Good morning everyone,
This post isn’t lung related , so please feel free to scroll on by but I thought it might brighten a rather dreary Friday morning.
A good while ago now, when health conditions were something other people had🙄 I decided I needed to get fit. Now, I’m not built for running, or walking miles for that matter and I’m certainly not one for spending hours sweating in a gym! I’m actually built for drinking tea and eating cake, hence the need to “ shift a bit of timber” to put it euphemistically 😀
Anyway, I heard someone on the radio talking about how they had got fit through boxing training and what good fun it was and so a seed was sown. After all, boxing rounds are quite short and I reckoned even I could manage three minutes of activity followed by a rest😊 So, with the help of YouTube I set about it and actually got quite into shadow boxing. Needless to say, the cats thought I was crazy but never mind!
After a while, I thought it time to up the anti and try hitting something. Noodling around on a certain online auction site one day, I came across someone selling a freestanding punch bag in the form of a mannequin - a head and torso on a base one filled with water or sand. Fortunately this one had been filled with water so could be emptied and moved and more importantly, it was going cheap! . I brought my prize home, called him Kevin and settled him into my second bedroom. I must say, he was a bit off-putting to punch because his expression seemed to be a mix of contempt and disapproval and I’m sure he looked even more disapproving after my efforts to knock seven bells out of him😄
Anyway, one sunny day in spring I was having a spring clean and found some cookware that was surplus to requirements. I offered it on a local community website, free to a good home. A lady replied saying she would like it and her husband would collect it when he picked their young son up from school. They duly knocked but, as I opened the door, the little boy, who must have been about 5 -6, rushed past me into the living room and proceeded to run from room to room whilst his father made futile attempts to call him back. He was just in the middle of apologising to me for his son’s behaviour when the lad reappeared exclaiming “Daddy, there’s a naked man in the bedroom!” Well that was news to me I can tell you, then I realised he must be referring to Kevin the mannequin. By this time the father had gone bright red and was busy apologising for “ interrupting”. Now this is the point where I should have explained that the “ naked man” was , in fact, a freestanding punch bag but, instead, in my haste to ease his obvious discomfiture, I smiled brightly and said… “oh it’s ok, he isn’t real”. As soon as I said the words I realised the implications and hastily tried to explain but it was to his retreating back, as the poor guy had just grabbed his little boy and fled 😂 I just hoped I wouldn’t bump into him anytime soon!
After that incident I bought Kevin a t shirt! Needless to say, he didn’t look impressed by that, either. We have since parted ways😄