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Please help me understand, cannot get my head around this ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Breathe-73 profile image
โ€ข30 Replies

Hi everyone, so I was with my consultant the other week and he allowed me to take a screenshot of my results, trouble is no matter how much I try I cannot work out what they mean. He did tell me I don't have enough oxygen getting into my blood.

I'm taking a low dose morphine to help with my breathlessness and it is helping.

I've had a pain in lower left front of my chest for the last 7 months, my gp has had me on naproxen for the last 3 months to help with the pain, consultant wasn't happy about that, he said they are ok short term but can be dangerous for long term use, so he's told me to use paracetamol, but I still feel the pain with any pain meds I take. He's asked for me to have a ctpa due to reduced diffusion with preserved spirometry (what does that mean?)

He also wants me to have a bone density scan as back in May 2024 I sneezed and heard a crack (it was in the same place as the pain that's ongoing in chest) my GP suggested I went to urgent treatment centre and they suggested it was a rib fracture.

I'll try and stop waffling now but I'd just like to know if anyone else has had this pain or what it could be (I know it's going to be months before the scan and results). And I'd also like to know what the results on the spirometry test all mean please if anyone could help with that.

Thank you in advance for any help or advice.

Hope you all have a lovely day (at least it's not raining! Well it's not where I am at the moment) ๐Ÿงก

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Breathe-73 profile image
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30 Replies
peege profile image

Hi there, I'm just replying as no-one else has yet. Sorry I cannot help with you readings at all (good photo though so someone will help translate it). In the meantime you could give the helpline a call 0300 222 5800, from 09.15 to 5pm Mon to Friday. They're very knowledgeable. Good luck. P

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply topeege

Thank you so much for your reply. I'm really hoping someone can help on here as I really struggle speaking on the phone to people I don't know (my anxiety goes through the roof unfortunately).

Fingers crossed someone will see my post and be able to help. That said, I really appreciate you trying to help me ๐Ÿ˜Š

Lololove13 profile image
Lololove13โ€ข in reply toBreathe-73

Your not alone lovely โค๏ธ

Alberta56 profile image

Sorry I can't help- these readings are all gobbledegook to me, but sending best wishes until some knowledgeable person comes along.

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toAlberta56

Thank you so much, this site is absolutely fantastic ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ern007 profile image

Hi Breath 73.

I have not come accross a chart like yours but some are familier.

FEV1 - % Predicted 85.

FEV 1 % FVC 93 % Predicted 93.

I thought these OK but I don't understand the Z Score. So what i think really is no help to you, best phone the helpline number that peege has posted.

I 100% agree with your consultant over Naproxin - NSAIDS long term can have adverse effects,

Lololove13 profile image
Lololove13โ€ข in reply toErn007

Look on Google it will help with the medical terms (translate) for you help understand the meaning of the results

Ern007 profile image
Ern007โ€ข in reply toLololove13

I know:-

FEV1 - % Predicted 85.

FEV 1 % FVC 93 % Predicted 93.

These numbers forCOPD show normal or mild.

The chart above shows previouse a Z Score of - 1.13 is 95% probably normal according to Google, but I am not able to give that as an answer to Breathe-73 as I did not see Z Scores on mine.

I have COPD and it was easy, my FEV 1 % FVC 48% Predicted was 5 years ago. and probably means moderate COPD - I am not allowed a spiro witheye inections so probably my scores are lower.

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toErn007

Thank you for replying. Yes I've been told by consultant around 4 years ago that I have mild copd, emphysema, he showed me the ct scan I had done a couple of years ago and I could see the holes in my lungs (he pointed them out as I had no clue what I was looking for ๐Ÿ˜„) what I don't understand with being mild is why I'm so breathless, I'm dreading it getting worse. He prescribed me a low dose morphine to help with this breathlessness and it does seem to be helping, I'm guessing it must be something to do with the oxygen transfer that maybe causing me the issues. So frustrating all the waiting for the tests and then the follow up appointments to find out what the test results are, but I guess we're all in the same boat for that. I 100% appreciate the NHS but just wish I could a afford private health care, although I'd still want the same consultant I have now, he's fantastic ๐Ÿ˜Š

janedivney profile image

Iโ€™m notoriously bad at explaining stuff but will have a go! You donโ€™t say what your lung condition is but, based purely on this printout, these results look great to me. The first column shows the predicted reading for a person of your gender, age & height with normal lungs. The second column is your own result, and the third shows how your result compares with the predicted result (first column), in percentage terms.

You can see that nearly all your results exceed, or are close to, 80% of the predicted range. Donโ€™t worry about the 4 lines in the second box ie MFEF75/25-FEF 25 - these represent the tiniest airways and are commonly lower in all lung conditions.

The only area in which youโ€™re a bit out of range, but not by much, is the DLCO section at the bottom. This represents how efficiently the alveoli transfer oxygen from your lungs to your bloodstream. Presumably this, combined with the pain youโ€™ve been having, is why youโ€™re going to have the CTPA (CT pulmonary angiogram). Thatโ€™s just a CT scan which looks for blood clots in the lungs by taking pictures of the blood vessels that run from the heart to the lungs (the pulmonary arteries).

I really wouldnโ€™t worry about these results, and your consultant is obviously doing all he can so you know youโ€™re in good hands.

kenta profile image
kentaโ€ข in reply tojanedivney

Wonderful, helpful explanation!

janedivney profile image
janedivneyโ€ข in reply tokenta

Phew, thanks! My OH (ex teacher) says I usually confuse rather than explain ๐Ÿคฃ

TDM2023 profile image
TDM2023โ€ข in reply tojanedivney

I'd ignore your OH ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ Your analysis is the most lucid I have ever encountered. I'm going to review my readings in the light of your post. Thank you!

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56โ€ข in reply tokenta

Here, here. xxx

Fresco profile image
Frescoโ€ข in reply tojanedivney


Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply tojanedivney

Fantastic help, thank you so much ๐Ÿ˜Š very helpful, very well written and definitely underestimate your explaining abilities, I'd say you're superb at it ๐Ÿ‘ŒI agree I'm in good hands, he's a fantastic consultant, he's been taking care of me for the last approx 4 years, and although he explains things to me I have a tendency to forget some things, with what you have written I can always have a look back, so again, thank you so very much. X

PW_R profile image
PW_Rโ€ข in reply tojanedivney

Great response. The only thing Iโ€™d add is that recently Iv been told that alot of emerging research suggests that the MFEF75/25-FEF 25 scores (which as you point refer the small distal airways) are actually a very good predictor of air flow obstruction. I read afterwards that small airways disease is the hallmark of COPD, even through its not talked about much. Breathlessness is cause by air trapping, so the more the small airway are damaged the less air that can come out.

janedivney profile image
janedivneyโ€ข in reply toPW_R

I donโ€™t really understand the physiology of it but I have severe bronchiectasis and my โ€œscoresโ€ for those small airways are pathetic. I associate air trapping with copd though ๐Ÿค”

JHutton1994 profile image

Spirometry would not suggest obstructive or restrictive lung disease, but there is an issue with oxygen transfer. He's ordered the CPTA to find out what the cause is.

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toJHutton1994

Consultant told me I have mild copd, emphysema, I've seen the small holes on ct scan I had a couple of years back, trouble is with this mild copd I struggle a lot with breathlessness, I'm guessing the oxygen transfer may have something to do with it!Thank you for your reply ๐Ÿ˜Š

Fresco profile image

Spirometry test - Google each one, i.e, KCOC relates to Carbon Monoxide, mmols is millimols, measurement as in Millimetres.

Pain Relief -

Naproxen, did it work ? If so

You could revert back to it, making sure it's an anti gastric type, or take anti gastric meds, i.e, Lanszoprosole. For gut protection, long term use without may cause ulcers.

I think pain management has to be what works for you !

Effective meds we take without too much side effect has to be worth it.

Ribs - l should imagine most here suffer rib pain . I struggle with this. The intensity and continued coughing, Poor Bones !

Interesting to hear others views regarding the chest and back area??? May help both of us.

My pain, around the bra line, dead centre, from back to front, is like a large bullet has gone through, irradiates round ribcage

Recently l experienced the back pain and it has moved to the left a little too. Right lung being diseased.

I tried leaving out regular pain relief for a few days, see where I was at.

Meds - Daily, Co-Codomol x 3

Oramorph, if required

Hope that helps, you must discuss with GP no need to suffer pain

Best wishes

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toFresco

Bless you, thank you so much for your reply, I will take a lot on bored with you have said. I was given another tablet to take with the naproxen something to do with looking after my stomach, can't remember the name of it. My consultant suggested using the naproxen on the really bad days and just use paracetamol 4x daily when not so bad. The low dose morphine x2 daily does help a little also alongside helping with my breathlessness.

Appreciate very much your help ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ergendl profile image

I was on the aspirin style NSAID Naproxen for a long time, but ended up with bruising and mouth ulcers and had to stop taking it right away - because what you can see on the outside would be happening inside the body too - including stomach ulcers.

I now take a long term receptor specific NSAID called Etodolac which does not cause those problems.

You could try asking to be prescribed Etodolac too. It can be taken with paracetamol.

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toErgendl

Thank you for your reply. My consultant did say the naproxen can cause ulcers in the stomach and he also mentioned they can cause kidney issues also. I wasn't aware I could take paracetamol alongside my low dose morphine but he has said that is fine and just to use the naproxen when the pain is really bad. They did give me a tablet to take with the naproxen to help protect the stomach, but I think I'll listen to my consultant as he seems far more confident/concerned in my treatment than any of the gp's I've seen.

muddleaged profile image

When I had pain as you describe I worried about heart conditions. Doctor checked and said it was probably not heart, but gastric reflux. We can do more tests, but he suggested I try an antacid like Tums or Rolaids (I'm in the US) as a test. If it works, we could avoid more testing for heart. It worked! Heart's fine, and I'm no longer in pain.

Fresco profile image

Medications , it's all hit and miss, isn't it, all varying on us . Steroids, are a culprit. First month no appetite, now I can't stop eating... ๐Ÿคฃ Pain on top of the illness symptoms, We Do Not have to suffer... I'm s a lovely sunny day in Norfolk, hope you're all getting the same

PW_R profile image

The low DLCO and low MFEF75/25-FEF 25 are probably whatโ€™s causing the breathlessness. I have the exact same DLCO figure as you, even though I do not have emphysema on CT. Issues with the small airway are very hard to see on CT but this often accompanies emphysema. Maybe speak to your consultant about it.

Breathe-73 profile image
Breathe-73โ€ข in reply toPW_R

Thank you so much for your reply, it's all very interesting how the body works, I just wish I could understand it all a lot more than I do, saying that everyone's help here has been amazing and I'm slowly getting my head around it all, with the power of Google and these responses it's been a lot easier to understand. Thank you and everyone else who has replied ๐Ÿ˜Š

PW_R profile image
PW_Rโ€ข in reply toBreathe-73

I see on your bio you previously had to stop work - have you been able to return? Also did the sertraline help? Iโ€™m in a similar boat at the moment, had to leave my job & all exercise is gone (bar the slowest of walks). I can see why they say depression is a co-morbidity of copd. Never know I could sink this low!

Germantara profile image

I don't have a clue but I'm sure someone on forum will be able to help or some guidance

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