unfortunately I have broke up with my girlfriend Lorraine.She found out I was seeing claire Lee and that was the end of that, on the bright side though I can see claire lee now Lorraine has gone .
sad news : unfortunately I have broke... - Lung Conditions C...
sad news

Seriously?? "Sadly" you were dumped because you were two timing your girlfriend - then are we meant to be happy for you that you can now see the other one? A bit of honesty in the first place might have helped. Well done Lorraine!
Jimmy cliff , I can see clearly now , 1970s record
OMG - oops. I have no sense of humour. Sorry soulboy - i thought it was odd as you didnt seem to be like that. I obviously need a joke trigger warning !! 🤣
That makes 2 of us, I was just about to send a reply when I noticed what sassy59 wrote. 🤣😅
It's fine honestly , I can sometimes be clumsy with my humour, you have a good day .
I should have realised but I was already in fighting mode on an entirely different off-forum issue. Now I think about it, I seem to remember having heard it before. Thanks for your reply Dave, and take care.
Lololol. In the 70’s I was in high school and three of us friends would say if that song played on the radio before 8 am we’d skip school that day. Well years later one of the friends had finally told us she was calling our local radio station requesting it be played before her school day began. 🤣🤣😂😂😂😅
Phew! I get it now Dave but I was very nearly cross with you then. “I can see Claire Lee now Lorraine has gone.”
Good song. Xxx👍😂😂😂
You should know me better Carole lol
Yes I did wonder. Xxx👍😂
I'm old school Carole, always a gentleman and I always try and put a smile on apple's faces x ,perhaps I should have given an explanation that it was a play on words relating to a early 70s song but that would have ruined the joke , I assumed most people would instantly get the famous song 🙄 xHope yourself and Pete are both doing well
Take care
Dave x
I must admit I was confused as to why you would say Claire Lee? I’m a bit slow on a Monday and too hot, that’s my excuse anyway.😂Great joke but not everyone would get it. I understand that. Good to have a laugh so thank you.
We’re doing ok thanks and hope you’re keeping well too.
Take care,
Carole xxxx👍
Good one SB. Made me laugh 😂
Oh I was so going to let rip at you, thank you sassy59 lol 🤣
Well… at first I wondered why you’d post such personal stuff that put you in a bad light only to read replies that … uh it’s a song 😂
Brilliant! 😂will have that song in my head all day now!! xxx
Hahaha, good one !
🤣🤣🤣 xx
Mate your a dickhead
Old but still good Made me think of my youth and all the Motown classics 4 tops Jimmy Ruffin etc.
Thanks for the reminder Dave
Blimey, that caused a flurry of responses!!! I love that song but it was the Hot House Flowers cover that I love. A lot of memories. Poor Lorraine!
Lol 🤣😂. I got it on the last line but then I thought to myself "he's got it wrong...it should be I can see clearly now the rain has gone! And then I thought no it's a play on words. Then I thought of Peter Kay and his sketch about misheard song lyrics which is hilarious. 🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂
Lol I've seen that really funny , mind you we all got lyrics wrong years ago
Yes like in We Are Family.... just let me staple the vicar.
Just for a few seconds I was going to blast you out of the water but then I was seeing clearly.
Very funny after explaining 🤣🤣
Whilst I also apologise for my comment as I'm only in possession on your reason for your break up & none of us in possession of anything underlying that may have also contributed (which in all fairness to you haven't volunteered for your personal reasons & not obliged to) I nevertheless feel my comment has to be said
From your comment I in my own mind am of the opinion of you are what is known is a Two Timing Road in the Grass given you entitle your comment sad news & start it with Unfortunately..... & ending with Now I can see Claire Lee now Lorraine is gone also in my personal opinion of you again just going off your comment is that you are very toxic & get no sympathy from me & don't deserve to have another woman in your life & if an event happens that gives Claire Lee reason to end it between yourselves I'm sure you would be devastated & it is also my opinion that the tables will be well & truly turned (to be clear I'm jot wishing that in you)
BTW in case you aren't familiar with the phrase Two timing toad in the grass the definition is on Google (emphasis on 2 timing) to deceive someone you are having a relationship with by having a secret relationship with someone else at the same time which is what you have done
From other comments you've made about various things /people you've struck me as a really nice person but now I've seen this my opinion of you has changed.
From whatever events took place for the break up I'm sure she didn't make the first move to break it up first on the surface if it I feel sorry for Lorraine & find you cruel & mean (&my comments are also based on my own experience when I did the same thing so I feel my comments are only slightly justified)
Never theless despite my views I'd like to continue to continue communicating with you like my fellow members of the forum are doing on your posts
I would also like to apologise to the Administrators for my outburst like that&fir using any language that may go against the rules of posting or if my entire comment breaks the rules of posting. I would understand if you saw fit to edit, remove my comment or if you see fit even ban me which as admins you're perfectly within your rights - but when I read what he out & the way he put it I saw red & which caused me to write my comment in that way because I'm so angry with him
I maybe missing something here but it was made very clear at the beginning that this was a play on words not a confession. Now if it was an actual event then I would be 100% behind your views and would add a few myself but it was a joke and as others have pointed out, a misinterpretation of words from a song
We all had fun with song lyrics from our youth , thank you for seeing this mc .
Sara, none of it true, it's a play on words from a famous British hit record from the early 1970s by an artist named Jimmy cliff, I can see clearly now , firstly I'm not a two time anx would never put such private information openly on any internet site, I apologise for the confusion I may have worded the joke better but to do so would have list the essence of the joke
To be fair I know of the song but don't know the lyrics
I know you wouldn't put any personal details as I know it breaks the rules but in fairness I commented based around what I saw on the surface of what I read & personal own Experience
I did in the first sentence. apologise for comments so if you're offended then of course I apologise so that it's fair
I can only re iterate I just clicked on the title & commented based on my first initial reading
Now that Lorraine has arrived in Bristol the garden is awash in joy. As you continue to see Claire Lee it will be interesting to see what value Lorraine brought to you. We welcome her by the bucketful.