May Day: I’m told that in some areas... - Lung Conditions C...

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May Day

Morrison10 profile image
27 Replies

I’m told that in some areas May Day used to be celebrated with dancing etc. Does anyone know if this is still happening.

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Morrison10 profile image
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27 Replies
sassy59 profile image

I’ve no idea but I remember years ago at school being a princess to the May Queen and dancing round the Maypole. I’m sure some schools still do this.

Enjoy your day Jean. Xxx🩷

Our Morris men were out in Stratford upon Avon in full force at 9am today. Together with a man dressed as a tree! They used to have the Maypole near to the theatre but I don't know if it is there this year. Not going into town today as all main roads in backed up for miles.

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to

Thanks, that good. Haven’t been to Stratford for few years, used to call in there when out with late husband on motorbikes, happy days. Yes avoid it at holiday times, although with bike slightly easier to find place to park. Jean x

Caspiana profile image

Your May day sounds much nicer than ours. Over here unions all over Japan celebrate May Day, the international day for workers. Workers gather together at parks and hold demonstrations and parades. All very controlled of course. xx

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Caspiana

Thanks, yes that’s very different, the International day for workers!! Sounds boring. Our May Day celebrations with Morris Dancers and folk music have gone on for centuries. Best regards, Jean xx

hillclimber1 profile image

I used to work near Rochester. They held a large Sweeps festival. Lots of Morris dancing and folk music. Great fun.

Eastend555 profile image

Thank gawd some of traditions are still going

watergazer profile image

I’m sure they are still happening in some villages but maybe not in towns. I once had a pretend May Day celebration with a year 2 class in school. We made a maypole and did some dancing around it. X

Karenanne61 profile image

We have Morris Men and Maypole dancing, with the May king and queen, here in Oxfordshire. In fact we saw them yesterday. When my daughter danced the Maypole at school my job was to manage the record player! 😂 If you get up at dawn on May day and wash your face in the dew you will be 'as beautiful as the day'. 🌷

helenlw7 profile image

I live in Bournville and we have children dancing round the maypole every year, but it’s done on the last Saturday in June, which is close to George Cadbury’s birthday. My daughter danced in it for a couple of years.

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to helenlw7

Hello, think that’s nice place to live, I’m at opposite side, at heights of Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, near Barr Beacon from where on clear day can see all of Birmingham. Been long time since I went to Bournville, recall it has houses built by George Cadbury for workers, and nice open areas. Jean x

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to Morrison10

The houses were built by George Cadbury. He used different architects in each area so there are lots of different styles of house. Each house had to have a garden with 2 fruit trees in, and each area had its own green space. It’s a lovely place to live - we’ve been here nearly 40 years.

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to Morrison10

morrison just read your post about sailing. you won a gp 14 ! i had to save my pennies to buy mine so this is part one of long story.

i lived near Barr Beacon at Great Barr Birmingham for 20 odd years. Then moved with parents to Leamington Spa . went on sailing holiday to get away from parents who still expected me to go with them on their holidays,. , Sailing on 34 footer round Hebrides was another world and this was my holiday every year from then on So when i saw a meeting advertised to start a sailing club I went along and became member no 9. the club was formed with 3 sections --inland waterways ,other cruising boats and dinghy sailing and racing on new reservoir being built near the town . Then n my lifes tarted and eventually bought my own boat. a Gp 14 !

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Jaybird19

Sounds great Jay.look forward to part2 x

Tykelady profile image

Isn't the May 1st bank holiday a fairly recent addition (well recent to me because I'm very old) and more to do with Trade Unions replacing Whitsun with a spring bank holiday? I seem to remember May queens and festivities but up here it was more clog dancing than maypole dancing.

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Tykelady

I think the war stopped any sort of festivities, and this continued many years after because of food rationing etc. I remember food rationing very clearly. A couple of years after war word went round that children could take their own child’s ration book to greengrocers and get a banana. We all hurried there, but only got half of green one! Was disappointed that took ages to ripen by which time it was bit mouldy! Happy memories, Jean x

leo60 profile image

May day (not the bank holiday) has been celebrated for hundreds of years to celebrate Spring. There are all sorts of traditions and festivities around the country depicting this, Maypole dancing, Morris men and Jack-in-the-the-green. Jack is supposed to depict the Green Man, a symbol of fertility!

So, much deeper roots than a Bank Holiday!

I hope you had a good one :) Laurie xx

Izb1 profile image

When younger my mum used to make the dresses for the May Queen celebrations , it was a wonderful day with a band playing and walking through the streets and we always had trifles and cakes, such a shame we are fast losing all our traditions x

Mavary profile image

They still do that in Wells. The Children dance round the Maypole. They make quite a bit of it.

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Mavary

Thanks, that sounds lovely. I like Wells, been there with my late husband when we were riding our motorbike. The garden round Cathedral interesting, also inside, and market square. Jean x

Mavary profile image
Mavary in reply to Morrison10

it’s lovely there. I don’t get much chance to go there now. Im plucking up courage to drive there. I usually only drive locally.

I think they have the Morris dancers in there too. They crown the May Queen. So a nice day out if you can do it. X

Souielouie profile image

where I live in Cornwall we celebrate May Day, the Main Street of shops is closed to cars & stalls, children’s rides etc are there instead. The 2 parks are filled with stalls, a stage for acts, rides etc. But because of the Coronation the following weekend it’s cancelled & there is going to be a street party instead !!

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Souielouie

That sounds great, like Cornwall. many years ago when children were growing up,used to take our dingy to Place Manor, opposite St Mawes.

Digger0 profile image

We had a Spring Fair yesterday - does that count? "There will also be entertainment throughout the day with the Norman re-enactment group and Circus skills, as well as over 100 stalls, hot food, bars and family entertainment throughout Buxton Town Centre!" Here is a clip of the Billerettes - the chap leading them is 80!!!

List of timed activities.
Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Digger0

hi, long time since I went to Buxton, motorcycle days. Yes think it counts, and space in town centre for all activities. Interesting 80 year old does lot, it’s what keeping him young and active, good luck to him. Jean x

Nicholatracy profile image

in the villages I believe they still celebrate May Day. Usually a May pole on the village green which people dance around intertwining long ribbons. 🐞

Morrison10 profile image
Morrison10 in reply to Nicholatracy

Yes some villages still celebrate, and have maypole for mostly children to dance round with long ribbons, although there are some men and women doing Morris dancing. I Haven’t seen it for years. Jean

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