Hello Lung friends, I was recently prescribed Carbocisteine to help thin mucus.Having taken them 6 days ,Igot a cold sore on lip,then another .So stopped taking them ,I ended up with 5 on my lips,So painful to eat drink or talk.As I already have Oral Lichen Planus.Which causes ulcers inside my mouth i was so miserable. Would be interested if anyone else had the same reaction as me.Been a silent member many years I often remember our dear members who have passed,Some made us sad , while others made us laugh. I do see some of the long time members still helping everyone well done i say keep on keeping on. Rose X
Carbocisteine Reaction.: Hello Lung... - Lung Conditions C...
Carbocisteine Reaction.

Sorry l can’t help with your problem as Pete doesn’t take Carbocisteine. I just wanted to say how nice to see you and hope others can help in some way.
Take care xxxx😘❤️
Have u had cold sores previously? I find zovirax cream v gd if u use it frequently in 1st few days.ive not had them frm carbocysteine
Hope someone comes along who can help you. 👋 x
I have been taking Carbocisteine for nearly two years now and have had no adverse effects. Your cold sores sound very distressing and I hope you are soon able to feel comfortable again. I believe there are other mucus thinners available so maybe see if a different one suits you more.
Been on Carbocisteine for a very long time. I have never had any side affects. Maybe your pharmacist could advice if it's interacting with some other medication you are on and causing these terrible symptoms. Hopefully you get the advice and help you require.
Hi Rose, I was prescribed carbocisteine a couple of weeks ago by my consultant. By the time I had taken the second tablet I was feeling ghastly, I felt very sick and all I could do was lie down all day. I decided I couldn’t afford to feel so ill when I have to care for my husband so haven’t taken anymore. It may be the tablets don’t suit you. Can you call your pharmacist and ask if they could be the cause of the cold sores. They may advise you to stop taking them. I hope they clear up quickly for you. xxx
Hello, ooooooh I feel for you. I have suffered cold sores since I was 7! Pretty sure there is no association between them and Carbocisteine. I have been taking Carbocisteine daily for 8 years… the cold sores break out when my body is run down and physically stressed. I have even had them around my eyes- yuk ! Then I needed antivirals.
The god send of treatment of them for me is L-Lysine. It is marvellous and works every time- buy them over the counter. Unfortunately the tablets are HUGE but they really do work. Capsules might be easier for you to take ? Take them as soon as you feel the tingle.
PS Carbocisteine takes 14 days or so to get into the system.
Go well.
i've been taking carbocisteine 3 times a day with no side affects sorry it's affecting you in this way .
I wonder if you have had an allergic reaction, it would be best to speak with your gp/pharmacist. I holpe you are feeling a little better today x
good morning l am on carbocistein orginally 2x3times aday , lcouldnt tolerate that amount so reduced to 1x3times aday ..it gave me a very itchy head and face still does but not as much ...it is a great medication and does its job but at this present moment l have another chest infection so now back on antibioctics and steriods
I believe that mouth ulcers are a genetic problem, like most ailments. But I've also found that NSaids like ibuprofen, and also an inclusion in most toothpastes, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, can cause mouth ulcers, if you are prone to them. Since avoiding both these, I've not had any mouth ulcers. Then, antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. This allows fungus to grow in you, giving you a sore mouth, and other red bits.
I find Gingagel mouth gel soothes a raw mouth.
I take carbocisteine but not any reactions to it at all. Sorry
Hi Rose, I take Carbocisteine and doesn't give me cold sores but I get a very dry mouth & throat which I think is caused by taking them.
I had a bad reaction to this when the third COVID jab(Moderna) caused problems in my lung. So I researched and found out about Mullein. This is a herbal remedy. This works for me
I have lip cold sores since young. I do not have them from taking Carbocisteine. This medication can be drying and you need a lot of fluids. I have Sjogrens also. If my lips get too dry or cracked it can trigger a cold sore. Its colder now so keep a good moisture balm on those lips. Central heating is drying as is cold air.
As PaulineHM says, they take 2 weeks to get in the system and take effect. I've been taking them for over 10 years with no side effects whatsoever. They're pretty innocuous. Speak to your pharmacist.....did you read the leaflet thoroughly?
I hope you can find a remedy for the cold sores and that the pharmacist can give you some good advice. I think Carbocisteine is unlikely to be the cause- so many people on this forum take it without that problem- but there are alternatives.
I haven't had a reaction like that. For me I don't think it's effective Unsure if anything else can help
Sorry to hear about you're cold sores I'm lucky never had one my mother suffered alot it was cause she used to get run down