if anyone out there struggled coming to terms with their diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, and was offered no help and little explanation of what it is look up Action for Pulmonary fibrosis which is a charity and can offer you lots of information and help so you don’t feel you are alone with this devastating diagnosis.
Help for IPF: if anyone out there... - Lung Conditions C...
Help for IPF

Thanks for the information 🌹
I've looked and found a support group near me, waiting on a reply from my email 🌹
Like you I looked up a local support group, have been to a couple of monthly meetings. The people there were very welcoming. They have input from the hospital ILD nursing staff. Speakers on a variety of subjects. Interesting as I looked at the group I was one of two people , on both occasions, who was a female with PF .
Received a reply and information regarding the meetings, every 2nd Thursday of the month 🌹
That’s good Carol , I hope you find it helpful, and don’t forget to look up Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis, lots of information and a helpline if you have any questions 🌻
Hi Flowerpower12345, that's the group I looked up after you posted the information. As you you said, there's lots of information on their site and getting to speak to others with pulmonary fibrosis will be very helpful 🌹
that’s great, fab.
thank you x
Good to read that. it sounds asif there is even less support out there for PF than there is for bronch.
So pleased that you have found a support group, it makes world of difference to how you deal with your diagnosis x
thanks flowerpower 12345 for your support nice to know there is support out there