I have Bronchiectasis, repeated pneumonia has resulted in a collapsed lower left lobe. I also have two PE in my upper right lung. I am lucky enough to be able to work, my job is mainly office based. However walking from the car if I can’t park on-site is starting to be a problem. I am 55 and otherwise fit and well. Would I qualify for a blue badge?
do I qualify : I have Bronchiectasis... - Lung Conditions C...
do I qualify

The questions for a blue badge focus more on how your condition affects you than what it's called. I applied online.
The threshold for a blue badge is quite high - for physical conditions, it generally comes down to the distance you can walk, either literally (in metres) or before the effort of walking causes you problematic pain or breathlessness. I qualify for low rate mobility for PIP (I have both inflammatory and osteo arthritis effecting my back, knees, hips, and ankles, as well as two dodgy hips independent of the arthritis), and on my worst days can’t make it to the post box 300m from my front door without stopping at least once each way. I don’t currently qualify for a blue badge. If you already receive high rate mobility for PIP, then you’re automatically eligible.
This list isn’t exhaustive but should give you some idea of whether or not you might be successful:
Although that’s a national government page, it’s your local county council that make the decision on applications.

I’m astonished you don’t get high rate mobility. Wtf.Xx

I’m disgusted that you don’t qualify for a blue badge Charlie. It’s a disgrace. Xx💕

Am astounded you aren’t able to get a blue badge Charlie. How many points do you have for mobility? Often those on low rate mobility can get a blue badge automatically. I certainly did before I moved to enhanced mobility. I know of others who have blue badge based on low rate mobility. I have just checked and if you get 8 points on moving around section then is automatic.

You can still get one but youll have to either see their physio or 0T and they can say yes or no
It's worth applying I did and got full amount which meant I could go for the mobility car. If wanted put on form your bad days especially walking.
You can only try but please don’t use the phrase ‘I’m otherwise fit and well’. Unfortunately for this purpose, whilst being honest we have to think the opposite of what is good for us and feel negative. It is a means to an end. You could contact Welfare Rights or CA for advice.Cx
I have bronchiectasis and have had a Blue Badge since 1998. My heart failed in 2012. In 2014 Warwick council decided that they would not renew unless I was assessed. The assessor was so disgusted with them that she gave me a PIP form. Since 2015 I have had PIP with upper level mobility and a car. It is worth applying. Remember that they are ticking boxes as to how your condition affects your daily life. Don’t be brave. Tell it how it is on the bad days.
I have a blue badge , although I need to renew it every couple of years I will not be assessed again. When applying in the application you need to think of the impact on your very worst day.
Little Poms reply says it all. The decision is a local one by your local council. I applied just recently and had no problem in getting a badge. Go ahead and apply with your worst day in mind.
Sadly it’s very much down to individual local authorities. The rules are interpreted very differently from place to place. I needed a blue badge in early 40’s but my then local authority absolutely refused. This was despite letters from gp and consultant. I even got my MP involved!! They kept insisting (totally wrongly) that if I was that bad I should have (in those days) Disability Living Allowance. Once I had that I was then able to get a blue badge.
I would definitely apply and see how you get on. As your walking is becoming difficult it could be worth applying for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). If getting that, your application for blue badge is automatic!
Do you get mobilty part of pips/dla if you do you can apply for but if not you can still apply but youll have to be seen by physio/ot from social services to see if you qualify as you have to get intouch with social aervices for them.Good luck
You can ring social sercices and do it over the phone but if you got mobility part of pips at high rate you need to photo coppy your award letter and a passport photo it cost £10 when i applied dont know if the price gone up or not.