I have green phelgm from chest and nose for almost 8 weeks, no fever, but crackling sound in chest. Co-Amoxicilin (3 times daily 7days) + Doxycycline (4 days) didn't work. X-ray and CT was clear. Worried.
Any recent similar
I have green phelgm from chest and nose for almost 8 weeks, no fever, but crackling sound in chest. Co-Amoxicilin (3 times daily 7days) + Doxycycline (4 days) didn't work. X-ray and CT was clear. Worried.
Any recent similar
Clearly things aren’t right so time to go back to your doctor and tell him how you feel. Write things down if it helps. Sounds like you need further investigation. Good luck and hope things improve soon. X
8 weeks? I think enough is enough, by now I think I'd be insisting my gp order a full sputum test in case there's one (or more) of the stubborn, nasty bugs that can colonise our lungs. I'd also be working on getting as much mucus up and out of my lungs twice daily. Whilst it's hanging about in your lungs whatever bugs you have are very busy multiplying. Whilst something like pseudomonas can 'hide' in sputum test the test tell which antibiotic will work against the bugs you have. Good luck, back to the gp!
Sputum is sent for test 2 days ago, no waiting. Hope they find the bug...I also get more green discharge more from left nostril....which seems to get filled every 2 hours.......
In case it helps, I have a steroid nasal spray for sinus issues. I have to buy it (gp took it off my prescription to save them money 🤬). I buy the Becotide Beclometasone one at the mo to use as & when I need it but there are others. Helps with sinus inflammation so mucus can escape
Read up on aluk and watch videos on lung clearance techniques = acbt=active cycle of breathing technique.as peege says,if there's mucous there u need to get it up at least 2x a day. I too use beclamethasone nasal spray,twice a day,every day + antihistamines
If I have a chest infection I am always given Doxycycline for 15 days along with Prednisolone I never find that Co-Amoxicillin works. Definitely go back to your doctor.
thanks, support and info from all of you are helping me. it is just that I feel that my nose throws more green phelgm than throat. Morning when I get up I have to clear throat (the moment I gargle with warm water) some light green small mucus bloobs comes and than it is more from nose - sticky and greeny. I am confused if it is infection in my sinus or chest. Though area around nose / eyes are not painful but do get a bit hoarse voice after mid-day.
Levofloxacin (Levaquin) is the one that worked for me, after taking for 14 days. Prior to that, I had the symptoms you describe for 4 months and took 3/4 different antibiotics. None worked (although none were prescribed for long enough). Nasal irrigation is important for sinus infection, which can then affect chest. Getting sputum tested quickly is really important too, as is breathing exercise. It’s a whole new world ! After several months of being well, my bronchiectasis is coming back and sinuses are getting worse but I now know that it can be managed . Going to try different antihistamines..Best of luck everyone!
Sounds like your infection isn't being cleared by the antibiotics, hopefully your sputum sample will show up what you have. It could also be a sinus infection and will show on a ct scan and that is hard to get rid of. I use a nasal spray Sterimar everyday to keep my sinus's clear. Hope your gp gets on top of this quickly x
Have you had the mucus tested to find out what the bug is? This would then suggest the right antibiotic to knock it out. Might even be an intravenous AB. In 2017 I had months of infection with a bug, Staphylloccus Aureus, which oral AB hardly touched, and was knocked out with an IV AB. I believe that long infection stint caused my bi-basal bronchiectasis. I also believe that infection's long stint was the fault of my surgery, which was in disarray.
My sputum is gone for testing this mid-week, however, Dr. said that 50% of the time it doesn't show up. also it happened that on the day i was trying to collect as much sputum as possible but it was mild green that day....so not sure if anything will show up at all. Next week sometime should get result. Throughout the day feel like clearing my throat...with mostly whitesh (with mild green) sputum. Also discharge from nostril mostly sticky white but once / twice a day mostly second half a big bloob of greenish mucus does come out. Worried..
no fever though so far...and funny thing is that I don't sneeze anymore - which I used to even with little dust or cold morning....voice sounds slightly from nose as well.....
will also add that chest x- rays showed nothing but ct scan confirmed bronchiectasis (which I had already self- diagnosed, despite GP thinking otherwise ). Crackling sound for me means mucous in airways, so breathing exercises needed to bring it up. It’s a real nuisance but could (as they say) be worse !
It could be the sinus I've suffered for many many years my chest can be clear but I can rattle from throat dowards and its cause off sinus when I blow nose on morning its always infected but it clears
Have the labs done a test on your sputumI was same and test result? I had a very bad bacterial infection and as it had been going on for weeks I was very I'll. I will share with you I was in hospital. All I was getting was nebulisers and then asked me to go home!!!! It was after I got home that my daughter took my sputum sample to our medical centre in time for it to be.picked up and sent to lab. So....... get a sample to your labs for testing . The two bugs identified were real nasty little buggers and I was really very very I'll
Blessings and love xxx
Thanks for sharing ! I feel I definitely have some kind of bacterial infection but not yet picked up. Test sputum sample is gone for testing last week it should come back later this week. it is just that the day I took my sample it was a bit less gross (very light green)...just a chance I think. Can sputum sample container be requested across the counter at my NHS or it has to be prescribed by Doctor just wondering if I have to go another sample...I will check with them...
I have bronchiectasis have you asked your doctor aboug long term antibiotics l take doxycycline 6 weeks on them then break for another 6 weeks, don't really stop infection but make them easier to manage x
crackling sounds could be associated with bronciectasis.
need to see respiratiory consultant to check cause,
I am getting sticky (light greenish) phelgm from my nostrils. Just to add - I did a heavy duty garden vaccum cleaning around the time this issue started (could be coincidence) - it had a lot of dust / soil/ old leaves, etc.