hi update- Gp refused referral as husband not had chest infections etc also refused inhaler ! Other reason given was chest xray fine in 2018 &2021 therefore if emphysema relatively mild at present not needing intervention!! We hoped the breathlessness was angina but he just had angiogram and no stents required! Back to square one! Breathlessness is only on exertion and accompanied by pain in shoulder blade! Angina meds just floor him! Help any suggestions grateful!
update re hubby: hi update- Gp refused... - Lung Conditions C...
update re hubby

A chest X-ray can show COPD but I think it’s the CTscan that can confirm emphysema. It doesn’t sound like he’s had one so his GP can’t tell if he’s got worse. I didn’t know I had emphysema until I had a CT scan which confirmed it., before that I was being tested for angina because of my breathlessness. Can you ask the GP for a referral for a scan? Or ask for the lung function tests to see what’s happening?
Thank you It was diagnosed on a ct from July. Will ask oncology next appt who we need to speak to! Can i ask what medication changes you had?
I stopped the meds that were for angina, which I didn’t have. Wasn’t given anything for my emphysema as consultant said didn’t need an inhaler and just to keep exercising. I got an inhaler from my GP just in case but I had a bad reaction to it when I used it so haven’t used it since. There is a type of angina that doesn’t always show on tests, I think I read about it on here so maybe he has that? Hopefully someone else will reply who may help you more. Good luck.
Just a suggestion
Take a look at aluk website at controlled pursed lips breathing technique. It's really useful
Sounds like a chest infection to me. Has he had his sputum tested for any bugs? Years ago, I presented my doctor with some mucus, and because it wasn't coloured in any way, he said I hadn't got an infection, which I'm sure I had. That bug therefore colonised my lungs for a long time. I think one knows their own body.