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watching an attack of dypsnea and a panic attack .

soulboy118 profile image
26 Replies

it is not often we get to see what happens visually when we ourselves get an attack , I was unlucky enough to witness one last Saturday / sunday at 00.30 am , ( the outcome I will say is still developing but the prognosis is good)is frightening to say the least , I know we all know what it's liketo feel like we are being suffocated , our hearts are pounding we cant collect our thoughts ,the flight or fight mode has kicked in so adrenaline is coursing through the body which in our case only makes things worse . Panic attacks in themselves are an experience not to be taken lightly but they rear their ugly head amongst this perfect storm and you literally feel like your going to die.

As I said I witnessed a love one go through this so I dialled 999 and to their credit the paramedics car arrived in under 3mins , ambulance 1 minute later ,( they explained they were coming back from another call that didn't need transportation) watching this happen, the terror of not breathing , the clammy skin the grey look and watching them become uunresponsive is horrendous in itself and going to cause stress and stress to copd sufferers is not good . Luckily this has been a education to me and has taught me to be more accepting of how my copd affects others around me during it's most extreme moments . I obviously knew the effect my illness has loved ones but actually seeing an " attack" is educational .

the person in question is hopefully coming home Monday and has had no signs of copd before this attack but the diagnosis from respiratory consultant is copd early stage , can I say this is nothing more than an observational post and hopefully it will remind us to be more aware of our loved ones when we experience an " attack" and who knows it might just help us to help ourselves .

all the best and breath easy Dave.

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soulboy118 profile image
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26 Replies
sassy59 profile image

That is very scary Dave and you did the right thing dialling 999. Glad the person in question is feeling better. I’ve seen Pete have panic attacks and struggle to breathe but we work together to bring things back. I dread him ever going like that though. He’s scared of not being able to breathe ever again. Hoping you’re doing ok and the person in question will be ok too.

Take care,

Carole xxxx

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to sassy59

Thanks Carole, this is a first time attack for this person ( God I remember mine like it was yesterday) and she doesn't know how to handle it, she is very active goes the gym ( or coffee club as I call it ha ) 2 or 3 times a week so shes very active and normally fit as a fiddle but she smokes ( she doesn't anymore I'll see to that ) this has really scared her , it's almost like PTSD and hopefully I can help her with dealing with the psychological aspects of preventative life styles , hope yourself and Pete are ok , not been on for a while but I check in once in a while, take care Dave x

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to soulboy118

I’m sure you can help her Dave. Hoping things improve soon. We’re ok thanks, plodding on. Good to see you.

Carole xxx❤️

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to sassy59

Xx ditto Carole

garshe profile image
garshe in reply to sassy59

Yes Carole my daughter and I learned to work through my Panic attacks. She is fantastic. Thankfully don't get them anymore but was so scary. Once I realised you wont die from a panic attack that helped. Focusing on something else to take my mind if it and slowing my breathing down sorted it. Must say easier said than done though and it truly is a frightening experience. Pleased you are able to help Pete working together you really do look after him.Take care love to you both .Sheila xx🙌💕

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to garshe

You’re daughter is great and I’m pleased she’s there to help you Sheila. Thank you for your kind words and have a lovely Sunday. Carole xxx💕🥰

Jaybird19 profile image

hope she is ok now andshe is lucky to have you there. hopefully she will stop smoking but it will be difficult .

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to Jaybird19

Smoking is difficult habit to break but hopefully after a week un hospital shes halfway there

SORRELHIPPO profile image

I have panic attacks from a different cause. Am very lucky, that after CBT, I am better able to come out myself, and am able to reassure people quite quickly. Sometimes I can actually stop them, but other times I have learnt what to do/say to allow others to help. I do admit I scared and then baffled a couple of ambulance drivers about a month ago, They were going to carry chair me back into my flat (being discharged after a month in hospital). Carry chair, requires me to be strapped in with arms under the strap, and then wrapped in a blanked, so cannot move arms at all. I cannot cope with being out of control and freaked out completely. As I could just about haul in enough air to breath, snarled "unwrap me". When they did, they were surprised to get back a completely rational woman. I am thinking of getting a few squares of cardboard, with basic instructions on, to assist my helpers when I cannot control the irrational fear. I persuaded the ambulance drivers to go up and open my front door, then follow behind as I went up on all fours. All they the had to do was stand me up when I had crawled into the flat. They were amazed that I could go from screaming ab dabs to normal in a few seconds, too difficult to try and explain the sheer terror, but admit it is time for me to have another bout of CBT, as the last is wearing off, but did help to have things in brain ready to think and say. All the best to you both.

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to SORRELHIPPO

We all know ourselves best S.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to SORRELHIPPO

I would have been the same SH as I am so claustrophobic and cant stand to be constricted in anyway. I have nightmares about this thst brings me out in a cold sweat x

pepparuby1 profile image

I hate to say I had to Google dypsnea - duh 🙄 But I’m very aware if I have anxiety I can’t breathe and I try to take long deep breaths it’s horrible. What’s worse Dave is when I’m out walking and someone chatters away to me and expects me to answer!! That happened Friday at my clinical trial I was escorted by the research nurse and she was chattering away on my way for an echocardiogram- you’d have thought she’d know!!! Anyway good to hear from you

Have an enjoyable weekend

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to pepparuby1

I had to Google how to pronounce it after a consultant mentioned it during a consultation Kate ( and with a northern accent ha,) this attack certainly wont make my top 10 highlights of my life unless it's for a worst bits reel. Sorry to hear you had an episode and yes it is hard to get your breath back and to keep the world in one place , I sometimes equate those moments to a fair ground worker asking you to scream if you want to go faster when all you want to do is get off ,its funny how in times of stress the mind takes you to places you dont want to go, anyway ever onward and upwards , I hope your trial produces some results for you and all of us as well, have a lovely Sunday and as always breath easy .Dave

Caspiana profile image

Hello Dave.

This happened in a classroom one day. One of my students had taken ill suddenly and had not been in school for a few days. The next thing we know she had passed away. So it was the job of us teachers to break this news to the class. It was very shocking of course . One of the girls went into a full blown panic attack upon hearing the news. We went through all the procedures to help her gain some control but it just escalated and she fainted so we called an ambulance. It was frightening and set off alarm amongst the other students. I had several students who had panic attacks during my career. I always had to be cautious with triggers that might set things off.

I hope your loved one is feeling better now and I hope you have been given advise as to how to deal with this in case of future events (hopefully none). xx 🌿

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to Caspiana

Hi C. What a horrible experience for not only your students but for you as well , I've always found things difficult emotionally when unfortunate things happen to children , I suppose it's because they are so innocent and are deserving of our protection but that's just me .

Good to hear from you by the way, and as always I send my best wishes for your continued good health and look forward to reading your next interesting post , have a good weekend whatever is left of it for you , breath easy

Dave x

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to soulboy118

Thank you Dave. And to you too. xx 👋😃

Izb1 profile image

A very frightening episode for both you and the person suffering the panic attack. I have only had one attack and it frightened the pants of me, I really couldn't breathe and it sounded like i had whooping cough. I used a paper bag as I had seen this on a tv programme which really did help. I do hope your friend is now ok and will see the sense in stopping smoking x

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to Izb1

She has seen sense and stated she will stop smoking, I believe her .

watergazer profile image

How scary for you both. Thank goodness all seems well and she’s coming out of hospital. I’m sure you’ll be a great help. Xx

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to watergazer

I'm certainly going to try to be x

micox profile image

I had a similar episode in hospital, in June. Came to on a breathing machine in a different ward. My wife told me she had been phoned and rushed to the ward but I had no recollection of this. Was out for the night hours. Was treated for a hospital acquired infection and have been OK since despite having had COPD for 5 years. I had avoided/refused anything with steroids in all that time but they've now persuaded me, after the scary episode, onto Trimbow.

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to micox

Horrible things these attacks , takes years to get used to if one can that is .

teenieleek profile image

Good to see you and that’s probably a really helpful post for lots of us. Thank you.

Qr83k_-Jd profile image

Omg that must have been awful for you to witness such a horrible experience. You have helped me a great deal by sharing your experience with the community. COPD kills that is the awful truth but you can help it a huge amount by quitting. I have a few people throughout Britain and you have definitely made me much more aware of them and their feelings in relation to my COPD. That message really frightened me go death but it is a great wake up call ready to treat my COPD with respect. Thank you for writing that message and I wish you and your friend to be as well as possible.

soulboy118 profile image
soulboy118 in reply to Qr83k_-Jd

This is a wonderful forum to find help , advice and for friends who have so much in common with each other , wishing you the best for the futureDave

Qr83k_-Jd profile image
Qr83k_-Jd in reply to soulboy118

Thankyou I feel very supported by this community and you are given a lot of advice. So you are not feeling guilty for for using this site. You will remember they need to complete and accept how you felt at the time and get to know yourself a wee bit better as it is because you will accept what happened during the time it happened and then move on. You will succeed and I hope you remain as good as you are.

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