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7 Replies

Does anybody use the power breather ?

7 Replies

No. I was advised against it and had also read that it wasn't any good for emphysema. Opinions seem to vary though from what I have seen on here so if your were advised to use it then you should stick with it. Perhaps its ok for those who don't have emphysema?

I had bought one 3 years ago, but only used it a few times before being advised against and binning it. From what I read and heard from the Doc, and also my specialist respiratory nurse - in emphysema we already 'overuse' our breathing muscles hence the soreness those of us with advanced disease feel in areas such as the collarbones, sides of neck, shoulders etc.

The major muscle of breathing is the diaphragm - and the abdominals too play a surprisingly important role in tandem with the diaphragm. Added to these of course are the 'accessory muscles', the intercostals etc. The best exercises for all of these are aerobic - eg walking / cycling, and upper body weights.

The exercise I found best of all in greatly improving my sob was daily 15 minute aerobic walking (in my lounge!) while intermittently pulling my stomach muscles in and holding for a few seconds. Just attempting that for a few seconds used to leave me so winded at first and I could hardly bare it. Sticking with it every day for a few weeks started showing a real difference, and over a few months got me to the goal of doing a 5K speedwalk in 55 minutes. If the 'powerbreathe' can better that, please let me know and then I will go against advice and buy one :)

Incidentally don't think they are generally dangerous but would not think it a good idea for anyone who has had or is at risk of pneumothorax. Good luck with it and let us know if it has made a big difference to your sob, exercise capacity etc.

The research says it works for COPD

Crispy duck - if you look at even the first, topmost study they have linked to you will see it is talking about the relationship between thoracic upper body muscle strength and the 6 minute walk test - but it has nothing to do with their product - nowhere is their actual product mentioned;

Perhaps the best evidence would be first hand evidence from anyone that has one themselves - how much stronger are they - are they free of, or do they have significantly less SOB? Are they walking easier and further than someone equally matched in fev1 who has exercised in the traditional manner rather than by means of the inspiratory muscle trainer?

It is up to the individual to make their own mind up I guess, but I will continue to exercise my own inspiratory and expiratory muscles by means of exercise - that way the rest of my body benefits at the same time and I don't have to worry about trauma from pneumothorax. So, lets hear from the other side of the debate - those who have one of these things - what's the evidence - are you SOB free or much less SOB than your counterparts? Are you able to walk more easily, further etc? Would you recommend it? Please let us have your first hand 'customer review'. Many thanks, Parvati :)

in reply to

PS - Note the exercises actually used in the above study - bench press, lat pull down, leg extension, and leg press. P.

copdliving profile image

I have a Power Lung (US) and it was recommended to me by a doctor and I have used it almost everyday for 5 years now and it does make a difference in keeping your lungs moving and strenghtens your chest muscles.

I have an FEV1 of 19% and still go to my office for 30 hours every week, go shopping, dining, visiting family and friends. Whether it is due to the Power Lung or not I can't say, but I used it and feel it helps. What helps the most for me is taking Vitamin D3 every day and COQ-10. Those two supplements should be on every COPD patient's daily routine.

I agree on the vits - I take D3, COQ- 10 (as ubiquinol) daily. Have mentioned these numerous times on other sites too yet very few seem to take them - can't understand the hesitance. What part of the states are you in? P.

pussy profile image

as long as it works ok

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