Hi, not blogged for a few days, been busy (and then tired!)
Today I've been to see my boss with a view to going back to work next term...its all looking good, in theory I'm ok to start teaching one class and even have a brand new studio/classroom to play in.....all I need now is a good turn out on enrolment evening! My classroom is on the ground floor and I can park right by the door...nice boss!!
My boys have gone over to Granny's for a sleepover today so hubby and I are going to go out for a meal later. Havent been out much in the evenings since becomng ill so really looking forward to it.
No:1 son is in Switzerland now, having a fab time, last night he sent a photo from the top of the glacier...stunning!
Hubby and the two younger boys took me to the seaside last friday...we had a fab time but it was chilly!!!! we had a good walk (well, I was pushed ;-)) and got lots of fresh air....fun!!
think I'm off for a brew and a feet up now, save some energy for later...hope everyone is having a good day and feeling optomistic
Mrs S xx
p.s. Re: pic.....hubby getting tired of pushing, thinks I could do with a swim lol!!