After four months of a severe cough I was eventually referred and given the diagnosis of Bronchiectasis. I have had severe asthma for 32 years together with many chest infections and a bout of pneumonia, and these have left irreparable damage to my lungs. The Consultant has mentioned a bronchoscopy the thought of which terrifies me , has anyone any experience of this ?
Bronchiectasis: After four months of a... - Lung Conditions C...

All I would say is that I have had bronch all of my life (73 years). A bronchoscopy has never been suggested to me and I certainly would not allow anyone to do one. Bronch can be diagnosed and followed by ct scan and the bugs giving us trouble can be found in the mucus which we cough up. It is well known that long term asthma and pneumonia can lead to bronch. Anyone with enough training and experience in it does not need to put you through this procedure to know how tp manage it. To me bronchoscopies are the tool of those who are not expert enough in bronch and enjoy using their toys. Find yourself a bronchiectasist specialist ,usually at large teaching hospitals, and insist your GP refers you.

Thanks for your response I’m going to refuse it too as the prospect fills me with horror.

Did they say why they want the bronchoscopy? You never have to go with what a doctor suggests, it is always your choice.
They wanted me to have one because they believe there is something else going on and this is to diagnose. For various reasons, it’s been postponed. However, it’s important you feel clear and confident and trust in what is being done and why.

Do your research on bronchoscopy scopes which are reusable. Not all cleaning and sterilization techniques are the same in removing microbes between use ie MAC. There are times when they may be necessary. If I had to have one I would request a “one time use bronchoscopy scope “ which is new, sterile and discarded after use. What was reason they want to do this procedure on you. For example a biopsy of a suspicious lesion would require a bronchoscopy. There are other indications which may require this procedure. I agree that if your producing adequate sputum samples, this should be enough to identify the bacteria and treatment. The procedure is done under sedation and you will not remember it as you are in a deep sleep and may feel groggy afterwards

I have just this morning been told I need a bronchoscopy. The reason is that although I have bronchiectasis I do not produce sputum (I don't even cough) so in order to get a sample and find out just which bug I am harbouring they need to dive in there. I have several changing nodules in one lung so investigation is necessary. We don't all produce sputum!
My respiratory consultant, who I trust, suggested a bronchoscopy to winkle out the bugs lurking in the bottom of my lungs. Frankly I was horrified by the idea and. when I went for it, there was a lady in the waiting room who looked even greener than I felt. Surprise, surprise! The technician who did the procedure was totally calm and reassuring , I was given sedation and didn't feel a thing. It only took a few minutes and I was back in the waiting room. I hope the green lady was all right too. There were none of the aftereffects-sore nose or sore throat- which I had been worrying about. I wouldn't worry if I was told I needed another one.
Good luck whatever you decide. x look after yrself,avoiding viruses+ people with them,as much as possible as they can cause exacerbations+ trigger infections.I've had a few bronchoscopies.pls don't worry,they do sedate u. Its a useful procedure as samples can b taken, lungs can be flushed to help remove stubborn mucous etc.if Yr consultant wants to do it, He's the skilled professional best placed to decide what is needed
I'm going to be brutally honest. I had a bronchoscopy and lung wash years ago. I was sedated but woke in the middle of it with the horrific sensation of drowning. Then, back on the ward I awoke crying and distressed. It was a terrible experience! However, I know of others just having the bronchoscopy without lung wash that are fine. Good luck.
I had "asthma" diagnosed by a consultant 25 or so years ago. I always had 6+ really fruity chest infections every year needing 14 days AB's and steroids. During a stay in hospital in 2020 for the dreaded, a CT scan showed I had bronchiectasis! I am not off all my inhalers and have been since then, and am on Azithromycin mowed, fri every week and touch wood, have not had a chest infection since then.
Hi Swansea Jack, I was diagnosed bronchiectasis in March this year. In June it was recommended that I have a bronchoscopy. I was terrified but knew it was necessary. When they took me down for the procedure they took my blood pressure, it was over 200 , they gave me diaxepan intravenously. I had the procedure and never felt a thing. I certainly wouldn't worry about it if I had to have it repeated.Don't worry it OK. Teralea23
I was diagnosed with Bronchiectasis with daily productive cough for 2 yrs before I had a bronchoscopy. Pulmonologist had 32 yrs of experience and although I was aware and lightly sedated, I didn’t think it was a big deal.
I had a bronchoscopy to investigate my bronchiectasis and had no problem. I was sedated and had no after effects and my specialist had more useful information. Win, win!
thank you everyone for your responses, you’ve given me much food for thought.