxxx :)

in reply to Daxiemad

Morning, thats the correct reply, and its also called thinking outside the box. It's not picking up or the walking , it truly is the effort we have to put in. Even talking some days can be an uneasy task. Take care BREATH EASY !

woodshaper profile image

Congratulations splinky.


dinnyrayner profile image

Hi Spinky , FANTASTIC !!!! well done , it's nice to get some good news in this department , i have sent my questionaire back (2 weeks ago ) and am waiting for decision .How long does it take to get decision through ?? do you know if it's a standard ish time or does it vary a great deal ?? I live in Ireland so have no one here to ask . Thank you for sharing your good news xxxx Dinny xxxx

in reply to dinnyrayner

Morning Dinny, Over here on the big green blob, I believe the average time is something like 7 MONTHS. I may be wrong, so if anyone else knows something else please join in. Now as for over there on the little green blob, the government may get you mixed up with Wales or even Scotland, being we are run by a bunch of Twozicks. So be prepared for the long wait lol lol Have a great day and BREATH EASY !!

dinnyrayner profile image
dinnyrayner in reply to

Ha ha sorry splinky , i spelt your name incorrectly , what a twit i am , my eyes get very blurry , especially in th morning , sorry xx.Thanks for reply xxxx Dinny xxxx

in reply to dinnyrayner

spinky is good, Splinky is a fun name I gave one of my 14 grandkiddie poo's. A slight confession here, having that amount of grand kid's I have to give them my names as I often forget theirs lol lol. It's a lovely habit that stems back to a chat I had with my fantastic late Dad, " Son, if you call all your girlfriends sweetheart, you'll never get their name muddled up, and call one by the wrong name " lol xx

dinnyrayner profile image
dinnyrayner in reply to

Ha ha , you had a very wise dad splinky xx. 14 grandchildren !!!! wow , i only have 2 , both girls and i love them both dearly . the youngest at 3 yrs would not be called anything but her own name not even . If i say ' you are nannies little scrumdiddlyumpcious she says ' I not , i Sarah ' bless her , she knows her identity ok !!. . Having said that , nicknames are big in our family too , that's where 'Dinny ' comes from , i've always been called that , my niece couldn't say my real name so she called me Dinny , i thought it was my real name till i went to school lol lol , xxxx Dinny xxxx

drifter profile image

Hi, I sent mine in and recieved a letter telling me it could take up to 11 weeks to sort my application.

I was helped greatly by a lovely lady from Age Concern and she actually filled in the form for me. I am 75 and get really stressed out with forms etc. so it was much better that way. I have severe COPD and am freqeuntly woken at night struggling to breathe and spend time on my (had to buy this myself) oxygen concentrator which helps me back to normality in a shorter time than it would take without it. I do think it depends where you live as to the time it takes to deal with an application of this sort. Good luck to all who are in the process of claims. Dont give up & keep on trying. Regards DRIFTER

loda profile image

Thats great news. I am just in the process of filling in my forms and really wonder if I'm doing the right thing as cant stand the thought of going thro; all of what so many have been thro to get any help.I suffer from clinical depression as well as severe copd and chronic hyperventilation syndrome, just the thought of any more stress is just something I cant cope with at present so reading your blog is such good news and hopefully it will be good news for others too. luv Lorraine x

in reply to loda

Strange how Mr Depression and his side kick COPD go hand in hand. If I hadn't had so much hate for this Governments hold on us, and the thought I needed to do this for everyone here, I too would have sat here wondering. Through the waiting process my Partner was made redundant from her job of 25 years, then the drop in my benefit, Wow that pushed a few buttons, but saw my Doctor who gave me a new combination of Med's, which made me feel like the only legal stone head in the village, but I got through, please try. once you have filled your form in, try and forget about it, I know it's NOT easy. please BREATH EASY take care Ianx

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