New diagnosis... Advice on prognosis ... - Lung Conditions C...

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New diagnosis... Advice on prognosis please x

TheOldBoy profile image
32 Replies

Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with mild COPD and finding it all a bit of a nightmare, any advice re possible prognosis / progression would be greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance...

Male... Age 52... BMI 20...

Symptoms: almost none, breathing sometimes little irregular, little bit of chest tightness occasionally, maybe some of this is stress related...

I exercise 2 hrs / day. 6 days / week...

Smoker for 30 years 1 pack / day... Ceased smoking 7 months ago

FEV1 - 93%

FVC - 118%

FEV1 / FVC - 63%

Gas Transfer 80%

Any advice re progression / prognosis greatly appreciated...

Regards, Adam x

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TheOldBoy profile image
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32 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Welcome to this friendly, caring forum Adam. You seem to be doing really well which is great. Keep exercising and looking after yourself, listen to your body. I’m sure others will be along soon to reassure you.

Take care. Xxx

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to sassy59

Thanks for the reply x

Ergendl profile image

Well done for giving up smoking and looking after your fitness. These will both make a significant difference in delaying the progress of your COPD.

If you have been given inhalers, do use them. If not, you can improve your breathing by doing diaphragm breathing exercises or singing. Also try to eat healthily most of the time, aim for a healthier weight, and avoid any triggers, things that make your breathing harder like smoke, petrol fumes, etc.

Do let us know how you get on.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Ergendl

Sound advice... will do... many thanks x

gingermusic profile image

Hello and welcome, I have suffered with COPD for some 32 years now and I am still managing a fair life. Important things for you are to keep active, exercise regularly. Eat as healthily as possible, take and medication prescribed and do your best to avoid people who have coughs and colds. In winter a scarf helps keep your lungs warm so try not to breathe in the cold air. Apart from this carry-on enjoying life. Have a lovely Christmas.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to gingermusic

I hope I can last 32 years... Well Done!!!... Many thanks x

gingermusic profile image
gingermusic in reply to TheOldBoy

I am sure you will be fine, best of luck

CDPO16 profile image

Hi and welcome. Congratulations on quitting the ciggies. Good advice from ginger music. Your Fev1 is very good indicating your COPD is very mild. Keep up your exercise routine, eat healthily and see your doctor promptly if you suspect you have a chest infection at any time. Doing those things added to no longer being a smoker should keep you well for a long time to come.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to CDPO16

Thanks for the reassuring words x

ghousrider profile image

good morning yes i smoke packed upm2012 on ebuliser 5 a day tied to home alot tight chested on morning legs ack alos got asma / bronical problems at 58 i will go woser as i get older say 60 my brother just been told copd he 62 i da it first its opened his eyes to what i have i given up work due to health so been tested for glue comma in left eye allthe best ghoust rider

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to ghousrider

Thanks for the reply and take care x

Alberta56 profile image

Welcome to the forum. It sounds as if you are doing all right and hopefully will remain fit and healthy for many years. CDPO is right that, if you do pick up an infection you need to see a doctor PDQ. Lung infections need knocking on the head before they get a grip with a decent 2 week course of antibiotics.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Alberta56

Hi Alberta, I travel quite a bit so I'm going to try and carry a course of amoxicillin with me

Thanks for the reply, Adam

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to TheOldBoy

Hi Adam, Amoxicillin can be useful, but really bad infections need something stronger and specific to whatever the infection is. This is diagnosed by a sputum sample delivered to your doc as soon as possible. Better Amoxicillin than nothing for starters, so obviously a v. good idea to carry it with you.

Superzob profile image

Hi Adam. Firstly, any sort of diagnosis enables you to get the right treatment, so having a diagnosis is actually a good thing, otherwise the condition could get worse and be more difficult to treat. Secondly, giving up smoking immediately changes the potentially rapid deterioration in lung condition to a deterioration which matches normal age-related decline; it’s not reversible, but it means that the deterioration is less pronounced, although there will obviously be individual variations.

There is a lot of redundancy in lungs and a good pair would last you 130 years! So, even with a COPD diagnosis, there’s a good chance you could live a full life without any significant symptoms.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Superzob

Hi Superzob, thanks for the response very reassuring, fingers crossed lets hope I can stabilise at a close to a normal progression, I've taken a year out of work to concentrate on getting as fit as I can. Thanks for your words, I could feel my anxiety dropping just reading your reply... and lets face it life is a chronic condition anway... I am going to take it as I'm lucky to be diagnosed while my FEV1 is still at 93%

Again, many thanks

Regards, Adam

PW_R profile image
PW_R in reply to TheOldBoy

how’s your year out going? Has it helped with perspective? I was thinking of doing the same but work wouldn’t allow it. They’ve even knocked back part time. I feel I have one foot out the door but still struggling on at the moment - and it’s is a significant struggle at times. M38 - probably a while off a copd diagnosis yet but hugely symptomatic chronic. bronchitis. Been massively life changing. Are you trying to avoid respiratory stuff?

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to PW_R

Hi, the year off to concentrate I feel has been hugely beneficial for myself but has been financial ruinous… Oh well gotta get your priorities right… Something has certainly helped: stopping smoking / exercise up to 18hrs per week / diet and supplements… at the moment I feel good, I’m going to take another year out or as much as I can afford and try and cement the gains I seem to have made… you just do your best, that’s all you can do… As Warren Buffett says ‘there’s no better investment than investment in yourself’. But yes physically And mentally I’m in a much better place than where I was 11 months ago (except financially)…

All the best, cheers Adam

PW_R profile image
PW_R in reply to TheOldBoy

How are you now Adam? Have you staved off progression? It been a difficult enough winter re viruses for myself. I see your gas exchange is standing at 80%. Do you notice the reduction in every day life? Regards,

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to PW_R


2 years on from diagnosis and smoking cessation and I still feel fairly asymptomatic. I had another PFT a year after diagnosis and my numbers were slightly down, was advised this could be natural variation… but would have rather they varied up rather than down. That PFT was around 6 weeks after a nasty covid infection so I may have still been recovering from that… I’m pretty much sticking to my exercise routine and diet and have managed to stay away from the cigarettes… I’m currently caring for a parent with double pneumonia who has just relapsed, maybe I’m pushing my luck to far… But what to do… All things considered I feel good… I will have another PFT at the end of the year hopefully that will give me an indication of current progression… I have found positive action a good antidote to anxiety…

Cheers, Adam

Morrison10 profile image

Hi, welcome to forum. It’s very useful even for me, born with PCD, see that forum I’m also on for information. I’ve learnt more about lungs on here, and made new on line friends. Hope you can make most of year off work, sounds great. Hope you don’t need the amoxicillin. Jean

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Morrison10

Cheers Jean, greatly appreciated x

Hobbledehoy profile image

Hello Adam. Don’t get frightened. They’ve said it’s mild, & you have few symptoms - having done the very best thing possible in Giving Up. As an ex- smoker myself (even as a nurse, everybody smoked! Shocking), I know that, like an alcoholic, you must never trust yourself that you’re over the addiction. I’ve had COPD since your age & I’m now in my 76th year! They will get your treatment sorted out, inhalers etc and your life will go on. Good luck to you, enjoy it!

If you would like more practical support, the Lung & Asthma website is excellent. They run lots of fun classes online eg singing (no-one hears you, all on mute!), harmonica, pulmonary rehab & I don’t know what-all. They also have a helpline. All the best 😊

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Hobbledehoy

Hi Hobbledehoy, thanks for the advice, it's great to hear when people have just got on for so many years regardless, very comforting... Many thanks, Adam x

Debs_ALUK profile image
Debs_ALUKPartnerBritish Lung Foundation

Hi Adam

Welcome to the forum.

Lots of great advice from our members here, and if you would like to call one of our Clinical Team for a chat about your COPD, you are very welcome- on 0300 222 5800. Mon- Fri 9am-5pm. You will also find some great information on our website, and I have added a link for you below.

Take care


TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Debs_ALUK

Hi Debs, thanks for the reply and great to know that phone service is there, I'm sure I'm going to be making use of it at some point... Many thanks x

Karenanne61 profile image

Hi and welcome. Seems like you've been diagnosed early enough to make changes. Congratulations on quitting the ciggies! Not an easy thing to do! Lots of good advice so I won't repeat it.

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to Karenanne61

Hi Karenanne61, thanks for the reply... fingers crossed... Cheers x

GeoffSpark profile image

Hi Adam,

I wonder if you are still on this forum & if so how you are two years after your diagnosis.

The reason I ask is that I've just been diagnosed with mild COPD & my figures are similar to yours ( FEV1/FVC ratio 65% --- FVC 119% -- FEV1 104% ) --- I'm 63 & stopped smoking in January & my doctor says because I've given up my lung decline should be very slow -- as long as I don't get infections etc -- & my life expectancy is pretty much normal.

But I've read so much on the internet -- I had myself dead in a few years & think my doctor is being over optimistic

So -- basically I was wondering how you are doing & any advice ?

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to GeoffSpark

Hi Geoff,

I’m doing OK and still feel pretty much asymptomatic. I’m still keeping up my exercise routine and not smoking. I use a COPD6 to measure my FEV1 and FEV6 every month, they wonder around a little but are fairly consistent… My FEV1 wonders from 87 to 93, I also use an Airofit to exercise my lungs while it can’t repair damage it certainly helps you make the most of the function you have. There was a good post by a lady on the COPD foundation website who had taken on a healthy lifestyle and managed to stay in the mild stage for over 20 years… One thing that seems to ring true is that many like you and myself are now being diagnosed much earlier, when there is a better chance of putting the brakes on / slowing / augmenting progression… Of course there is always the chance of accelerated decline, but just do the best you can (diet / exercise/ smoking cessation), that’s all you can do. I’m currently helping care for a parent with recurrent pneumonia and have picked up a nasty infection in the last few months which I guess is my weakest point for now, but what to do…

Cheers, Adam

TheOldBoy profile image
TheOldBoy in reply to TheOldBoy

I’m struggling to find the original paper, but am fairly sure this shows average life expectancy after 65 given COPD stage at 65… My interpretation (I’m not a clinician) if you can stay in the mild stage until 65 effects on life span are minimal

Good luck !!!

Average life expectancy after 65 given COPD stage at 65
GeoffSpark profile image
GeoffSpark in reply to TheOldBoy

Hi Adam -- thanks for the reply & I'm pleased you are doing well. I also hope your parents are ok.

I will look into getting an aerofit as I am quite active.

The thong I fear most is a chest infection -- I have a phone appt with the doctor on wed morning & I must remember to mention a rescue pack with antibiotics

I've been quite re-assured by the lovely people on here who seem to lesd full & active lives at a much more advanced stage than me.

Take care


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